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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Actually that's a good thing, weight enforcement, not the corruption to allow illegal loads. Same, when orderng top soil, small trucks full, large half full, to keep under the weight limit. Though sadly too many exceeding due to corruption, and the road was c r a p after a while, needing resurfacing. Using up Tambon budget which could have been spent elsewhere, where needed. At the school possible, or water management. Corruption affects everything.
  2. I'd be able to return to Phuket, without a test, maybe, although ... why would I bother, as already too many tourist there for us. Besides that, Covid remains a 'big nothing' for us.
  3. Where made / assembled, where sold makes a huge difference. Just on being certified street worthy / legal. All is not equal for same models from / in different markets.
  4. Depends if referring to AQI or PM2.5 #s. and source of #s, govt or private meter & exact location.
  5. That's a lot better than a meeting I attended. IAM union, and 'average' amount of checks dispersed to retirees .... 18 So if retiring at 65, you probably won't see 67. My job classification .... 11 checks / months. I beat the 'average', took it early, been collecting for about 12 ish years.
  6. correct ... Made in USA .. Lumped my amigos in with them damn pesky yanks, that's embarrassing.
  7. Ah ... the dreaded slow A$$ overloaded sugar cane trucks. Can think a few citable violations when seeing them. Weight overload Height overload / beyond manufacturer's structure Uncovered load Extend out too far from rear of truck No warning flag on 'extended load' No warning light if night time Load obscuring tail lights and or registration tags Registration not current and or insured Driving not licensed, current or wrong license to operate If safety stop inspection; indicater lights inop, worn tires 20k might have been getting off cheap.
  8. I've peeked at those, and yet to see a dealer that will register them. Which I'm sure as you probably suspect, is an invitation to be stopped every time noticed, which would be alot. Quite like the styling myself. Battery on most are c r a p though, low spec'd. And yes, it MUST BE REGISTERED no matter what the dealer says, as know one dealer on an southern Gulf island that states it's not necessary to ..... ... BS
  9. Live in UT for 16 yrs, and visited KK regularly. Didn't care for either. 5 yrs ago, prefered UT of the 2.
  10. Long term visas are very easy to get. Prove residents & income ... done.
  11. That's fine, as an American, I refuse to by American products, for various reasons.
  12. Gold's an excellent investment, in Thailand. I bought / sold for 3 - 6 - 10 - 12 - 20 and it's now 28+k
  13. Reads like someone is too lazy to go get their own beer & cigs ... ... another road death waiting to happen ????
  14. 25k ... joking right ? Lucky if you can get a ring / setting for that ... wthout any stones. You can't even get gold wedding bands for 25k, as gold is 28k / baht wt.
  15. No Exit https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7550014/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0 Thought it was quite good, as good or better than many of the 100+ million budget movies of late, with 5+ million salaried actors in them. The bar isn't very high with them any more.
  16. Russians are not putin or represent the gov't of. By that logic, US, UK & NATO member citizens should be banned for invading & occuppyng Iraq & Afghan ... ????
  17. Putin setting himself up for 'war crimes' accusation. Have to get in the Q though; Cheney, Bush, Blair, Obama ... then Putin
  18. None of my kids would be dumb enough to join any BS military.
  19. I can understand that .. IF .. Crimea truly wanted out of Ukraine. Understand helping the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic wanting out and Russia's help with that... IF ... that's also true. But going into Ukraine itself ... that's a head scratcher. Also think Putin bit off a wee bit more than he can chew ... that's embarrassing. Watching it unfold on twitter ???? ... not going as planned.
  20. Lower excise tax should be passed on to the consumer. It's the other subsidies that do and don't make sense. An upstart may need the influx, but not estatblished manufacturers already pushing out EVs. People aren't buying here because of the high price vs ROI over long term use of ICE. If you dont rack up the kms, your ROI isn't coming for some time, well past that standard 8 yr battery warranty.
  21. Incomplete map of 3 of the larger charging station providers:
  22. A health secretary that has no education or backgroun in healthcare ... ???? Talking in the usual political circles ... classic ... nuff said
  23. Even without an import tax, cars from China seem to be about 2X the price here. Someone is having a laugh.
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