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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Roselle ... I think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roselle_(plant)
  2. Reporting of variant cases is starting to get as silly as the holiday RTA / scooter death counts. Oh my GOD ... 3rd thread, now all of 4 cases ... mass forum panic ... ????
  3. Unsuccessful at homemade, find Makro 'Best' 10mm turn out better than homemade. That brand offers 7 & 10mm, preference 10mm as obviously more potato flavor. Timed 6 or 7 minutes deep fried for best results, or 2x 3 minutes with cooling period in between, some say crispier, but seriously don't notice it that much, or feel like waiting.
  4. Way too many job, talking 30+, though most under 1 month. Didn't take long to figure out no reason to stay. Then decided to get some paperwork behind me for resume, and worked for 4 airlines. 3 of them, 1 year or less, latter 2 both going bankrupt. So figured self employment was more dependable income source. Best thing that ever happened, being independent. Self taught Chimney sweep. Along with contract truck driver. Slum lord was the equity builder which was rolled over to self taught market trader. After 6 yrs of not being an employee, started 4th and last airlines job, only real job (13 yrs) took only for health bennies, since getting older, 32, though never needed, and more importantly to travel, while finalizing retirement planning ... where to ... flying almost free to recon locations to retire, which I finally did at 46 yrs old. They also went belly up, NWA. So no real long term future at any job I had. Jobs I enjoyed: Lithographic printing Baker Film / negative developing Having RE license for my own investing, access to MLS.
  5. The owners / landlords are the ones that get the fine, so in their best interest to timely submit TM30. It's not the tenants responsibility to report. Why landlords may not want to ... possibly scared of getting hit with tax as anything over 3 yr lease has to be registered at land office & taxed.
  6. If it's not about Christ, it's not a Xmas movie, just a holiday movie, or shown at Xmas time.
  7. Just buy the ones with Mazda badge on them. Probably better resale value.
  8. For important transactions, choose you financial institution wisely. Mine (USA) gave me records decades old. Banking in Thailand, 2 yrs is more than enough as what the hell would I need them for. Besides, one advantage of being 3rd world, they do give you bank books, if important to you, how hard to keep. "My wife needs proof that she paid for something a few years ago" Tell her to staple the receipt to the warranty card time. Also take a photo of and save on your computer, as sometimes receipt ink doesn't seem to last very long. Even less than 1 yr for those short warranties, so better safe than sorry.
  9. here's a few I relate to ... at the time ...
  10. There is a reason the Bilderberg Group annual meet up isn't open to reporters ... just a thought.
  11. Anyone smelling early release for humanitarian / health reason. And just think, he no problem trekking and possibly camping in the forest on the hunt.
  12. Then why say anything ... ... we call that 'public negotiating' in the corporate world.
  13. Money = flip flop statements. IMHO My daughter pays 'influencers' to sell her products also. It's part of the profit machine.
  14. Was it available at the chain pharmacies; Health Up, Boots, Watsons ? I'd rather administer that myself, than have some untrained, non med student, stick something in my nose a few mm from my brain.
  15. Not sure if there is a specific gov't eye hospital. Wife had here eye surgery done at Chula. You do need to live here, as Qs are long, also for follow ups, and a Thai partner would help the process. Excellent care
  16. So how was the turn out ? Used to be packed, to the point of having to walk at a snail's pace through the vendors. Warranting a daytime, weekday visit only. Nights & weekend ... no thanks
  17. My underarms are white as snow and never burn. Roll on deodorant with 'Whitener' sunscreen ... best product since sliced bread.
  18. Living in fear of the air we breathe ... simply mind boggling. Getting boosters out of fear of ... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/04/who-says-no-deaths-reported-from-omicron-yet-as-covid-variant-spreads "WHO says no deaths reported from Omicron yet as Covid variant spreads" The Omicron variant has been detected in at least 38 countries but no deaths have yet been reported, the World Health Organization has said, amid warnings that it could damage the global economic recovery." Is it too late to invest. Fear monging = higher profits ... WAKE UP PEOPLE IMHO .... Top stories ... Headliner and add on to do nothing but scare you:
  19. Business you note closed or empty probably cater to int'l tourist, and the locals aren't that stupid.
  20. Sadly, not true, but does open a few eyes. “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the Earth all one's lifetime.” ... Mark Twain
  21. I wouldn't take my dog to small cafes/restaurants to do her business. Or even with me to have meal, as a pet peeve of mine. If I see dogs or cats in a restaurant, I want go in.
  22. If you can bore hole done, and the water is good, then a well is the way to go. Had one at the 1st house. Couldn't get one at the 2nd house. Present house build, and they're asking a silly price, 150k.
  23. Yes, if something needs a test of time, I won't review right away, and still able to review. Or edit once reviewed, though not sure if that option is time sensitive.
  24. Yes ... at least give us something for the tax. Thought about many toys, but lack of being able to register killed the idea. If Thai, maybe, but a farang .... no thanks.
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