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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I'd listen to the voice in your head. How many 8 yr old dying of covid ? Vaccines are a complete unknown as NO long term studies. Deaths by age at USA, one of worst hit with covid. Also consider, new strains are very weak. 1 per 100k ... vaccinating children is one of the silliest things I've ever heard, IMHO https://healthequitytracker.org/exploredata?gclid=Cj0KCQiA_8OPBhDtARIsAKQu0gahf32IKGxnE9hpr1CvrY7hfdDBmzG1Nh-Xf2LEHF7g99cinUzvZUQaAhjvEALw_wcB&demo=age&dt1=deaths
  2. If done for convenience, then I personally have no issue, though overpriced service charge IMO. But if done to get around the financial requirements ... that's corruption, that I disagree with, and won't support ... at this time ... ???? But those that do use, for wrong reason, and then complain about corruption, well ... nuff said already. An aside, I had same issue, sort of, one month shy of deposit, since dd started later, but over the year, more than enough for requirement. IO simply ask if I could deposit 400k in this week, no prob, so just gave me a 2 month extension until it seasoned. Did charge me 1900 for it, than again, 1900 when extending for the year on return.???? Both w/receipt. If retirement, probably would have used his discretion and approved. But since marriage goes to BKK ... oh well.
  3. Some people are that stupid...buy British ???????? On the flip side of that ... Don't buy Chinese ... ???????? Both sound ridiculous to anyone with intelligence ????
  4. I think 'plastic' is the least thing to worry about, if so inclined, or caring. The electric (fossil fueled) to operate sorting stations, electric scanners for tracking (making & battery), fuel for shipping, local and or international. Simply having the ability to read & reply to this thread ... you, we are the problem. ???? All those not being an organic subsistence farmer should be ashamed of themselves. Ask me if I care ...
  5. I don't know about the UK letter / Imm PoPo, but Imm apparently actually read the USA affidavit, and specifically states, info is not verified, just the signature. Actually surprised they ever accepted them. Must have been those billions of $$$ over the decades of support that kept the blinders on.
  6. Damn Brits .... ???? ... I remember those days .... day ... ???? ... AH ... but was it enough to qualify for retirement visa ...
  7. Along with having the best selling model in EU, whether ICE or EV.
  8. I think they bought it more for the ease of ownership in UK, and ease of established distribution rights. Yes, they'd be foolish not to work the 'since 1924 / MG 'good' history' as so many apparently ignorant buyer with buy into that. Intelligent customers, will see past the promos, and check out the specs and manufacturing company, before even a hands on, sit in experience. I do anyway. Look at specs before I waste my time shopping. Research and reviews. If going by what I thought prior to the research, I'd never bought our MG ZS. As the past MG badge was as trustworthy as Detroit c r a p, and would avoid them, without intense research. I did own a Ford Escort way back when ... oh wait, only from knowing that was Mazda rebadged ... ????
  9. Well it is 6 lane divided road / highway. And a long stretch of for city road. I think the hospital should have built an overpass to accommodate staff & customers, if crossing is needed. Any 6 lane divided hwy should in itself scream ... be extremely careful when crossing. Didn't watch the vid, but if described as above, doc should have peeked around that van to make sure the coast was clear before proceeding. Surely she did not.
  10. Just watched a vid on that one last night. Good luck getting that here / Thailand for 200k. China has a few nice ones also, but Thai pricing is 2X +, making them not the best value. Some with decent specs for getting around town. I'm not wanting something for out & abouts. Keep thinking about a couple myself. Waiting for better pricing. The e-motorcycle isn't going to work well on rainy days. ???? Not that I would ride any scooter in the rain.
  11. Yes, personal indeed. I couldn't live, forever in a suburban environment, and more about having neighbors within earshot or even sight. Actually living in suburbia now, a townhouse with connecting neighbors, awaiting house build to be finished. Actually a very good neighborhood, as mostly single homes owners, all renters next to me have been excellent. Tolerate me well. Prior rental was next to an apt bldg, and they were a bit noisy, expected as younger tenants, and a temporary arrangement for us, as again, waiting to move after a sale and then an eventual build completion. I think I would prefer a larger 'condo' in the Big Mango, if I could afford, rather than any housing in a touristy area, or even a 'rental' area in suburbia. 100 m² condos are silly priced per m². To be neighbor-less, you do need to go out a bit further than many prefer. As long as I'm 15-30 minutes away for everyday shopping / living, then it would work for me. Easily found, with exception of greater Krung Thep metro. Even the other larger 10 ish metros, and mere 15-30 minutes away from, and you could be considered in the sticks / rural area. Housing options a bit more limited, and if owning & selling, may take longer than wanting to wait. 3 yrs for our last sale. 1 day, before even listed for previous sale ???? All things to be considered when deciding on a place to retire. Why most recommend renting for quite some time before buying in, if ever.
  12. Kind of surprised me, and a bit disappointing. Some would annoy me, as they did the YTer. Like his comment about NEDC ratings for range. Seem very appropriate with all things electric. Guessing we are never privy to 'perfect conditions'. Find this to be true in all my electric toys, some more accurate 'ratings' than others. From my drones, RC cars / boats, to my e-motorcycle, rated at 120-150 range, and I'd guess maybe 100 kms, at their recommended 'way to slow' speed. Quite happy with them, but need to take the promos / specs / ratings, sometimes, with a large grain of salt. Some fairly accurate, others, well ... NEDC ... ???? Hopefully they'll become closer to reality in the future, as complaints hit the home offices, and they realize, they're doing themselves no favors at the sales level with untrusting prospective buyers. ICE (vs EV) ratings seem to be more accurate, and my ICE Vios, Mazda2 & MG ZS were, is pretty much spot on.
  13. I'm fairly law abiding myself. Though TBO, I violate more than a few laws, traffic & others, but 'safely'. Have yet to have on oops or incident because of, but do proceed with well thought out caution.
  14. Yes, I believe there are some old listing vendors didn't cancel / delete. I actually ordered a countertop oven for one. 5k & 3k priced from same vendor. Surprisingly, the vendor honored the lower price, then 'out of stock'. Have also had orders cancelled, when an excellent price. Guessing just an old or expired price / listing. I've order the last piece, then noticed a lower price for same item afterwards on same listing, but, 'out of stock' ???? And the opposite, on a LAZ or Shopee listing on 'shopping' page of Google, then listing opens at a much higher price. Got to read the not so fine print of everything.
  15. Never heard the expression. Maybe ask on a lesbo forum, to see if it has any meaning. Maybe a pick up line, us ignorant folks haven't been clued into yet ... ????
  16. Not an expert, but would think no different than if connected to PEA. Your energy source / inverter will connect to your breaker box, assuming grounded / earthed, as it should be. Hope to be corrected, if mistaken.
  17. Reading the daily news, and some forum replies, and I tend to be welcoming death more and more everyday ... ????????????????
  18. ???????????????? same same ... not different. That's why I left that sh!thole decades ago.
  19. Guessing most people replying have no idea where said crosswalk is. It's on a major road, 6 lane divided road. https://www.google.com/maps/@13.7591474,100.534994,3a,75y,37.08h,93.43t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-fUJP2Q-_NvNQljSw6MCow!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Sorry, as wrong as the officer 'may' have been, the responsibility of pedestrians crossing is to look before crossing, to make sure it's safe to, then proceed. Especially at that location, as vehicle cruise rather quickly on that road. Even though there is an overhead, flashing yellow crosswalk warning sign for drivers, I wouldn't expect anyone driving < 60 kph. TBH, I would have been cruising rather fast myself on that road. 60 kph easily. Considering that road, I find it hard to believe the doc did that, looked carefully before proceeding. As it is straight away, both direction with no blind spots. People really do need to take responsibility for themselves.
  20. Young = any age under 68 Next year it will be < 69 Kids ... ???? Old farts at present are > 69 & up OT ... gambling / drug debt, or simple mugging ? Someone name a country where police are walking a beat at 11:30 pm ? Police report crime, they don't prevent it.
  21. When was the last time you actually tried using it to 'purchase' something ? I have a (Thai) wallet, and used only for refunds, which lately (2), last week were promptly processed, both for 20+k baht. 1. refunded within 3 days to bank account after order cancellation, since finding same item, cheaper on flagship store. Cancelled prior to shipping. 2. same item, not working properly, refund approved, just waiting for scheduled pick up of item for return, on the 29th. Expect funds to be transferred within 3 days of receipt of return. Never an issue with COD or prepaid refunds. These 2 were both, #1 prepaid (7-11) as vendor required since >20k, #2 was COD, also >20k and only 500 baht cheaper, but better return policy.
  22. And yet I see people respect both on a daily basis, with very few ignoring them. Anti-Thai statement don't help anyone, and simply show your prejudice.
  23. A couple repliers didn't seem to read the OP ... "driver of the bike Marut, 31" Fix the intersection, may simply mean install stop signs / lights, as many intersection have none. " intersection has no lights and locals say it is an accident blackspot"
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