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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. One would only buy or build, if you know you're going to stay / be based in that area for at least 5 yrs. And you can't know that until you rent in that area for at least 1 year. If not RE savvy, aside from relationship savvy, then a buyer beware market. If single, then condo is your only option, so you better know what you're doing, as per sqm, they aren't cheap, or easy to resell. Read the not so fine print. If RE savvy, and with a good partner, then building is the way to go. I'm on my 3rd build, 2 rentals in between, and couldn't be happier with the results of each. Basically have stayed in Thailand for 20+ years, housing cost free, with a little extra, basically paying for all my transport needs, cars & scooters. Hopefully last house, though said that the last 2 times. ????
  2. Think that was the same person who said they'll solve the corruption, pollution, drug and terrorism issues of Thailand and do nothing but spread the happiness while doing so. Is it working ?
  3. Yea, what he said, plus I can breathe the air year round.
  4. To the thread title 'EU expensive' and have to agree. Only buzzed around there once, and thought it was outrageously expensive compared to the Americas, as my only previous travels, before SEA. And that was 20+ yrs ago .. ????
  5. I can't keep up either. Not a label kind of guy, as usually used in a negative way, eventually. Or redefined by another group.
  6. Yes, there's 400+ stations nationwide, if you can't find one, you're not looking very hard. No longer any reason not to go EV if thinking about it, just invalid excuses. Certainly not for everyone, but simply just a budget decision now for most, as EVs will pay for themselves in petrol & maintenance cost savings.
  7. I used 1500-2000 baht a linear meter for 2 m block wall, and always came in on budget. My experience anyway. Last one built 2 yrs ago.
  8. 30 minutes should top up any car's batteries from 30 - 100%, and give one another 300 kms at least. Do you really want to drive 600 kms a day on Thai roads, or not stop half way for 30 minutes or so. I do that in the ICE; drain bladder, take dog for walk, top up tank, hit the food court, fast food or 7-11 @ PTT park stations. Browse, pick up some snacks, stretch legs, check map & hotels, points of interest in the area. Go EV, save the planet & your wallet at the same time ... ????
  9. About time they raised the fees. Although if they continue there attempts to scam, I'll continue to use GRAB at every opportunity. Or simply drive myself, until covid has subsided a bit, then use public trans again.
  10. As are the replies that add nothing to the topic or are off topic. Like this one, mine. just an observation .. ????
  11. There's always something to see. Just have to seek and open your eyes. Even though it's a really small country, I always find something interesting when out & about, if not just the view.
  12. I'm just kind of a exploring nomadic human. No allegiance to any country, race, society, person. Just happen to have a USA passport, and presently live in Thailand. Keep up with local & world events, but really don't care and can't be bothered about them. Live my life for me & mine, have no desire to change the world as accept it is in the hands of way more powerful folks than myself. As long as they leave me alone, I'll leave them alone. Not enough time in a day for me to care about much more than my smile. Anything else is irrelevant.
  13. Damn tasty, though wine is a stretch. Great fortified grape juice though. Partial to the 'Dark'.
  14. I don't see much at all during my life, or my daughters (22 yrs old) or this century. Still waiting for the ice caps to melt, about 8 yrs too late, aren't they ... ????
  15. Ditto down here in the municipality, A. muang. Just out with the dog, and completely different than the forecast. Do expect some more heavy downpours overnight, and same as past 2 night, though not forecast for the other night.
  16. So much for that FTA signed way back when. Remember local Aussies at the time, noticing the new prices after signed .... going up instead of down ???? Not much if anything coming from OZ that I buy.
  17. There was no doubt in my mind, as I've taken more than a few snaps of them. Age & sex will alter their look just a bit, but they stay pretty similar. Other birds, can look completely different in the different sex & age range.
  18. That's one opinion. Mine have served me well and still going, especially the ASUSs.. You better not read this: https://medcpu.com/asus-vs-lenovo-laptop/ Some highlights from link: While Lenovo laptops are sturdy and reliable, SquareTrade [R] found that they had a 21.5% malfunction rate over three years. ASUS’s malfunction rate was, however, 15.6%. However, this does not mean that Lenovo laptops are unreliable. This study revealed that ASUS is a top-notch laptop manufacturer when it comes to durability. What does this all mean for Lenovo users? This means that you will need to maintain your laptop and take care of it properly. If you are a gamer and bang on your laptop key often, get an ASUS. GAMING - Although Asus has the edge, Lenovo isn’t far behind. While I don’t think Lenovo laptops are bad in battery technology, they pale in comparison with ASUS laptops. Price Do you want to get the best value for your money? Who doesn’t? This is where ASUS excels. This is not a budget laptop under $500. ASUS laptops are high-end, even top-notch laptops at a lower price than other laptop companies. However, ASUS does not compromise on quality or specifications. Lenovo has some budget laptops, but they are generally more expensive than ASUS. ASUS is the best value-for-money company. This brand is well-known for its excellent price points, and its customers have widely appreciated it for many decades.
  19. Nothing extra for myself, as not vax'd, no tests, and actually saving money, as not out & about at the moment. More because of a house build rather than C19. As soon as house done, back on the road.????
  20. If unfamiliar with the product, I also like hands on at a brick & mortar .... then I order it online ... ????
  21. youtube shows that for all the int'l tourist areas, Samui, Phuket, Patts. Guessing it will be that way for a long time, certainly the rest of this high season, as the few true tourist trickle in. They really need to direct their attention and develop the domestic tourism market for the 70 million potential customers here. Sandbox schemes basically killed the Samui & Phuket domestic market. Myself, not vax'd, others not completely vax'd have no desire to roll the dice with a test, and get a 2 week overpriced holiday in a hospital. Was on Phuket 3 times in the last year. Guess I won't be going back anytime soon.
  22. Oriental Magpie-Robin https://ebird.org/species/magrob
  23. If having PEA service, look at your bill for kw/units use and simply divide by 30. I think most can get by or supplement their electric needs with a 7.5KWS for daytime use. Presently were using < 700 kw / units a month, although only 1 sm AC on most of 24 hrs, if not on AC, then dehumidify mode overnight. Old house, larger and 4 ACs and we used 2X the electric. New house build, and I figure we'll use 1000+/- kw or 33 kw/units a day w/battery back-up for overnight & early morning till solar kicks in direct from panels. 1 lg AC daytime, 1 sm AC nighttime. Grid for back up, JIC.
  24. But less inside the smaller bottles ... 555 Many product shrink in size with slight or no increase in price.
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