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Everything posted by MrMojoRisin

  1. Wrong. The other side is a dwindling, shrinking, disappearing collection of greedy establishment lackeys and brainwashed elderly (hastily tumbling off the demographic cliff). The other side is a beaten, dishevelled bunch of crooks who, as they’ve always done, are relying on cheating to stay in the game. The other side is now on the wrong side of the grass, six feet under, where they belong. All of this of course poses the question… How much love can can a junta lover give when there is no junta for a junta lover to love?
  2. The establishment, so long able to act with impunity, is now answerable to an awakened, motivated and angry populace not only in the north but now in the capital as well. A “let them eat cake” moment awaits them.
  3. He has won. Flogged them all again and again. Imagine the hidings he’ll be handing out once he is no longer “wet behind the ears”.
  4. Avoiding the topic again. I guess it’s the only option for one so at odds with the facts. At least you’re consistent I s’pose. ????????????
  5. Typical response of junta lovers to avoid responding on topic. Why is it that the people you call corrupt accept democratic outcomes whilst the people you adore use guns to take power? Thailand does have a lot going for it, however, it has been handicapped for twenty years by anti democratic thieving plutocrats. Don’t worry though, the recent election ended that nonsense, nothing but happy days ahead in a free and democratic Thailand under PM Pita where meritocracy will, for the first time, get a look in. Your junta loving fantasies are going to have to be satisfied elsewhere from now on my friend (China? North Korea? Iran? Russia) Enjoy.
  6. No more inane than the cooking show nonsense in 2008. What’s very different now is that the publics willingness to accept such nonsense has entirely dissipated.
  7. Nonsense, nonsense and more nonsense. How have Westerners tried to change the place? It would appear to me that it is the Thai people who voted for change. The statistics show your claim that people are fleeing the West to come to Thailand are factually incorrect, i.e. falsehoods / lies. It is you that want to force your way of life on Thailand to the point that you support an unelected and unwanted junta that has denied the Thai people democracy. Even after the Thai people made their wishes very clear in the recent election you continue with your junta love because you selfishly want things your way. How very sad.
  8. In 2011 there were just over 42, 000 Thai born residents in the UK (up from 16,000 in 2001), in Australia just over 46,000 (2011) up 48% from 2006 (obvious trend upward). In 2018 Thailand issued just 80,000 retirement visas. That is less than the number of Thais residing in just 2 western countries (way, way less if more up to date figures are used). You have a very self centered view of things. You are unable to adjust your opinions to align with facts. The end result is that your posts are almost exclusively factually incorrect. Why do you persist with such nonsense?
  9. Thailand has one of the greatest levels of inequality in the world. There has been a 20 year struggle by the majority of the population to upend the ingrained system that has deliberately created the inequality. The unnecessary misery, pain and suffering inflicted upon tens of millions of Thais by a greedy and selfish elite has no redeeming qualities. Until the stunning election result, Thailand was veering towards a society that emulated the top down authoritarian control of oppressive regimes as seen in China, North Korea and Iran. The West ain’t perfect, but it certainly beats everywhere else for individual freedom and opportunities for upward mobility. Thailand has chosen wisely in turning its back on Prayuth and embracing Pita.
  10. Explain what is degenerate about the West. The single greatest reason there is any level of freedom in the world is western civilisation. Do you think uncensored forums (kinda like this one) exist in China, North Korea or Iran? Do you think there is large scale black market organ harvesting or mass ethnic internment camps in the West?
  11. He was absent for the same reason Maj Gen Paween Pongsirin fled Thailand and sought asylum in Australia - no due process and no fair trials on offer. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35058414
  12. Well, I know the junta got thumped in the election and now the junta lovers se having a hissy fit about it, so there’s that. ????????????
  13. There’s not too many things the Thais like more than a street mob. For the past 20 years there’s been masses in the streets in various coloured shirts for extended durations again and again and again. The pent up rage against the junta will explode should the election results be denied. There are only two possibilities: Pita is PM or there is a massive uprising and then Pita is PM. The only fantasy is from the junta lovers who think that the past will repeat itself and the junta has a viable path forward. Its over. The good guys won.
  14. How ironic, the root cause of all the things you don’t like is…., military governments. ???????????? No military government and there is no red shirts or yellow shirts. The war on drugs, however, was never part of the pro / anti democracy struggle. Orders came from above and the war itself had, at times, well over 90% public support. Why? What was the incident that stoked public outrage about the drug problem raging out of control in Thailand? This: Curled up asleep under a blanket in the corner of the nursery, a single toddler survived the horror. Nearly two dozen others did not. Panya Khamrab, a former police officer, hacked them to death with a machete on October 6th on his rampage through a child-care centre in Nong Bua Lam Phu in Thailand’s north-east. He also killed more than a dozen adults, some of them minders trying to protect the children. Then he went home, where he shot and killed his wife and her son before taking his own life.
  15. Nonsense. 9 years Prayuth + 2 years Surayad = 11 years out of a 17 year period (not to mention that Abhisit was merely a military puppet so it’s really much more like 14 years of undemocratic military rule). Samak and the two PM’s that followed him won the 2007 election and only governed for 11 months. Yingluck won the 2011 election and only governed for 22 months. Thailand had properly elected governments for a total of 33 months out of about 200 months.
  16. You think the military aren’t involved in either street protests (oppressing them) or forming government (since 2006 there have been more years with a General in charge than an elected politician)? Why do you bother with so many falsities?
  17. More pressure on the military establishment to sit down, shut up and do as they’re told. Good.
  18. Ahh, apathy. If you couldn’t care less why do you waste time prattling on about Thaksin being some sort of super villain? Or is the apathy feigned to avoid answering the question?
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