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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. ???????????????? Everyone involved that isn't the end consumer. ????
  2. KhunLA


    Yes, but when I was down on Phuket during the 'situation', all my old favorites were doing just fine. But then they had the business sense to target local customers, and not international tourist. You'd think years of experience, with coups, demonstrations, flooding, bird flu, zika, SARS, tsunami, and fluctuating tourist arrivals would prepare, or at least point out, not to depend on such a small seasonal customer base, when you have 70 million almost at your doorstep. Locals & domestic tourism kept the savvy businesses afloat, some prospering. Those dependent on int'l tourist ... well, what can you say. Businesses succeed, businesses fail. 20 yrs living here, if going into business, it wouldn't target int'l tourist, way back when or now. Not the best business plan, anywhere, anytime.
  3. Check out the MG line also. The EP and ZS EV are both very nice & competitively price, as pricing goes, 1 mill and 1.2 mill respectfully. Comes w/8 yr battery warranties. ???? https://www.mgcars.com/th/Home
  4. They really need to bring the pricing down to the everyday consumer. $30-40-50+k USD vehicles are simply out of reach for most families. Really hard to justify, even if having the extra money. Love my MG ZS (non EV), but $20+k USD is pushing it for a 4 wheel machine to go from point A-B. Sadly, that's considered inexpensive for a comfy car. Shy of 37k for EV model, even though paying for itself in the long run, hard to commit at 68 yrs old, or justify if trying to raise a family in Thailand. Not in most folk's budget. $37k / ฿1.2 mill is about the same price as my house build at present, and that's an inexpensive house. Spending that amount for transport is hard to justify for most people.
  5. Also been doing my own research since day 1 of being a paying consumer, 50+ years. From thrifty consumer, to self diagnosis / prescribing (knowing my limitations) for my healthcare, staying very healthy, investing (quite successfully), with a few oops along the way of course, as always a learning process. Enjoyed being the dumbest person in the room, and all has paid off quite well. No regrets. Always enjoy advice, but follow Reagan's 'trust but verify' before committing myself to anything. Don't trust Gov't or anyone selling or pushing their agenda, products. Remember what I learned, before the elite took control of the information highway and all media outlets, to fear monger, control & sell everything I don't need. Exercise 'buyer beware' with just about everything. Won't cower & comply when common sense tells me the complete opposite. Will follow or ignore laws, depending how it affects me. Common sense has kept me alive & happy for 68 yrs, so I'll stick with that.
  6. Bullocks, especially if same tires. Put new in the front, and old in the rear. Hope they were worn and actually need replacing, screws / plugged or not. Wouldn't discard tires just because plugged.
  7. KhunLA


    Vahz / vaze ... I'd call it about 8 ish months of pandemic, since April this year. Unless 100 people dying in 14 ish months is considered a pandemic. Less than 2 days' carnage on the road.
  8. KhunLA


    Not even 2 years yet. Thailand closing April-ish 2020. First cases showing up Feb 2020, barely an issue till a blimp in Dec cases, than bounced a bit till April 2021. First year of Feb 2020 - Feb 2021, deaths equaled 1 day's carnage on the roads here. Not till mid April 2021 did it break 100 deaths from.
  9. Just curious, as didn't realize it was top secret. Have a nice day.
  10. May even get a better price when selling. For some silly reason, some seem to think foreigners maintain their vehicles better than the locals ... ???? Show me service receipts, on that, save all yours. I just put them in with the manual / schedule folder and stays in the glove box.
  11. What amphur was that ? One of the easiest things I've gotten here. Muang Udon Thani, and address change at Muang Prachuap Khiri Khan. Same with yellow books, at both again, when I read others being refused. Only thing consistent is the inconsistency.
  12. Major plus, though I think they changed the rules since, if out & about a lot, use to check in hotels, and no need to do TM30s, as that ID isn't accepted into the Imm reporting system, so they never know you're out of town. Don't think I've had a hotel refuse it, and ask for my PP instead. Besides that, the pink looks so pretty in your wallet. Over 60, and it's good for life. Too cheap & easy not to get.
  13. Thought same, till read his bio awhile back. Kid has some talent, and all self taught, well, his spin anyway, and not too bad a songwriter, all things considered. ... and no, I don't but daughter does and catch a tune now & than when in the car via her bluetooth. Not bad, and see the appeal. So much better than 'singers' managed, written for, and can't even play a tambourine.
  14. That's way too easy. Followed a fellow drone operator on youtube, lovely place, and probably good kebabs ???? Never know it watching USA MSM though. Earthquake now & then, that's about only negative.
  15. 42k / 38 countries, so all of about 1100 ppl per country ... ???? Don't know what is admirable about any on the list, except their ability to generate income, although most born into it. Suspect a few making the list only because of their race & gender. Equates to being both racism & sexist. And oprah .. the ultimate bigot ... ???? Got more respect for Justin Bieber, self taught musician from a broken home, and no industry connections.
  16. And few recorded deaths from it. Just read a news-blip, none in USA as of yet.
  17. Had 2 pet rabbits, one was even house broken ... ????
  18. After 1st wife & 3rd career opportunity company I worked for went bankrupt and left employees hanging, I went into 'me me me' mode. Eyes wide open. Weak spot for kids & dogs though ???? Only ones, that didn't have their own agenda and try to screw me.
  19. That's why the first 2 went in my name, instead of 1st Thai wife's name. That marriage did end quickly ???? as #4 on the betrayed thread, and not surprised ???? 2nd (present and last) Thai wife, courted (lived with) 8 yrs before marrying, and 100k savings on a 550k price point / entry level car was a good motivator. Only pocket money for us ฿ millionaires ???? And hell yea ... had a 'usufruct for life' on the land / house. Trusting but not stupid, though TBH, more incase she crapped out earlier than me. Still 23 yr age difference & sh!t does happen.
  20. Pricing is completely different also, as the weight and age of customer goes up, as does the price. Sliding wage scale, higher BMI or age = higher price ... ????
  21. Had a couple in my name. Put the 3rd one in the wife's name, and saved 100k on excise tax rebate scheme, before the last coup, for 'new' car owners, as she never owned one. 4th one in her name also, since I'm 68 ish, and it may outlast me. Easy 'no' transfer and no 'death tax' ... ????
  22. Vid here: https://nypost.com/2021/12/15/thai-model-recalls-horrifying-manhattan-subway-attack/
  23. Considering a large part of their customer base, no wonder they'd want to be drunk while working. You'd have to get me drunk and pay me a tidy sum to sleep with someone 50-60-70 yrs old when I was in my 20s. And that would be the healthy looking lasses, not the obese ones. ????
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