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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Me neither, but whatever works. Kudos ... marketing 101. If they were sitting on a beach, most wouldn't even notice them.
  2. If successful, while at it, get a usufruct for yourself, 'allow to modify' for life if possible. This way the 'manager' can't sell it without your signature. What a lawyer says can be done, while paying them and what actually can be done, may differ. Tried to adopt 'my daughter/village orphan' ????(not blood), and even had mother's permission. Lawyer said no problem. Checked with family services, the actually Pol. officer who would approve it, and he said no way in hell. Lawyer would lose, then appeal to Bkk, and lose again, after my huge legal fees paid of course. Human traffic laws simply wouldn't allow adoption, without a 'fat envelope' being passed.
  3. Same here S or HH. And welcomed it was, as few days before were brutal.
  4. " It would seem sanctions mean nothing if less than a month in the Ruble is so close to being back where it was."
  5. They have a moral obligation to feed their families also. Countries, people & morality ... that's funny. I see a lot of countries drawing the line on their morality, still buying RU energy; oil & gas.
  6. Yep, rooted, older/lazy keeps me here. Doubt if it would make the list of 'places to retire' if searching again.
  7. Carl's ... BK clone, and only good thing about them. CharBroiled like BK BK first with 'Inst-burger' back in 1953 ish & Carl's around 1960. Both superior to the rest, subject to franchise's attention to detail. Some good, most c r a p. Burger way down on the list when out dining.
  8. Couple times a week would work with me: Blackened (Cajun) sandwich w/ Fettuccini Alfredo Just as meat portion, lots of caramelized onions, w/taters & veggie Casserole Add to that Eggs Benedict, compliments ham or bacon nicely or an omelet Wrap in puff pastry or roll up in crepe ... oh yea, Salmon works Hard to keep it in the house when the daughter visits, she'll eat it every day.
  9. Should be fine after cooked. I would recommend buying frozen. As the fresh you're buying is probably just the frozen they stock, thawed & on display. Frozen will actually be 'fresher'. Salmon a favorite, and thanks, as I'm out, need to pick some up. I get mine from Makro, frozen section, and 4 pcs of filet in half kilo vacuum pack, I think. So already portioned.
  10. Just having fun with you, as they sense your fear, plus they're probably bored. I walk with a walking stick, just occasionally, if in strange place, and dog with me. If any take interest, just point the stick at them, they know immediately to yield. Riding me ebike, if I actually stopped, I don't think they would know what to do. Probably just bark more, maybe circle around, then head back to their front lawn. Just barking, and none truly aggression. Very easy to tell the difference, if you've been around animals all your life. Now the monkeys, that's a different story, they spook me at times. Way too many, and they need to be culled down about 80% of them. The rest sterilized.
  11. Responsible pet owners are the least of your problems. Apparently y'all haven't walked around the sois lately ? Just road my ebike to the house build & back, having at least 10 dogs chasing me ???? No harm, no foul, no grudge against them, as simply protecting their turf, from what they don't understand. I actually slow down, let them get close, as they'll chase me further. They all enjoy the run & exercise. My dog is either behind a wall, usually in the AC, or on a leash. And that's for her protection, not anyone else. Too many damn snakes here, so I keep her close. Seriously ... what not to like, scary, I think not. More like, please give me some chocolate, please ...
  12. Is it just me, or is anyone else sensing, a lot of replies are from people than never had a dog as a best friend ?
  13. NO, these are the characteristic of anyone, anywhere. Hurt someone's loved ones, and it's a good bet, you'll be sorry you ever knew that person. That's animal instinct, which we all possess.
  14. We're almost in agreement ... That would be 'always the problem' Don't know how you read, 'I advocate my dog to attack randomly'. Do you reply, troll just for a response ? Or do you seriously have a reading comprehension problem. No dog of mine has ever attacked randomly, or would I condone it. That's just silly. She will kill any lizard or crab she sees, if I'm not paying attention. I taught her to leave frogs & toads alone ???? That could be dangerous to her. Snakes, I think she already knew about. Don't approach. I do reward my dog for protecting me, mine & house. That is her part time job. Didn't even have to train her to do that.
  15. Got answers, but anti-China doesn't leave many options. Go to LAZ, see what's available, read reviews, cross reference with other sites ... buy. Hit the mall if you want hands on, and can peek at probably 3 chain stores in one place. If in Krung Thep, Fortune IT Mall, and have 10 large shops to choose from.
  16. You'd have to crazy to report a positive test ... IMHO Why would anyone ?
  17. Not sure what bite strength or how many incidents has to do with 'learned traits'. What you replied to. You seem to struggle staying on topic with your replies. Topic with me is; 'bad owner' = 'bad dog' or dog = domesticated / not vicious unless trained to be. All dogs are protective of their home & owners, and the responsibility of the owner to control pet if overly aggressive. Mine have always been protective, and you never would approach me or touch aggressively when my dog was there. You would get bit, and they would get a treat & a good massage for biting your A$$. Consider those to be calm breeds; Beagle (mix), Cardigan W. Corgi, damn fuzzy Jack Russell (mix) Not trained to be aggressive, or even protective, just my buddy observing & reacting. Same as me, hurt my dog at my house, and you won't be leaving. Just being protective. We're good that way.
  18. Simply showing your ignorance. Having my fare share of electric toys, only 2 things really matter, when swapping batteries, voltage & matching connectors. I can swap out batteries on my e-motorcycle & ebike, just has to be the proper voltage, the rest only affect performance and range. Actually the voltage can be tweaked, but have to change other components, BMS & Controllers, and then you're getting technical. Same with all the drones & RCs I have built. No different than changing a battery in you car. 12v won't work with 6v. The rest of the specs relate to performance & longevity / range.
  19. Guess ... nuff said ???? seriously though, 7-10 yr old doesn't require a battery replacement. Maybe a cell or 3, to keep the capacity about 80%. Watch the vid, cost of driving Tesla 3 for 3 yrs / 75k miles, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSd00383dTE I ran the numbers, and I think ROI would be well worth the extra money with the ZS EV vs ICE. ROI well before 8 yr warranty expired on battery, and still having 80% capacity ... I think. As far as investing the extra, well if that's a concern to the buyer, then they should be buying the Suzuki Celerio, until the can afford a new, more expensive car, without tapping their savings or investment money. If you're still 'investing' for the future, 'if you can't pay cash, you can't afford it' and shouldn't be buying it .... IMHO, that's common sense, live within your means. Don't go in debt to drive a car. Final note, yes agree, that's my 1 concern, not charging stations, as plenty of them, but I'm not a patient person, and drive 110-120 kph when possible, and would not enjoy stopping every 200 kms to charge up. I literally couldn't drive from home to daughter's house in Krung Thep, without charging up, and that's only 275 kms. So I'm on the fence about getting a BEV. I don't fit in the MG EP's door comfortably (with my back), ZS (ICE) I have and love. Haven't tried getting in the Ora Good Cat yet, as that has nice specs & GWM perks come with it. ZS & Ora are the only ones I would consider, at this point. Wuling or Pocco for around town driving, but that's about the same price, a bit less, than it would cost for me to upgrade to the ZS EV, after selling the ICE version. So that's a bit silly, though cute little tinker cars.
  20. No shortage of firearms in Thailand. Millions legally registered, and millions floating around illegally. Most get same way as the rest of the world, theft or corrupt gun dealers / importers.
  21. Don't need to attend either. It's a battery & an electric motor. Pretty simple stuff. Unplug, plug in, would think only the physical dimensions would pose an issue, and since newer, would expect smaller & lighter, so not seeing any issue.
  22. Owners of Tesla 3 would definitely disagree. Tesla 2, depending on pricing, may even exceed 3's sales numbers. Don't know what the 1st gen was, but all new models of anything have their problems. To be expected actually, why I don't do new. Other tesla models seem to have issues, but only with the options. As all brands / models have, EV or ICE. More options, especially electrical, more things go wrong. Why I prefer not to have options I don't need or will use. Less things to worry about, and makes for a less expensive ride ... win win for us.
  23. Silly If we're having a conversation, leave the silliness out. It's a dog, it's domesticated ... period. Being vicious is a learned trait. Whether by human, or running in a wild pack. Dog referred to in OP seems to fit the 'vicious pet' description. The owner is completely at fault. Irresponsible people shouldn't have pets, or kids for that matter. Have a nice day
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