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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yea, they can't take the abuse SS & cast iron can. My skillets are 24 & 26cm, which is about right, as you'll need some room to get the spatula in there, along with any stir frying, stirring, and keep things in the pan. The plus about the copper one, the high sides, great for stir fry. Because of that, I even picked up another cast iron 'griddle', round, looks like a pizza pan with handle, just for pancakes, as really hard to flip in skillet, unless doing 1 at a time. Happy Shopping
  2. For eggs, and lower temp cooking (if fearing high temp teflon BS), then a non stick pan is the way to go. Doesn't have to be teflon. Again, I love my cast iron, though heavy, and not for everyone, especially the newer 'unfinished / rough surface' they put out. But I made mine as good as, actually better than any non stick pan out there. There's ceramic ???? see below, & stone / glass coated, though not really a fan of. Bought this at Makro, was on sale for 699, went back later, after a bit of research, off sale, and promo display dismantle, the few left, were buried in stock, on the self with rest of pans, for 399 ???? so I bought 2, 1 for daughter. Very nice looking & non stick ceramic pan. Not heavy, but also not thin and should last longer than other c r a p I've bought. If near a Makro, worth looking for. Top 28cm, bottom surface 16cm, and great pan for eggs and or stir fry, as little higher sides than standard skillet, though less bottom surface. If don't mind putting a little effort, OK, maybe a lot for some, but worth it to have a smooth surface non stick cast iron skillet. It is heavy, and clean up a breeze compared to my SS fry pan.
  3. Obviously, and I've posted those thoughts previously. Death #s are a bit different...sort of. So again, fall back on common sense, word of mouth (my social media), and personal experiences, or lack of, when covid involved. Not pandemic IMHO, actually, not even close. <1% worldwide, and that's greater than 10X the amount recorded dying from, so that's just silly, to call that a pandemic. Again, just my opinion. All welcome to their own.
  4. Know those listed risks. Also know of the risk of salmonella from raw eggs. Probably have eaten 1000s of raw / undercooked eggs in my lifetime, and not once even the slightest ill effects. Go figure. As I stated, buying raw milk, good to know the product & vendor. One I posted about has an excellent track record ... I think. Can't live in fear of every risk your whole life.
  5. A chanote ... hmm. Thought they were just issued for land. Pleading total ignorance with condo purchases. Good Luck with the Blue & yellow books.
  6. X10 on the death rate, and still less than 1% of world population. Not sure that falls under ... ... "affecting a significant proportion of the population" IMHO anyone, obviously, others disagree. Love it when people state ... can't trust the numbers. If you're going make them up along the way, why bother quoting anything. So, I'll go by what I personally know & see. Few that I know contracted, and NONE died of covid. Sort of matches the #s I posted.
  7. So worldwide, < 5 % (4.688%) of the population, infected, and < 0.1 % dying from. Thailand so much less than even those numbers. Here's webster's definition, a wee bit different than WHO's Definition of pandemic (Entry 1 of 2) 1: occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents) and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population Not sure < 5 % or < 0.1 % counts as as significant proportion.
  8. Guess the few gals in photo are spouses. "We Are the World" ... NOT Simply more clickbait from HHtoday.
  9. I'm more of a ... "there never was any good reason" person. Is it even a 'pandemic' as that is supposed to be something that affects a large portion of the population. What is considered large portion now. 1-3-5-10 %
  10. Big fan of cast iron & heavy bottom stainless steel. Use mostly our cast iron skillets for most things. Really depends what you are cooking on. Cast iron not really good for induction.
  11. Got to read the not so fine small print ...
  12. I've actually done that more than a few times. Walking the extra distance to, then up & over. As I don't do steps well, with my uncooperative hip. Quite able to, just prefer not to, when not needing.
  13. Sorry, I was only there for a few minutes. Had to pay my parking ticket from soi 6.????
  14. Thailand, it's 55% from Natural Gas, 18% from Coal, 12% from renewable (hydro / wind), leaving minimal from oil, and doesn't even get a 1% on the graph. 14% imported, and if from Myanmar, that's hydro & natural gas. From Laos, it would be hydro produced. Aside from coal, Thailand is kind of clean, when it comes to energy production. And as pointed out, many homeowners are going solar, since now quite affordable. Myself included, total solar, next month or abouts. Now get rid of the ICE vehicles, and there wouldn't be oil spills this week in the Gulf. OK, dreaming, but it would be nice.
  15. When in UT, we didn't use too much in cool season. Damn chilly at times, when in the teens. Outside at night here it's cool, though bedroom still seems to retain some heat. AC at night is more just a dehumidifier. Daytime, brutal heat, and poor construction. 0830 and already 24 / feels like 28,, headed toward 33 / feels like 35+. AC set on 27, so more like dehumidifier at present, and makes a world of difference.
  16. Don't know about the difference or handles heat retention. Just wanted to point out, in case you didn't notice, bottom of pan is only 8cm, and that's very small. You're basically buying a wok. What will you be using it on, as our small 16cm saucepans have a hard time setting properly on our gas range. Bit of a balancing act, and if empty, they simply tip over.
  17. Maybe ... สิทธิเก็บกิน "สิทธิเก็บกิน (Usufruct) “สิทธิเก็บกิน” ตาม ป.พ.พ. มาตรา 1417" http://www.lawfirm.in.th/usufruct.html#:~:text=สิทธิเก็บกิน (Usufruct),อำนาจจัดการทรัพย์สินนั้นได้
  18. That just confuses me even more. Having a hard time wrapping my head around that, and don't think I'd be comfortable with that situation. Type of visa aside, how would you get a yellow book, if no name in the blue book, as who would go to the office to authorize / allow you to be added to the blue book via yellow, since no name in the blue book. How's that conversation go; Like to be issued a yellow book ... OK, is the owner here ... yea that's me .... say what, can I see your blue book ... here .... no name, you're messing with me right. Is that a new kind of Catch 22-3-4 or what ???? So except for bill of sale, and whatever paperwork in the condo's owner/management/builder's office, there isn't much of a record that you actually own anything or even reside there. Kind of leaves things open for a bit of scamming. Blue book & yellow book is almost as important here as a Gov't ID. How would you get a 'letter of residence' from Imm if not able to produce something. Not sure writing yourself a lease, without a blue book, or a no name blue book is going to work ... ???? Yea, it's mine, trust me.
  19. Learn something new everyday, as strange as that is. Does explain the quest for the yellow. THANKS
  20. He owns, so can't avoid land & property tax, which is so minimal, why bother trying to avoid. Example of 'high' property tax, 2.5m baht house on 2 rai of land = 5 baht tax ... that was yearly tax ???? I understand 'empty / unused' land is at a higher rate, but just say you're farming, and you avoid the higher rate. It's all a bit of a joke. I can't see them issuing a yellow book, if having a blue book, and no reason not to have a blue book.
  21. I've had 3 yellow books, and not married at the time to the any of the blue book holders.
  22. If having a blue book, why would you need a yellow book, if they would even issue one, as a bit redundant. Maybe why they didn't, and something is lost in translation he didn't understand.
  23. cnbc ... should of known, 2018, not about oil or military ... Trump bashing. They probably spend a lot more than that, supporting regimes, before & after regime changes of now friendly oil rich countries. Got to guard those wells / refineries, ports and waterways. Military overseas .... major pet peeve of mine, and has nothing to do with defense. Just corporate security force. USA Military should never leave USA soil / waters. IMHO
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