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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I had no problem, on 2 different houses in Udon Thani. Fast, easy, inexpensive (150 baht), and they were for 'life'.
  2. Sounds like a bit of a insurance scam to me. Why should insurance not cover this virus, coronavirus, flu, since other viruses are covered. Just another respiratory bug, like all the rest. You'd think they'd just be happy with the profits of the annual flu / booster shots, every 3 - 6 - 12 months. 44,500 influenza & pneumonia deaths in 2018, and i'm sure the insurance covered them. What's with the money grab. The covid virus is teetering out, to 10-15 a day dying, and puts it at a lower level of other respiratory bugs. Even at 20 add a day, that's only 7300 a year. Way below others. https://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/thailand-influenza-pneumonia What next, different policies for different cancers or different bones breaking.
  3. I've bought scissor jack before, from Lazada, also small floor hydraulic jack. Make sure it will lift your car weight+, and ground clearance+++
  4. @ 4:25 ???????????? https://insideevs.com/news/467456/drag-race-small-pocket-rocket-evs/
  5. Good luck with. Be like an ICE manufacturer trying to stop you from swapping out a blown engine. Sure computer geeks will figure away to get around any software lockouts Musk & Co can think of. Already have 3rd party mechanic swapping cells out of the earlier, out of warranty models.
  6. That's the price quoted on 'that vid' ... only Buddha knows what that included, as it was a used / refurbished car to begin with. Whole packs usually / probably don't need to be replaced, just the weakest links / cells in the pack. Yes, still a ??? Google suggests this, so possibly anywhere in the 10k & up, as a negative range now, though would imagine cheaper & better as time goes on. "How much does it cost to replace a Teslas battery? Tesla batteries are designed to last between 300,000 and 500,000 miles, so replacement shouldn't be a major concern for most drivers. It's estimated that the cost to replace a Model 3 battery will be in the $3,000 to $7,000 range." https://evannex.com/pages/the-cost-of-a-tesla-the-costs-of-the-tesla-models-maintenance-charging-and-more
  7. Got the Grand Prix running now ... imagine if these were EVs ... more powerful & faster, which they would be, but they'd be humming by ... literally HUMMING by .... ????
  8. Knew someone would pick up on that. Yea, affected a very small percentage of my daily 'life', just like the virus affected (killed) a very small percentage of the Thai and world population.
  9. You shouldn't make assumptions from a photo, of a work in progress. Have a nice day.
  10. It's more about economics, and practicality, here in SEA. Since few larger than 150ish cc are really made here, and importing jacks up the price so much, it should be Big 'Priced' bike crashed. I thought about getting a Honda 750, till realized the price here vs back home, and beside killing myself, wouldn't spend that much here for 2 wheels just for spite / principle ... ???? Besides, riding a larger bike defeats half the reason for having 2 wheels. Any further than 75 ish kms, and I'm taking the car anyway. Those days of 6 hour rides / outings, are way in the past. Comfy on a 900, but nothing less and not now. After an hour now, and I want off. Actually surprised how much I'm enjoying the e-scooter around town and haven't got bored with it yet. Helps having the dog with me, and actually bought that model specifically for her. Sold a perfectly good Wave 125, as rarely drove it.
  11. Whoa ... 11 million subscribers ???? They should have a few million $$$ tucked away. Think I'd retire & call it quits also. Oh yea ... I am bored, ???? both my lovies are asleep next to me. Must have been a rough morning.
  12. I could not tell you 1 neighbors name, in 20+ years. If not family, or someone I invited to or got invited to their home, I haven't a clue or care who you are. On Topic .... obviously, they think the virus floated over to your house.???? ... that's why you keep all test results to yourself.
  13. Nothing but click bait for HH Today, as are most of the regurgitated stories. "and if you want to contribute to my channel" .... "now have patreon" ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  14. As long as 'war' is profitable, it will be the leading story in MSM war on racism war on criminals war on immigrants war on drugs war on terrorist war on "insert country" war on viruses If not for the purpose of the billion dollar business it creates & supports, then just to distract you from the real issues ... and your tax dollars .... that you should be paying attention to.
  15. Well, nothing 'new' about 'news' of someone dying on a 125cc or smaller scooter. But 'Big Bike' .... whoa ... that's a headliner that will get the most bored to peak at .... click bait comes to mind.
  16. To my knowledge, almost every poster here is anonymous. Including the OP & yourself. Article from a 'for profit' site, generates money every time someone clicks on it reads. Covid covid covid, its' everywhere for a reason ... it's profitable. Just relaying my & wife's family & friends experience. Feel free to believe or not. As I feel free to ignore most of your replies to me.
  17. "I would be hard pressed to find a single person in Thailand that has not been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in some way.... " I'm quite the opposite, except for mask and business opening rules, I don't know anyone that was affected by Covid-19 in Thailand, in a healthwise / medical way. Or know anyone else that has been. None of my friends, none of my wife's aunts, uncles, cousins, or 8 siblings' families (ages 45-70) with children & grandchildren .... not 1 Go figure ... ???? Kind of makes you think a wee bit different than some folks.
  18. You have no clue what I did for a living in the USA. Rebar / steel .... nah, just paper mache & elmers glue is all you need, in column & beam construction. Wow ... 20 m of no cross interior walls, and the house didn't fall down, F'g magic, Use steel in a house, nah, that's just crazy ...
  19. Good luck with the meds / treatment. "Cirrhotic morphology .... Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease due to progressive scarring of the liver caused by various conditions such as chronic hepatitis, biliary disease, fatty liver and alcohol abuse. The scarring reduces the ability of your liver to function normally."
  20. You mean something like this, spray system under the build, and resprayed / treated ever so often, along with spraying / saturating every other nook & cranny around the exterior of the house every so often also. NO, I haven't a clue ... photos of 2nd house build. That didn't work either, although only wood was door frames & some doors.
  21. The termites will eat the paper that holds the gypsum board together. Buddy of mine had his living room ceiling cave in because of it. Luckily overnight while sleeping. Y'all haven't a clue. Unless building the house out of teak ... skip the wood, you've been warned. Within 3-5 years, they'll be in every piece of wood in the house. UP2U if you take the advice you asked for. On my 3rd house, not 1 piece of wood involved.
  22. Yea, not a size one wants to learn on, unless you drive very conservatively. My friends, chewed off a good part of my friend's butt, who sold it to me .. "are you trying to kill LA", as my track record with motor vehicles & speed wasn't very good. Asked him 'how, what now ?" ... "1 down, 4 up, clutch, hand/front brake, foot/rear brake, you learn by driving. Lean into the curves, take it slow"???? .... yea right, maybe he was trying to kill me. I was gone for a few hours on a country, windy, rolling hilly road. Think they were all biting their nails waiting for the police call ... 'we scraped him up, come claim the body'. Had a few scares, turns crossing into wrong lane, guess I didn't lean enough, and some -0- gravity humps, and somehow didn't kill myself. I was hooked. On Topic ... helmet near the bike doesn't sound right. Either not strapped on properly or not at all.
  23. Black belt part would be more believable ... ???? as didn't go into production till 1999 No need for speed to kill yourself on a scooter.
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