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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Depends on system, on or off grid, for just day use or night or both. If working couple, then daytime use would be minimal, along with night time use (less AC), but expensive battery storage. Use system daytime to charge battery for night, along with weekend usage. Might be hard to justify the initial investment. ROI eventually worth it, but as stated, may take a while, and if not staying in home long term, maybe not. We're home 24/7 w/18 hrs of AC going, unless out & about. I calculated our ROI at about 5.5 yrs, if really abusive, to 9 yrs, if not so abusive. I like just not paying PEA's silly rate, almost for spite .... PRICELESS
  2. I didn't use them, but pretty sure my installer gets the components from them. Use this site also, better component descriptions, and for some ballpark pricing, not much different than local vendor or Aussie pricing. A bit cheaper than OZ pricing as China closer & less import tax. https://www.solaxpower.com/
  3. Since opted out of EV (car) didn't get that far into researching. Scooter will be charged at home on solar, so irrelevant how long or how much, and slow charging is always better. Advert for 1 scooter I'm thinking about, 72v50Ah battery states about ฿5 for full charge. What a full charge is, not sure, but I'd only go from 20% back up to 80%, for better longevity of battery. Think some cars advertise they can fast charge 30-60 minutes, and haven't a clue how much at a charging station. Would think it varies depending who owns.
  4. Only need 33 m2 for the actual panels, (40 m2 of actually roof more than enough) that's for 6.3kw of 455kw (14) panels, and should provide more than enough for average person's daytime use. We'll probably add 3 more panel, on the original 14 planned. We're actually going with a Hybrid Inverter (7.5kw system) w/5.8kw ESS for overnight. Basically 'off grid', but still connected, and hopefully just paying the 41 baht a month PEA access charge ???? Have no desire to give them one more baht for electric, now that battery systems are getting priced more realistically, almost. Until the next wave of new tech is mass produced. Our PEA bills now, for rental townhouse, poor construction / insulation, is about 650kw (฿3000) , on average a month. That's only 1 AC unit. Our old house, had 3 running, 12-18 hrs, and we hit 1200 @ ฿5000 more than a few times. New house will have 2 inverter units, with only 1 running at a time, and wee one is done Uni and living in another province. Old house we ran at least 2, sometimes 3 AC units 12-18 hrs a day. So should be able to keep electric down to < 1000 a month, hopefully. Although with solar, I really won't care any more. The more we use it, the quicker the ROI ????
  5. Yes, that would be my choice if can get in/out comfortably. Wasn't available when we bought the MG ZS last year. The ZS EV has a ฿500k premium price to it, which I thought was a bit silly, ฿700 vs ฿1.2 M. EP has 100 km more range also ???? We're out & about quite a bit, that and the premium price kept us from the ZS EV. Now, past year or so, they've been expanding the charging station network. Not sure how that works, but being out & about wouldn't seem to be a problem now.
  6. Solar is now 'cheap enough' here in Thailand for the homeowner to have. ROI is 5-10 yrs, depending how abusive you are with your AC. New house build will have solar, and done the end of this year. Already got my scooter choices down to 2 manufactures, just need to sit on them to decide which one to purchase, possibly this month. Next car will be EV. No reason for homeowners not to have solar, or people not to have E-scooters. Had I known the house would be solar, I may have bought the EV version of our car last year.
  7. Going by their track record of 1st date announced, then postponements ... short answer - NO
  8. Since located in bkk, I guess you are deep rooted in Thailand and can't / won't leave. There are AA meeting every day & night somewhere for you. Or simple sip at home. Family forum, do we need to hear about your addiction .... keep your private life private ... ????
  9. Old people die, get over it. Getting a jab isn't going to prevent that, as you can get and or transmit the virus after receiving the jab, just like any other virus or infectious disease that the older immune systems can't handle. Subjecting healthy people to boosters every 6 or 12 months is just silly. Especially after already having had the virus. It just a money maker for big pharma apparently. Only after the virus, like every other runs it's course through the world population will it slowly disperse. This virus has only done 1 thing, enlightened people to proper hygiene practices they should have been exercising decades ago. Maybe grandmas of days pass dying from the common annual flu could have been saved. The silly lockdowns have done nothing but weaken people's immune system. Fresh air, exercise, sunlight / vit D are all immune system builders. Shuttering indoors is killing people & economies. Wake up.
  10. You might want to actually do a wee bit of research before posting. Volvo makes cars, trucks, and apparently excavators in the USA. Can't fault a company for maximizing profits and staying in business, providing jobs worldwide. https://imakeamerica.com/?s=volvo http://tiny.cc/dd1kuz The "Made in ??? " home country BS is just that....BS. Provide the best product for the best price. If you had to only purchase and use products / food, made & produced in your home country, you'd be screwed for any choice or competition, and things would be outrageously expensive. Auto industry in USA is prime example, of the c r a p they produced until foreign competition arrived. Then to complete, the USA auto makers simply rebranded imports for themselves. Unions priced themselves out of jobs, along with millionaire executives. Competition is a beautiful thing. Welcome it. Businesses fail because of mismanagement, and no other reason.
  11. Need more than $1000 ... think that's more about inflation than anything else. Why would you want to live on less than that here or anywhere. If a mere $1000 is an issue, probably means you don't have an oops fund, or will have health insurance, and then become a burden on your host country. Where will you be allowed to live .... if taking Thailand as an example, the rules haven't changed in decades. But because of the scammers, enforcement has been tightened, and you can blame / thank your fellow country persons for screwing you and future retirees here. I personally love the tightening of Imm rules, and actually wish they were stricter. Many of the bottom feeders had to leave the past couple years, by simply enforcing the rules that they've been violated for decades. No loss to anyone here. Most people seem to want strict immigration in their home country, but not where they think they are entitled to live.....hmm
  12. If free flowing alcohol is your gauge for living somewhere, you may have more issues then you care to admit. I enjoy sipping one or 2 occasionally, maybe every couple weeks, so not an issue for me. Never at a bar, and rarely at a restaurant, as most don't serve my brand. I wouldn't get pass more than one or 2 anyway (490ml), as I'm usually the driver. When sitting surfside also, and had 2, depending on food intake, wife may drive back home, as she doesn't indulge. Not that I'm incapable, but if someone was to hit me, don't need beer breath when talking to whoever shows up. Stats show, no alcohol, and less drunks on the road, has save 1000's here. May this flu hang around for decades to come.????????????
  13. If that half year is all at one time, then I'd pick Thai's high season, NOT to be here. Nov-April. Though catch the cusp of (Sept / Oct then April May rains start), whether just before or after to enjoy the Andaman Sea side without tourist, during normal times. Pre-covid, the millions of tourist in South of Thailand, and wee bit of smog, along the heavy smog from Hua Hin and above, Bkk & the N, really should be avoided, IMHO. Packed beaches in the South, and no mountain visas in the North, really ruin a holiday. Rainy season here 'was', is one of my favorites. Actually went to the N during, first time I think, and lovely vistas, that I missed in the past. Same with Andaman Sea (Phuket). Perfection this past year, high season, without the tourist, as I stopped going 10 yrs ago, and never during high season, as low season was too crowded for me. If not living in, the USA, if never been or limited traveling, during high season here, as low season there in many places, since most travel during summer school breaks. Size & diversity of the country makes it amazing. All the Americas IMO.
  14. If actually reading the 'original' sourced info, I don't think Patts fits what the NEO Tourist is looking for. Especially since the groups sited, along with 'nature / sustainable tourism' as part of their criteria. Young families with or without kids, Patts isn't the draw, unless a pit stop to go to Ko Larn or other points beyond. "The research was conducted with 1,098 participants which were divided into 2 groups namely young neo travelers and family neo travelers. Young neo travelers are those at 18-35 years of age with no children. This is the first group that the entrepreneurs have to take into consideration and adapt their services to match with the behavior of this group of customers. Family neo travelers are those at 27-45 years of age with children. This group consists of at least 2 generations of family members, is the majority of current Thai society, and has higher spending per trip than other groups. New information for travel business is found as follows" Had to Google 'neo tourism':
  15. I picked up the POCO X3 NFC last year, a Xiaomi product, and really like it. Also, one of the few left that battery is user replaceable. From LAZ/Xiaomi: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1620308672-s4447784478.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&spm=spm%3Da2o4m.order_details.item_title.1 Excellent camera and screen is fairly indestructible:
  16. Many of these cycle lanes aren't very well thought out, especially with the lack of parking in towns. And seriously, how do you not see that truck. Maybe more to the story, and he got cut off into the truck, and obviously didn't bounce very well.
  17. Nah, hurricane season kept me out of FL, USA, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico. Natural disasters, lack of, all pluses for Thailand. Typhoons, earthquakes, volcanoes all fairly none existent. Can't think of anywhere I'd want to start over again at, especially knocking on 67 yrs old.
  18. Relative to ... Krung Thep - no Other big metros - yes, maybe. If leaving Thailand for cheaper or less corruption, then not a good choice.
  19. Without a reason ... correct. If every Yank showed up, with I month missing, and 2 deposits in the next month....yea, we'd all be deported. ???? I'd better make some plane reservations back to the USA.
  20. That stat suck, and guessing that's a worldwide stat. Here, not nearly that many, thankfully. I am a bit anti-social, especially now, since anti-vax & mask ???? Few that have pass of late, simply old age, as I'm in that age bracket, when more funerals get attended than weddings. So small circle of what I'd call friend, and all distant at that, even here since moving from NE to S of Thailand, along with most family & friends I haven't seen in 20+ years back in the USA.
  21. You posted an op-ed that quoted a newly appointed politician, of the same party, trying to push a bill through Congress, presently a scenario that has never happened, in a system set up so it doesn't happen. I'd call that scaremongering, not news, or a possibility. cnbc... go figure. The only surprise is they didn't blame it on Trump ???? I'm pretty sure in the very unlikely possibility of it happening, Thai Imm would simply make an exception for any 1 month involved, and simply take the total of the 2 months. Just as all the overstayers of their visa during lockdowns, outside of the country, didn't end up in jail or fined. Actually got a carte blanche pass to avoid most immigration policies for over a year. I've found Imm to be very compassionate & understanding most times.
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