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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Yes, the silliness is still in effect. I see 1 person wearing mask in there car, on motorbikes, exercising or walking when nobody is within 50 meters of them. Sad really
  2. 97+% to 99% (depending where you live and your age) recovery rate from a virus ... NO Wish I had a 97% recovery rate from all the ailments out there that actually are scary.
  3. Thankfully never a smoker, but happy the taxes on all those vices, that I avoid go up up & up. Sorry, selfish of me, as hoping beer, wine & rum tax stay the same as a result. Yea I know, silly me, as if that would ever happen. Don't mind them stealing my money, but could you actually use it to benefit people, instead of sticking it in your own pocket. Silly price of smokes is enough to deter anyone from starting, so a good thing. Amazing people still do with all the info about the dangers of. Horrible habit, all around and sadly one of the most addicting products, by design out that. Good luck getting rid of that monkey.
  4. At my local Makro, they moved them over to the bakery section of the store. Freezer case there, as they use to be located elsewhere where the ice cream / frozen shredded cheeses / frozen fruits were, near the dairy part of the store's wares are. Try looking there, and you'll find the heat & serve frozen dinner roll, baguettes there also. Also thought they stopped stocking, but in true Thai fashion, simply rearranging where they put things. Damn annoying at times.
  5. my 2007 Wave had front disk, rear drum & ele. start, new from dealer. Rear disc no offered or I would have gotten.
  6. faces hield or not, you will to have a mask handy to enter some places, as I stated earlier, facial monitors that work gates. Just once in, uncover nose and or face as you see fit.
  7. It wasn't murder, death by vehicle accident. And average time served isn't much, IF ANY, worldwide.
  8. Verasu flagship store @ LAZ https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/verasu/?path=index.htm
  9. When comparing the tax bite vs interest rates here, he may take the tax bit.
  10. Since overall sales are down, any increase in #s for any brand is a good thing. MG just opened yet another dealer 1 km away from us now, so no need to go the Hua Hin (100 kms away) for an oil change ????
  11. I wouldn't buy a 200 baht or a 2000 baht one. something wrong with the one that come with your device?
  12. Not sure if available in states. I didn't follow the ragtops that much, that was my brothers thing, but always notice when a TR6 buzzed by. Even sounded great.
  13. Agree, a wee bit. But 3 mill compensation had to ease the pain a bit. 10 yrs on the run isn't the same as small jail time (probably killed in) or a year of public service, which he'd probably pay someone else to do.
  14. yep ... 10 yr coming up soon. That was fast ... still remember the 'outrage' ???? "car worth more than a life" ????
  15. Spitfire ... racking my brains the other day about that one. Name on tip of my brain. A few of those back in the day around. A couple Fiat 'Spiders' ? also. Brother had TR7, bought new besides MGBs (used). Didn't keep it long, again, c r a p mechanically. More recent, loved his Miata & Mini Cooper. I could see myself in the Mini Cooper, except they are 2 mill here, vs 600k he paid for in the states .... W T F I myself came real close to buying the TR6, and the only one I like, as decent performer, to the others, and didn't look and drive like a chickie car.
  16. KhunLA

    Bangla Road

    what is so hard to believe about that. 50 new cases yesterday https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-marks-50-new-covid-cases-no-new-deaths-81914.php It's a virus, it's what it does, spreads. Good luck trying to stop it. Better to learn to live with it.
  17. Looking at transam's link, the 3L doesn't seem to provide a whole lot more than the 1.9L Again, do you really need a truck. Strongly considered buying as my 1st vehicle here, until it dawned on my, I'd be providing trucking service to the family & village, forever, whenever. In 20 yrs here, have yet to actually need to own a truck. Always someone you can hire or lease one if you find the need. Oh yea .... most vendors deliver.
  18. For everyday driving, as a family 'car', you probably won't notice. Keep in mind, most vendors, deliver just about everything. Do you really need a truck ? Along with finding a parking space if in a metro area. If using as a 'truck', will depend on the load. And incline of roads if needing the extra.
  19. Need to be a bit more specific, and the vendors you mention carry just about everything. Google what you want, add Thailand to the search and you get results. Also may need to add the online vender (ex: lazada.co.th) to the google search as the online vendors in-site search sucks sometimes.
  20. "How can I be conscious of the kingdoms rules without compromising my health?" Depending where you'll be, you're probably going to have a major problem. Vendors / malls that have facial temp / mask monitors won't even let you in, if turnstile is activated / opens after facial ID of mask being worn. I've test this, covering mask w/hand, and they are amazing accurate, and gates won't open when I did that. Forget riding the BTS / MRT if at Krung Thep, or any public trans. You'll be the scorn of the town ???? It really is going to be a hassle for you. I won't even go to Krung Thep for a visit, as people are way too paranoid. Good news, again, depending where you are, as I rarely wear a mask, and where I am, nobody cares. A must when going to 7-11, Makro & HomePro (only places I bother) and wear improperly, nose not covered, as nobody cares. But I'm in small town, surfside, which does get weekender tourists though. I do keep my distance from folks though, for both our safety, more mine than theirs ????
  21. Re-read my reply. I based my #s on the MG EP, which is 300k more than the ZS. 200k if using top end ZS model vs he EP. From Sept 2020 to Sept 2021, we put 25k kms on the car, and then I figured the difference (out of curiosity) the fuel price difference & cost per increase for the year 2021 so far. At Jan 2020 price it was 39+k & 49+k baht at S/2021's price to fuel 25k kms. Sticking with that number, 50k X 6 = 3yr ROI, for fuel alone. The rest is self explanatory.
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