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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. You can mention me, (if applicable ????), as I'm always ready to agree to disagree. I understand what the 'rising quick' lately theory is, and may or may not be accurate. If it is, I just don't care. I personally don't believe the man made aspect of the equation is all that contributory, and I may be wrong. Don't care either way. It doesn't and won't effect me in my life time. Think they're predicting 1° C on the negative side of things over the next century. That's not going to affect me, wife, kid, or her kids if she should so desire. Now if it goes up 2 or 3, doubtful, next 100 -300 yrs, then they better figure a fix soon. Or the few elite who have paid the entrance fee, will be living underground, self sufficiently. Although, every biosphere has failed miserably. Does figure into the inevitable ice age that will arrive. Yet another great planet cleanse, good for her. I don't have an EV or going solar to save the planet, as it's beyond saving, or should I say, the human parasites are beyond saving. EV, just because it's way too cool to drive, and solar, is strictly a financial & security decision, in case the world does go to s h i t, and not from the weather, in my or mine's lifetime. They'll have energy, water (rain) and fish to eat, since live surfside. Wife's got a green thumb, so no worries.
  2. Believe what you want, but 1 friend had one, and my brother had 2 MGBs. He enjoyed his rag tops. TR7, also c r a p, and only liked the Miata, mechanically, and Mini Cooper. I drove all 3 MGs, at least once, and not impressed. If I never drove one, I wouldn't comment. Better things to do than troll. Wouldn't be on here now if not pis sing down rain on & off all day. I'd post a photo of the one getting towed by my Nissan truck, but you'd say it's fake. Haven't a clue what engines were in them. Race cars are irrelevant to the conversation. How many have 200k kms on them. I don't they're racing stock cars. That would be impressive, although, did MG win any titles ? OK, I don't own a MG either, just thought I'd troll in support of a Thai/China product just to PO the anti china/thai folks.???? Almost forgot, another acquaintance had a Midget, never drove that, never wanted to, as way too small.
  3. 4MyEgo ... yes, hard to lose investing in Thai RE... I invested 2.4 mill on last house & land (6rai), and emphasis on 'invested', as needing a place to live for 5 more years in that area. 400 sqm under roof w/pool, 220 complete walled in on 2 rai. Sold house + 1 rai for 3.2, I think, and 2 lots for 1.2, still have 1 parcel to sell, no less than 700k. So now new house & land, less than 2 mill when done, is basically 'free'.???? This house will come with full solar, so no need for PEA. Would I spend 2 mill, or 10 mill on a house here ... NO. Invest ... yes. The previous house was build with profit from the first house investment, so on #3 for me. Actually it's the land part that has been giving ROI + profit.
  4. Just looked and mine has 'Brit Dynamic' on it, and possible the first time I actually read it. I know I read 'brit designed' somewhere, maybe promo advert. Don't know what 'dynamic' means, and as stated earlier 'brit design' certainly didn't influence my purchase. If made in the UK, I definitely would not have purchased it, as having that negative opinion of UK owned MG manufacturing. Anyone thinking it's a brit MG is an idiot. Although since the keep an UK address, I could actually be 'brit designed', so again, NO deception. Let it go man ... BE SAFE Had to google it, and can't get any more honest than that: dynamic ... adjective 1. (of a process or system) characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
  5. That's the premise of his new movie ... we're headed toward extinction. Or so I read, just watched the first 5 minutes, and the criticism that I've read about it, seems to be accurate. Fear mongerng ... no thanks.
  6. Do you think we are near extinction ? Starting with that narrative, I don't need to continue, because I don't. Scare mongering doesn't work on me.
  7. Is it illegal to drink beer with a straw .... oh c r a p
  8. That's one opinion. I just don't have much respect for millionaire socialist. Loses credibility with me. I'm not seeing that we "are on the brink of extinction", as he puts it.
  9. Worked for me, and I only have my experiences to go by. But that's what I would advise. So far so good. Easier for my choices, as I always lived rural here, sort of. Not in the downtown area. Last house, made sure the wat across the street was rarely used, bought the 4 lots in front of the 2 rai we built on. Found out who owned the farmlands around the other 3 sides, and they weren't going to be sold in my lifetime. Did the same again for present build, though one after issue did pop up, and being dealt with. Soon to be resolved. Deciding where to live / build not different here than anywhere in the world, abet, less zoning enforcement. Not really a problem, just time consuming.
  10. I don't need anyone to tell me their BS. Prefer to think for myself.
  11. You mean ... not in 6 months, like he solved everything else ????
  12. Seriously, another multi millionaire socialist ... no thanks
  13. News flash, basically only 2 main components are different, EV vs ICE. Energy to power, and E motor vs ICE motor, which I wouldn't be tearing either down to fix. Which I have (ICEs) in the past. Also wouldn't be messing with the computer components of either model, and yes, that ICE has almost as many, minus the BMS controller.
  14. Yea, my first trip Sept 1999 was short recon for retirement along with some scuba diving, and a fluke at that, as last minute and no real research. Returned Sept 2000, a bit more recon, and stayed.
  15. Apparently these folks were unsuccessful, or SAIC wouldn't be producing them, after they merged / bought out Nanjing Automobile Group. Even took them 4 years to turn the company around and put out the first new, redesigned model, MG 6. The rest is history.
  16. A niche market from days past. People need to live in the now. Sure someone has one of those for sale, if your in the market.
  17. You mean .... Bailed out by the Chinese, because previous owners of, produced a substandard car nobody wanted.
  18. I've never understood the draw of Thailand as a tourist / holiday destination, even pre-covid. But then, I'm from the Americas, so no need to travel 3-5 days r/t, (from E coast USA) and spend 1000s of $$$ just to get to one of the islands or upcountry. Only if staying long term, month or more, then might be worth it. Seems like wasted time & money better spent elsewhere, closer to home, IMHO. I wanting the Asian flare, I'll go to ChinaTown in USA metro area, sometimes even better food there ????
  19. Sales #s and reviews tell a different story from those folks that don't own and knock the product.
  20. OK, so people that own and drive MGs, since 1924 are passionate about it, in a good way, I would think that's what that implies. Can't disagree much with that, passion drives it's production & sales, quite 'accurate' not deceptive and no argument here. Moving on ....
  21. Just checked, as I referred to that as 'wave' vs 'blade' battery elsewhere, oops ???? https://en.byd.com/news/byds-new-blade-battery-set-to-redefine-ev-safety-standards/ The rest of the world is so far behind China ... ???? it's embarrassing. https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1133955_apple-seeks-lfp-batteries-suppliers-byd-and-catl
  22. Not really, not per capita to USA population. Consider tourist arrivals pre-covid, USA & UK about the same, 1 mill a year, but USA has almost 5X the population. 2019 stats (000s), and arrivals in same ballpark as USA, but much less population.
  23. You're obviously way out of touch about batteries. One thing that has had major changes, over the decades or just last couple years, and why EVs are even marketable now. Batteries were the only thing holding mass production back. No longer an issue and getting better every month.
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