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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. The thread is not about vaccines, hence, no need or desire to mention it...from me. As stated, plenty of threads running about the vaccine. Lots of health issues out there concern me, and most start with "C", although, for myself, 'covid' is NOT one of them. My personal opinion. Others agree, others disagree. Let's agree to disagree.
  2. That's one opinion, and your personal choice to. I prefer not to. Plenty of threads about vaccinations. This is about if afraid of, and I simply stated why I'm not. With real #s.
  3. our bill is always < 200 baht. Usually around the 125 baht mark monthly. Townhouse, no lawn to water. 2 ppl.
  4. Under count, maybe, not a fact. Some think an overcount, maybe, not a fact. We'll ignore both. But let's take the actually count, just over 5 mill, and for easy math, will add 1 mill for the rest of 2021. 6 mill / 2 yrs = 3 mill a year. Far from the #1 cause of death worldwide, which is what I was replying to. 6+ million last year from heart disease, 3 ish from Covid, easy math ballpark. Now you're thinking only half the covids are being counting, if wanting to get close to the #1 cause of death worldwide. What I was replying to. More than twice as many, if wanting to be #1 cause of death. Twice ... that's a hell of an under count.
  5. That count would have to really be off, to even get close to the 6+ million that died of heart disease last year / 2020 or the 8+ million in 2019 Covid, just over 5 million deaths, in 18 months. Big number, but still only 0.07% of world population. World population - 7.9 billion X 0.07 % = 5.53 million
  6. Not sure that's completely accurate. Heart disease & strokes, and that's every year, not just the last 18 months https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death
  7. Let's put this in perspective ... 'in Thailand' Already stated, IF, you are infected with Covid19, you have a 98.9% chance of recovery. Thailand's population is ~70 million, updated deaths: 19,611 So if live in Thailand, you have a < 0.029 % chance of dying from Covid 70 mill X 0.028016 % = 19,611 Practice safe distancing, Wash them hands occasionally, stop touching your face. If you think it helps, wear a mask. Stop stressing ..... BE SAFE Afraid ... No ... I'm liking the odds 99.97% chance of not dying of covid.
  8. Agree, and why I stated the flu is less of a worry than c19
  9. I live a bit south, and AQI rarely gets to 100, and rarely over. Thankfully haven't needed to wear mask for smog. Air purifiers in the house and car. Meter reading always <10
  10. Thailand C19 deaths vs cases, 1.951,752 cases (known cases) vs 19.542 deaths ... or ... 98.9% recovery rate from Covid19 in Thailand. I'd describe that as 'most' ... recover Oh, and 'many', until tested (randomly) didn't even know they were positive. About a 1% chance of dying from C19 in Thailand. Afraid ... seriously
  11. If 2-3% of C19 patients die, and C19 is worst than the flu, then even less than the 2-3% of flu patients die, so the flu isn't much to worry about.
  12. Thread topic ... 'are you afraid of C19' I go for my yearly health check up, please tell me I have covid, not cancer. 97+% recovery rate, making it the least of my health concerns ... nuff said
  13. Did you, or just the headline. No published peer review. No #s in any publish / peer reviewed case study, along with 'estimates'. One study (at bottom) still not peer review, all of about 1400 people, and 'some', symptoms for couple months. That's 'long haul' I've had a bad back for 45 yrs ... that's lone haul. Residual nerve pain from shingles for about 10 yrs, that's long haul. Cancer patients would love 97% recovery rate, with long haul symptoms.
  14. Been here 20 yrs myself, and the retirement visa is just too easy to get & extend. Nothing about that visa has changed in 20 yrs; prove residence & income (meet financials). Doesn't get any easier than that.
  15. I'm not a danger to anyone, can't be, as I do the social distancing thingy. Besides, why fear me, y'all are vax'd and masked up.
  16. All that tells me is the seasonal flu isn't much to worry about. So less than 2 or 3% die of that. Sounds like a good thing. Apples & oranges.
  17. You have to consider, some countries aren't even mandating EV be the dominant vehicles by a certain date. Other hoping for 2035, 2050, and considering cars can easily last 20-30-40 years. Trucking industry is not going to go electric that fast, unless some really new and better, and much cheaper tech is available. Then large metros, need a better charging infrastructure. And a way to power it. Parking is at a premium, let along parking with charging stations available. It's fine now, in Thailand, few on road and plenty of charging station. Now, Thailand has a hard problem keep the lights & ACs on. But if and when there's 10's of millions EVs out there, add them to the grid, could be an issue. EVs certainly aren't in most peoples budget in 3rd world (Thailand) countries. Do you really think big oil, and the car manufacturers are going to give up their cash cows that fast?
  18. Have any stats or a link to info ? My stats are easy to calculate. Most don't die from covid, and many never knew they had it till randomly tested.
  19. Deficiency from being indoors all day, when deficient, may be part of that depression. I don't how anyone can be vit D deficient, if not eating a whole lot of something that interferes with D's digestion.
  20. Petrol / ICE vehicles will be around at least till the end of this century.
  21. Are you also wearing full coverage goggles so the virus doesn't enter through your eyes ? https://www.med.umich.edu/kec/pdf/coronavirus-and-your-eyes-aao.pdf
  22. I disagree with your 'facts' , specifically your generalizations in reference to hospitalization of foreigners testing positive or being treated. If available ( per insurance ) they go to private hosp, (almost mandatory) private or shared room, and I've yet to be in a private hosp. where there was not plenty of staff speaking English. ill effects of covid, haven't researched, so can't comment, but seems most of those testing positive when random tested, didn't even know infected, with few to no symptoms. Kind of makes you wonder how many millions have had & recovered without even being tested, or treated beyond basic flu symptoms & treatment of.
  23. I'll agree to disagree with just about everything you just wrote.
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