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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. Shut the border but how about deporting a certain percentage so we have a manageable amount to handle. In sensible person would run the numbers First and determine how many we can afford to support each year and set that limit each year. I never understood the US government always running the country with a debt that would take 20 years for the average person to repay their portion of $92,000 plus interest for remaining years.
  2. I thought Thailand was predicting low rainfall this year? Hope they like paying more for rice and other items. Coconuts increased 40% past couple weeks. Lady blamed no rain and fewer coconuts.
  3. "That's a fortune". I know I could take that amount and invest it and probably never have to work again and live a good life in Thailand. Just like the how much do you need to retire in Thailand question it depends a lot on what level of lifestyle and healthcare you require
  4. So I see this issue is unpaid bills. Hospitals possibly have difficulty receiving payment from foreign insurance companies. Tourist who visit with No insurance. I have trip coming up and a stopover visa has a charge for about 140 baht or $4 USD for a minimal insurance policy. This sounds very reasonable and could help reduce the potential payment issues and delays in payment from foreign insurance companies. Just a thought.
  5. If you want to analyze the deal correctly Work the Deal backwards. What is your potential Profits/Return on Investment? What are the annual operating expenses adjusted for inflation? How expensive is the specialized training to operate a sub. What is the estimated lifespan of the Sub. What are the Risks if you do Not buy the Sub. Are there cheaper, better ways with less operating expenses that require less specialized training. Have you budgeted for enough spare parts to keep the Sub operational when it is critical? A blind man can see that NO Thailand does not need a Sub. Government or Military WANTS a Sub, but first raise and refurbish the ship that sunk a year or more ago. I lived near a Submarine base for 30 years. The AI Tech and increasing IT spending will be of much greater benefit.
  6. I'm going to give my perspective based on what I understand about Thai Culture and my behavioral psychology studies. Some Thais if ordering drinks, food, etc will go to pay or order and unless the waiter or checkout person is talking with or checking out a customer's items a Thai person understand this worker to be Available. This is Thailand and things are done different even in different regions of Thailand. The Sign to Order Here in multiple languages is Not used. If you can get the workers attention and order the job is done. If you Queue or need to order stand as close to worker and try to get their attention. do Not wait for the worker to finish and look at you unless the worker has acknowledged you and signaled to wait. Additionally in Thailand we try to find a way to get along and live in Harmony. If you start to order and a Thai standing near talks to indicate they were next, Zero problem, Sorry and order next. Thailand is wonderful, most will not want to fight over a misunderstanding that is of low value.
  7. Yes Bangkok Hospital has many people off work at 17:30. Avoid the area near rush hours, late afternoon Sunday and between 16:00 and 19:00 if at all possible. Think Bangkok Friday rush hour to picture the amount of traffic and time delays.
  8. Also he aware that 1st Class insurance on New Motorbikes. Mine covers 80% the value of the Motorbike. Understand also that if GPS is always on, using Mobile Phone connection then it will drain the battery. Batteries seem to only last about 18 months before needing replacement.
  9. Sounds Good. Good Weather, Good Prices, Decent Public Transport if include Motorbikes, plenty to do, many entertainment choices, Many good friendly Thais, Good food. I'm sure all the negative Nancy's who in there mind still want to compare it to their home struggle with accepting the differences in Thailand. Just remember that most Thai people did Not have the same education, resources, training, Yet still built a country as good as yours or better
  10. Cancel the submarine contract. It has Zero benefits. No one is invading Thailand. First Thailand needs to collect tax money, improve basic school education, teach some English to students. Next you need to properly fund and supply the Government Hospitals. Then you need to keep investing in streamline routine processes and make as much as is cost effective available through a web or app. Then work of improving public transit and mass transit in certain areas. The Submarine would come ONLY after all the much needed improvements have been finished and paid.
  11. The Thai Government should KNOW this. Wealthy People generally hire very smart, capable CPA's Tax Professionals to structure their clients finances so as they pay the LEAST amount possible but still be Compliant with Thai Tax laws. The Revenue Department will need to spend XX money to hire skilled Tax Professionals, New Software for Many Many foreign income residents and spend Untold hours inputting the data. Will the Revenue Department make Any money in return? This is Not just Thailand, Every country that makes tax changes to the Wealthy soon learns the Wealthy are Very good at paying the least amount required.
  12. The deductible is thought of as a way to Save a little money for people who rarely need Medical Treatment or for who medical treatment would be less than or equal to the Savings from the deductible, Example Only. Deductible is 20,000 baht Original Premium 50,000 Annually Deducible Discount 8000 baht Premium 42000 baht Deductible 20,000 You may spend up to 8000 baht and Break even. But wait there is more. Some Health Insurance Offers a discount Example 5% for No Claims in 1 year. (I believe if you are paying within only the deductible that is considered No claims) Check with your Insurance Broker. 1 yr No Claims Policy Renews within same Age Bracket Next Years Premium 42,000 X .95 (or 5% disc) 39,900 Baht a 2100 savings. As you can See NO ONE on this Internet knows. You know your health needs and costs bests. Time for a little Maths to figure your needs.
  13. This is why we need to be clear, specific and have a will filed correctly in Thailand. We all need to understand that our relatives may leave or not leave or leave just a portion of property, asset, or money to whoever The Giver decides. Unfortunately there is usually a lot of I did this work, helped you with something, or entitlement of a son, daughter, wife, husband, etc. That thinks waiting until after someone is Dead to settle any debts is wise. Sad event, hopefully we can all learn something and do better in the future.
  14. 1st this is Not the place to answer these questions. Thai Revenue Dept has still Not answered these questions as of this date 1 9 2023 that I am aware. 2nd. The first 60,000 baht, first 150,000 is No taxes as it is a standard deduction under current tax rules. 210,000Baht You are US citizen, US Thai Tax Agreement and how Thailand will apply tax to certain US Foreign Income is Not decided, yet. I would talk with trusted CPA Accountant, maybe Thai Tax/Law professional until Thai Revenue Dept provides details for US Foreign Income. Remember you are not a tax Resident of Thailand until 180 days or you meet criteria defined in US/Thai Tax Agreement
  15. This is a Tax Bracket based on Thai Earned Income. This will need to be changed Foreign Earned Income by Non Thais is 2x, 2.5x, 3x, this amount for paying the same tax percentages. First Thing the Government needs to understand is the Wealthy can afford to pay the smartest Accountants, Lawyers, and Strategist to pay only the minimum that is required. Taxable Income per year(Baht) Tax rate 0 – 150,000 Exempt 150,000 – 300,000 5% 300,000 – 500,000 10% 500,000 – 750,000 15% 750,000 – 1,000,000 20% 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 25% 2,000,000 – 4,000,000 30% Over 4,000,000 35%
  16. Back on Topic. Pattaya still good prices for living (rent, food, transport, entertainment) If you are willing to look or ask it has a lot of activities not talked about a lot (wake boarding, dirt bikes, side by sides, aquarium, mini zoos) Cheap clothes at the markets, some good shoes ( most I add 40 baht insoles, 40 baht gel cushion)Still friendly, helpful, people working about. It is safe and theft and robbery compared to the USA is very low. Most Long Term Pattaya drivers are good (blinkers, rarely slam on the brakes, understand how traffic flows with motorbikes, etc. People generally try to live in Harmony. If you like warm, sunny days you found the spot. Things that could improve (local government) is easier availability of who and what department to call for potholes, street sweeping or clean up, dangerous lines hanging down.
  17. If 800,000 baht is allowed to be kept in foreign fixed rate bank account You would need to monitor the Foreign Currency? To Baht conversion rate possibly dropping 1 or 2 percent This is fixed deposit and if you are changing the amount The Months Immigration allows If you setup Baht currency alerts for when it rises or drops you can better transfer money at Higher Exchange rates and earn some interest while it is sitting in the Thai Bank. To clarify you would have two or three months safety net money in your Thai account to live off until Hopefully the conversion rate is favorable.
  18. As stated Read your home country DTA Double Tax Agreement. For income from rental properties in the US and from stock, bond, ETF investments were that money will be transferred into Thailand Our tax situation is different. We should speak with our accountant to understand, plan or make any changes for the desired performance of our investments. Understand You may have to keep, present, and prove the source of your income that is transferred into Thailand No matter what your situation. This clerical burden is your to complete.
  19. Some tips I've seen that may help. Indicate with your hand up, maybe moving it around, look for a lighted part to cross, obvious but cross with others. Go during daytime. All the rest of the 11 point checklist before crossing the road. If it was like someplaces this holiday weekend is it better to order Grab, Bolt, Lineman or do it another day. Agreed we start anticipating what drivers will do and let our guard down some. You only need to be wrong one time.
  20. Focus on your tax strategy. Understand that if you have a partner (Each) is allowed the same basic (Single, Married, Health, Life Ins (Thai Comp) deductions. Your income is Not combined for tax determination. (You start at lower tax bracket when income is more equal) Focus on reducing your foreign income (non retirement, pension, social security)brought into Thailand. (If you are close to the next tax bracket (5%)increase, strategize ways to meet the lower tax bracket amounts. Review your countries dual tax agreement. A tax resident is allowed deductions, (single payer, health insurance (Thai Comp), life insurance (Thai Comp), some gifts to (Education)certain people) Verify with Thai Tax Expert Discuss if Business deductions (expenses) are allowed for foreign sourced income. If I am a US citizen and I am able to equal the tax rate paid in US or reduce the foreign income to only pay the additional tax rate to 5% the Thai Tax changes become less concerning. From what is Currently being interpreted for Foreign sourced income, a Foreigner, bringing foreign income into Thailand may not be a tax resident until residing for 180 days. Transferring income by end of 2023 is important. The Wealthy Thais are paying experts to strategize to reduce their Tax burden. I believe their will be more answers in the Jan, Feb 2024 to help navigate the tax laws Before the 180 days in Thailand (Tax) Residence is met.
  21. I think sometimes we waste to much time on finite details. Focus on what are your deductions, what expenses can you deduct. Rental property deductions and expenses. Get professional interpretation of Gift Tax (I believe this only benefits the receiver of the gift)(Education was an option) If you have Health or Life Insurance with a Thai Company you can deduct up to a certain amount. Talk to highly respected Thai accountant to understand your potential tax bill. The income tax rate table (brackets) are based on Thai not Foreign Income. If your girlfriend can work and contribute they will usually pay less tax. Each tax payer is allowed the deductions and the Thai worker will usually be in the lower percentage tax brackets 5%, 10%, 15%. Foreigners may reach the 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% brackets because of the foreign pay rates and sources. Focus on if you have ability to grow and earn money in your home country. I believe Thai Tax law is only for income brought into Thailand. If you need X to live a year, transfer X to Thailand, invest in your home country and let it keep compounding. There are many options available to be in compliance with Thai Tax Law. I discourage posting on a public forum any options that may fall in a grey area. I have heard a creative idea or two from others since the talk of this foreign income tax.
  22. The Dental Design Center next to Central Mall did a root canal on my girlfriends tooth, did a couple of fillings 18 months ago and she is happy with the work. The prices are a little more than some places but they have advanced, quality equipment and do great work. As for implant depending on your jaw bone strength and thickness will determine the cost. If needed they may recommend PRP or Plasma Rich Platelet surgery.
  23. Bought the girlfriends daughter who is a teacher some English lessons. She is doing well and can read and speak good. Her son stays with us on break and I make him do 15 minutes of learning games to try to help. I think we all want the best for the children and future of Thailand
  24. Girlfriend just bought some new mosquito nets for her family. I was getting bitten on our recent visit. Happy to buy them to help out. Regarding travel insurance some are comprehensive. You can usually find a travel medical policy that is cheaper. Hope he gets well soon.
  25. No. Who will make sure no one steals the sofa. But joking aside this is up to the individual. Some have no problem working and keeping busy a few others will be on the phone constantly and expect you to make all the plans.
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