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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. You clearly know absolutely nothing about the Rachadapisek land case and how ridiculous the charges were. Here, educate yourself: https://www.newmandala.org/a-response-to-vanina-sucharitkul/ BTW, some news from 2018 - Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra will no longer be liable to serve the two-year jail sentence handed down 10-years ago in the Ratchadaphisek land case once the statute of limitations expires in October. Oh, another by the way, if you think the Thai courts aren’t politicised, we’ll, ????????????
  2. How did you reach this conclusion? Whilst considering all the possibilities, did you ask yourself whether you yourself are either misinformed, ignorant or outright wrong in your opinions on this particular topic? Or, asked another way, how do you know you are right?
  3. Why no charges against Thaksin? His opponents have had a decade of unimpeded rule and have accused Thaksin of all sorts of nonsense during this period, but they never ever even hinted at charges over the drug war. Why is that?
  4. Wake up, you’re lost in a junta lovers wet dream. He’ll be met by adoring masses wherever he goes in Thailand. It’ll be interesting to see Prayuth’s reaction to what will be a humiliating confirmation of his complete and total rejection.
  5. Perfect timing. The junta are cowed and afraid and pissing in their pants. Time to ramp up the pressure. Thaksin arriving on the scene would be the death blow to the caretaker governments efforts to stall the new, elected government being sworn in.
  6. Without Thaksin having had a foot in each camp, there would never have been a Move Forward. Step by step is. How progress is made.
  7. Exactly. He attempted a similar ploy in the 2019 election, except this time with a princess. Samak was Thaksin’s attempt to prove to those behind the 2006 coup that he could be trusted - he has always (at least tried to) maintain a foot in each camp. MF got both feet firmly in the people’s camp, thus their recent victory.
  8. You got it backwards sunshine. Samak was Thaksin’s choice prior to the election against the wishes of many red shirts (Samak was always a very right wing conservative politician), after the judicial coup, Thaksin lacked the clout to push Samak through against the wishes of so many red shirts a second time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samak_Sundaravej Here’s a snippet: Samak was also was prominent in the events leading to the 6 October 1976 Massacre at Thammasat University, in which leftist students protesting against the return of a former military dictator were killed by rightwing mobs. Samak had played a crucial role in instigating the violence that ensued against the protestors, whom he considered to be disloyal communists.
  9. How are they correcting their mistakes? Just look at the recent election - a clear vote for change and this time the Bangkok urbanites joined their rural cousins in sending a resounding message the the junta, time’s up, your nonsense will no longer be tolerated. BTW - why all the hatred, anger, insults and hostility…., did a Thai lady of the night get the better of you? Surely not, only a muppet would get fleeced like that eh?
  10. Let’s not put the cart before the horse. Samak was PM and would have remained PM if not for the ridiculous courts.
  11. They are currently in the process of correcting their past wrongs. Not everyone awakens at the exact same time, there is inertia to be overcome. Not sure prattling on about muppets is adding any value to anything - then again, muppets do tend to like prattling.
  12. You support a regime who severely restricted millions of peoples freedom in many different ways. Thais aren’t even free to buy the beer of their own choosing because of restrictive monopolies imposed by your junta. How silly to think unelected authoritarian rule is going to result in a freer society. It defies belief that anyone could posit such inanity. Why did Hitler dismantle democracy? Why is a coup better than an election (do you think the military know better than the combined voice of the citizens of a nation)?
  13. Grassroots is defined as when ordinary people are regarded as the main body of an organization's membership. Which party (or parties) do the majority of ordinary Thais support?
  14. You care for a government that doesn’t restrict YOUR freedom, even if that comes at the cost of restricting everybody else’s freedom. How do you not understand why you guys lost the election? The answer is of course your extreme level of selfishness as shown in your post here.
  15. An army of near on 30 million citizens who have well and truly had enough of military theft and incompetence. Using live ammunition in its own citizens is no longer an option - the economy would instantly collapse, the difference being Myanmar was always an international pariah that wasn’t integrated into the global economy therefore, no downside for them, China’s teat is enough to fund the lifestyle of their Generals. Not so Thailand. If the Japanese ceased investing in Thailand its all over as far as achieving first world economic status is concerned, not to mention the travel bans the rest of the world would implement on those responsible for gunning down citizens. Pita will be PM, despite the desperate death throes of the archaic Thai establishment.
  16. Desperate, desperate, desperate. Out of curiosity, which do you believe is the greater crime (and should lead to parliamentary disqualification) inheriting 0.0035% of a defunct media company or being a convicted (in Australia) international drug dealer? BTW - Samak was “convicted” of receiving payment for having a second job because of his one off appearance on a cooking show - there is no law about PM’s and cooking shows…., once again, you remember wrong.
  17. That may be so - but it is dishonest to portray both sides as being equal in support. Isn't it interesting, the side you support, you are talking about them being radical and destructive to the country. What will it take to open your eyes?
  18. If you believe MF aren’t a grassroots movement then you don’t know what a grassroots movement is!
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