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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. Yes very interesting vertical recovery....and it started well before the CPI news in the US that triggered Thursday's bull trap rally. The AUD was being manipulated (bought to soften the collapse) but by whom? RBA is not a candidate because they a literally bankrupt and have negative foreign reserves at the moment. Something has got to break soon. Events like vertical 6% climbs in currency pairs in an hour and 7% swings in the Nasdaq do not bode well.
  2. Your friend was a lightweight. I knew one single mother back in Oz that had 5 kids....to four different fathers. She told centerlink that she was drunk at parties and the like everytime she fell pregnant and that she could not identify who the father's were....no risk if having to chase child support...and 100% on the welfare gravy train.
  3. Bar stool piffle. I have about 45K AUD in an FCD account. I have used it for nearly a decade to do my non-o extensions. During the covid market crash the AUD fell to circa 16 baht. IO never even mentioned it when I did my extension.
  4. There you go. Just seven short years ago: And true to form the pathetic Thai apologists on then Thai Visa were quick to condemn the Aussie. He was very lucky that there was clear CCTV footage of the incident (that was supplied to the RTP by close by business owned by a foreigner). Of course all of the Thai owned CCTVs in the vacinity were not working. The footage only came to light in the days following his arrest. And so the Thai apologists had to eat humble pie. I note that the members @starky and @worgeordie were among the many to quickly blame the Aussie. There were lots of poisonous comments like let the drunken Aussie rot in a Thai hell hole....blah blah blah. @LivinginKata was the first to call BS and suggest we wait for the true of the story to come out. By all accounts the guy was a super nice chap, been here a long time, respected business owner, and married to a nice lady. He was walking home from a Rotary meeting when the Thai thug attacked him. I do wonder what became of him, his business and his marriage. That is a huge problem here with the media. Never any follow up storys....Especially if it comes to light that a Thai was in the wrong.
  5. I met some of these MFs the other week in Rawai while playing pool. Their trick is that when introducing themselves they lie and say that they are from Ukraine.
  6. I have been here a long time. I have been attacked unprovoked on 3 occasions. And for video footage there is no better example of the Australian bloke years ago who was attacked by thugs outside the Taipan??? bar at the end of Bangla road. His crime was photographing the thugs beating on some other tourists. He stabbed the thug that was attacking him (he was a charter captain and had a rigging knife in his pocket). Thug died and he was charged with murder. But luckily CCTVs caught the incident (showing the dead thug entirely in the wrong) and so he was able to bribe his way out, I think the brown paper envelope was to the tune of a million plus. Anyone in Phuket know what ended up happening to him. He had a Thai wife and a large charter business at the time.
  7. Will someone please just draw an info graphic for this with a one year timeline. The info is perfectly suited for graphical representation.
  8. Second that. It is now lighting fast. Last week was perhaps 5 seconds.
  9. Interesting that the OP used Australia as a positive example. Ask any Australian over the age of 25 that does not have rich parents what they think their chances of ever owning a house are.
  10. No. I don't suffer fools lightly.
  11. The very fact that there is no option on the platform to update your email address, or any instructions on how to do so if you need to, are manifest evidence that it is poorly coded and not properly supported with clear documentation.
  12. <removed> The parasitic worm that lives in barracuda is situated in the stomach lining and moves out into the flesh via the backbone when the fish dies. If the fish is gutted and cleaned immediately after catching it there is little chance for the worms to enter its flesh. The Nigerians catching and preparing your fish would have all been well aware of this as they would all have fished for a living at some stage of their lives. Perhaps the Nigerians staffers were giving the stupid expats wormy fish for a laugh. What you should have been worried about was the possible mercury content of the barra you were eating and also the possibility of ciguatera.
  13. In my life experience, endeavouring to feather ones' nest always leads to less freedom, not more.
  14. Lots of nice little places in around Rawai and Chalong for circa 3K5. In Phuket Town lots of rooms for 2K5 and if you are on a very lean budget if you head out towards the Eastern side of Phuket on the way to Koh Siri you wil find big, but very old places for <2K.
  15. LOL. I am Australian and my GF is constantly showing me "deals" online offered to work in Australia. When I review the details I know right from the get go they are scams just because of their discussion of the visa terms that are available. And yes it is most always Thai corruption at fault here not the authorities in the destination countries. My GF has seven brothers and one sister and all but one is working abroad at the moment. A younger brother just recently arrived in Taiwan via a deal with a Thai employment company. He was told he would be operating process machinery in a factory. The actual jobs is pouring molten lead ingots by hand. The factory is like a scene from hell, lead vapour everywhere and no proper ventillation or respiration. He is well aware of the lead poisoning risks and has been trying to break his contract but is locked in until at least his flights are paid off. It is very sad as he is a nice guy and stand up father and only went abroad for work to improve the future for his two small children.
  16. Possible but pure speculation. What is more likely is that the platform has poorly coded back end architecture that does not have a redundacy function for clearing obsolete email addresses and accounts. When betting on Thais my money is always on ineptitude and stupidity.
  17. Collapse gaining steam this morning.
  18. @HighPriority you were just wrong. Because you are deluded and ill informed. Don't try to divert attention away from those hard facts. And what's utterly pathetic is that you used personal attacks on me in the attempt to add weight to your nonsense arguements.
  19. Its a sucker deal. Work rarely if ever even pays for flights. My now GF had three cracks at it with her former partner (a Tom) who had an aunt that was married to a guy there. They had a fun time, lots and lots of photos, were out in some lovely forest areas...saw a bear...ate lots of salmon...but on all occassions came home with less money then they left with...kind of a working holiday at best. And yes you are paid by the weight of the berries you pick, and having to actually do something to get paid will come as a big shock to most Thai workers.
  20. Where to you want to buy. Lots and lots of developer/vendor finance deals on offer at the moment due to distressed market. An alternative to having to rely on the banks for the money.
  21. This story is propaganda nonsense, but the math does check out. Thai gold is sold by the baht weight. But each baht weight consists of 4 salungs each weighing 3.81 grams. I see the shop keeper weighed the ring and it the scale registered 1.9 grams so one half of a salung or 1/8 of a baht. 1/8 as a decimal is 0.125. If you multiply 0.125 by the current price of 1 baht of thai gold you get (roughly) a 4KTHB sales price. However the shop keepers scales indicated that the ring was just under a proper half salung so short changed the kid it would seem. As an afterthough when rewatching the clip...the ring must also be hollow...it is quite big...and so could never weigh in at 1.9 grams if it was solid gold.
  22. I'm looking for alternatives..... Buy a head lamp and venture out at night in the rice field to spear some frogs. That is where all the local hotties are this time of year.
  23. Heads up everyone.... I posted in this thread (or another similiar) many months back asking how is it possible to change the email address you have registered on the online 90 day report platform. After searching endless on the platform, and in the instruction manuals, I found nothing on how to change your email address. It turns out that you just abandon your previously registered account, and then just register a new one using your updated email. At least that is what I did this week and then received my 90 day approval same as always. However this is a design flaw in the new platform it would seem because (eventually) it will be cluttered by absolete accounts linked to old email addresses. Peace....
  24. They are smart, high net worth international criminals. Why on earth would they pay for an Elite visa?
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