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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. OP doesn't state 'motorized' or not. Which case, motorized, would be salang, or simply a side cart on a motorbike. Unless a trike, or something fancier. Cart on every street, for me, implies the ones selling fruit, roti, bbq, and something that is pushed or pulled. Motorized, and I'd envision simply a side cart on scooter. Google 3 wheeled cart, and you get all kinds, not necessarily seen here. Type out 'three wheel (ed) cart' and you get a few different versions with Gtranslate.
  2. On the DECO 2X a day, everyday, if not more. ZS, when needed / wanting, since having the DECO. I'll take 2 wheels over 4 most times around town.
  3. As stated before, badge / name could be anything as far as I'm concerned. Brit / UJ / MG was actually a turn off for me. 'RSR' would have been cool ???? Funny works for me. I got a DECO SUSU, made in China. Do you really think I care.
  4. Same ... very happy, though only had ZS for 27k kms. Best value out there IMHO. As far as being 'China made', that's the best thing that ever happened to the MGs. When I first saw them on Thai roads a few years back, first thought was 'hell no', they were unreliable back when. Then found out, SAIC was producing them and had to take a peek and quite glad I did ????
  5. Gov't doesn't have to mandate it. An intelligent person will just go solar in Thailand, IF possible. With a 5-10 yr ROI, then your energy is almost free, depending on system and amount of ESS. Almost free, now that's a lot cheaper in my world. The only thing I'll need to buy is cooking gas, and petrol if & when using the ICE, and they're just a luxury / convenience thing, and no longer necessary.
  6. 7 1/2 yr old vid ... I'd be surprised if they still practice that. Things are much improved. Not saying many Thai beaches are sh!tholes, littered with trash, as I've seen my share. But not when I've been on Phuket. Fecal count is another story of course, during high season with millions of tourist, but I wouldn't visit then. But then, where is pristine / fecal ct free, that is visited by millions every year.
  7. Without tourist, I would expect the fecal count to be 'acceptable', as all the visits to Phuket, I've never had an ear infection. Although, I usually never go high season. Feb 2021 was pristine without tourist. If fecal count is you bar for pristine, then no beach visited by tourist is pristine, anywhere. I visit plenty of non-tourist beaches that are pristine, but I'd never post about them, just for that reason. No tourist, no fecal count. Sort of like, YOU are the reason, they aren't pristine.
  8. I think that would be the Wuling line, also badged as Chevy (Enjoy & N400). They even make a nice EV, though as usual, 2X the cost in Thailand vs China, so not the best value in Thailand, when you can spend 50k more, and get an ICE (Suzuki Celerio) w/600-700 kms range https://th.carro.co/blog/wuling-hongguang-mini-ev-2021/
  9. If someone in power wants that land, and company isn't legit, operating toward profitability ... ... well then, thank you for your donation.
  10. Is it really that hard to look both ways, twice, before you cross the street ...
  11. .... 3 wheeled food cart ... would be my guess
  12. All the ones I visited last time looked excellent ... .... without tourist ... ???? Even Rawai looked great, considering it's not a 'swimmer's' beach. A playlist of, please point out what's not pristine:
  13. I won't buy fresh if frozen is available, just for that reason.
  14. Besides lack of boat 'harassment', maybe N gulf is getting too polluted and fish out for their liking.
  15. If investing in Thailand, (having spouse), land. If not, Thailand or anywhere, then play the markets. Although, without knowledge, experience, and proper software, most lose, or if lucky, break even with little gains. It's a scam, and you need to realize that, and use it to your advantage. Worse investment strategy ... advice from any stock broker.
  16. Short answer for the OP ... not really, as it's a "Thai thing" as stated for BKK weekenders, and Phuket is geared more toward the Intern'l tourist. You'll find vendors & restaurants on the edge / street side, but nothing like you describe, or that I've seen anyway. No market for it, and doesn't sell well to the int'l crowd. Kamala was the most comfy, I thought, one section havin a couple restaurants few steps from the sand. Kata has a street vendor section. Surin has a line of vendors also, steps from the sand. I visit Ao Manao quite frequently, and hand out at southern end, just to avoid that 'seating' area of the sand, for all the reason point out previously.
  17. Me, going solar. Natural gas burns 'cleaner', better, or so I read, 66% of Thai's energy source. 21% from coal. Wasn't my idea, so not OK, but it is what the Gov't allows. 3% alternative energy source. Leaves 10% for oil. It's a work in progress, and coal is probably on everyone's short list (except China) to stop using. So all that oil / petrol production is mostly for ICEs. That / ICEs we can stop, cut down using now, especially most people not out & about, or save the ICEs for just out & about or when needed. All I care about is oil spoils, as stated, the Global warming / climate change BS, fairly irrelevant to me, as 1C over next century or 2 isn't an issue, and will eventually occur naturally anyway. The only thing I can control is using less of the end product of oil, so minimizing that use, and producing my own solar for my everyday needs, is all I can do. Everyone should start somewhere, not by justifying the better of 2 evils, as there is an alternatives you can do today.
  18. I eat whatever I want, using just a bit of common sense & moderation. Very little processed food ... don't need extra sugar, hydrogenated oils, or preservatives Easy on the pastries ... don't need scientist to tell me, the scale will Very little alcohol ... body tells me the next day, that was stupid, if too much Non-smoker ... 1st time trying, body instantly told me, that's a bad idea, you idiot Just have to listen to your body, and don't need to pay someone for crappy advice. Yearly or every so often blood work (blood sugar / cholesterol) tells me I'm doing OK, upper mid range of normal, so I'm not giving up what I enjoy. I've done the insurance life expectancy surveys, both super healthy & totally unhealthy lifestyle, and only gain a few years, so not going to sacrifice my smile for so little extra time.
  19. ANYWHERE, except where I am, or visit regularly, so please go & enjoy: Pattaya Phuket Samui
  20. Why EVs ... #1 reason for myself, aside from operating cost, is oil spills, whether on land or at sea. Especially for Thailand, since small percentage of energy is produce from oil. 90% produce from non-oil sources. Almost all oil / petrol production is for ICEs. Oil slick heading toward Gulf of Thailand shores https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/bid-to-prevent-oil-slick-reaching-gulf-of-thailand-shore/ar-AAT3qIO?pfr=1
  21. Keep as GF, as can be as you state, 'passion douser'. Simply apply for the tourist visa, and she'll be good for 10 yrs. If that doesn't then can get the 'fiance' visa, and go from there, marriage really wanting.
  22. As stated, that's a tough one. Legally, think you need to classify yourself in management / tech support or something 'allowed' that Thai don't do. And I'd stay incognito as much as possible, as can't be flipping burgers in public, when your accounting/manager/tech support ... ???? Especially if quite successful and / or, if in high traffic area or well known to expat community, as your competition, whether expat, more likely, or Thai, would be the first to rat you out.
  23. I personally wouldn't consider them / Triumph a Brit / UK company, simply because HQ registered in UK. Manufacturing, part & labor now all Thai & Chinese parts probably. Not Brit / UK made, that's for sure. Will it follow MG's lead, with 'Brit Designed' designation ... ???? Harley going the same route ... blasphemy. Although first thing my buddy did when he bought his new full dresser, was ditch the HD carbs & electrical for Jap upgrade. Thought that way too funny. He really regretted selling me his Hondas every time he 'upgraded'. Same as all the USA companies, that Asia makes all their products for. Simply 'badge' a USA name. They you hear the die hard 'nationalist', crying buy 'American' ... ???? Sorry, best product for best price ... sold. Sabre rattle all you want, but not with my wallet.????
  24. I read the title as a 'Sith' ... thinking where's a Jedi when you need one. Oh yea ... brutal, that sucks. R I P
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