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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. Here's how it would play out. They say they gave Breathalyzer to person. Bars says, person was Okay and must have stopped at another bar and consumed more alcohol. Actual events, once patron is out of money stop serving him and throw him out.
  2. Our condolences to the families. Most here have taken a Minibus Once. Reckless driving, speeding, following to closely, crammed to max capacity. Rolling coffins looking for their final resting place.
  3. Do Not Intervene in Thailand. Take small video. Call Police, stand back enough to not be seen as being involved or object to release anger on. This is Thailand, learn, observe and how Thai's act, they are actually a little predictable.
  4. Thaiger story read like normal Sick Buffalo money requests. Surgery, Money for School, etc. No disrespect but if I am paying any concerning amount I am going to require proof. Even ask for receipt photo. 3.5 million is a lot of money to many Thai people. Hopefully he finds trusted friends or resources to use to help guide and avoid these types of situations in the future
  5. With a Behavioral Psychology and having lived in Thailand long enough. They do appreciate the gifts but the giver is believed to receive good luck in return. Also Thai people are generally more introverted and so less dramatic outward appreciation. Lastly, Thai people do not have strong math or Value of money abilities. From some regions of Thailand parents have not taught them how to plan, save, budget or how to avoid the psychological marketing appearance of value. Buy 1 Get 1 but the price is higher on the 1 item than it's original price. Buying small gifts for their family that they need or makes life easier for their parents seems to make my girl happy.
  6. For those looking for a Thai friend or relative I have found success talking with Thai people (Building Security, Cleaning People, Massage Workers, Motorbike Taxi drivers) These are generally rooms in buildings mostly Thai's reside, no view of water. Make sure to ask about parking or if it has air conditioning or fan.
  7. FYI Check if they are familiar with shipping to Thailand and watch out for DHL. There is an Import tax and a certain tax to be prepaid. I've read customs will pick any price off the Internet if the receipt and/or value is not declared. You buy something on Sale they may want Full Retail tax on item.
  8. Biased and Flawed Poll. People are individuals. Your selections are limited to group answers. No one who responded could answer the question. They would need to talk to many different Thais in many different regions. How about anyone who has studied psychology (Behavioral), speaks fluent Thai and is foreigner or Thai's who speak good English. Ask. What behaviors and qualities do Thai's appreciate from foreigners. What behaviors and qualities do Thai's dislike or causes Conflict (state of disharmony or disagreements).
  9. You do know you can make copies of the TM47 and sign the pages. About 3 minutes prep and work to stay up to date. It is funny you created this topic and typed your rant in the same amount of time it would have taken to complete your 90 day report. You do realize that this is not the contact page for Thai Immigration to inform them that you are not happy.
  10. Just in time for high season. I'm sure the tourist will still find something to complain about even if the bars are open until 4 am and ladyboys are hiding.
  11. I used a folding solar panel and plugged it into a portable solar charger or battery and did this. The bonus of the solar battery for reserve is if it's cloudy for many days and /or power is out you still have the battery.
  12. Yep, submarine is total waste for Thailand. No disrespect but who is going to invade this country? It would have to have resources that are rare or something of great value or interest. I can almost guarantee they would have hit something in the submarine or some critical systems would fail due to lack of maintenance and we would be reading a very sad story about the crew
  13. Any competent locksmith could have you in there within 10 to 15 minutes. Lockpickinglawyer from YouTube could have it open with a plastic pen cap and gummy bear in under 2 minutes.
  14. What are you on about high quality corporate debt is some of the safest investments you can make besides CD's which offer half the return. You want to stagger the maturity dates over many years as the burn rate will start pulling down your asset value. Set up transfer on death and a will in US.
  15. I understand your objective there are some challenges though. If possible Best invest in high grade high yield corporate bonds. That expire in at different times, this would allow the money to grow, be taxed and theoretically last approximately 7.5 years at a 400,000 baht a year burn rate. I can count on one hand the people I would trust with any larger sum of money including lawyers, accountants and such. I would not mess with index funds as the market could sell off for years and they would not see a return possibly. There are some oil bonds Valero, etc that have 10% yields make sure you look at YTM yield to maturity percentage as that is what you receive. Good Luck.
  16. Probably waiting for taxi to push the automatic open/close button for the door and decided to catch a snooze. I have heard that in Japan after a night of drinking they sleep it off on a bench or somewhere before making it back home.
  17. Some good info here. I've looked into and one mentioned the person should have "No ties" to the US, friends, maybe, Boyfriend or Husband. Key points I've read most places here are the same. Finances in the bank Solid Job or Business in Thailand to return to Family, Children still residing in Thailand Previous travel (probably past 5 years) to other countries. The persons Age was mentioned here but not heard that before. I've read to the paperwork, visa expense, US Embassy visit make it challenging for someone who just wants to visit for a couple of weeks. Funny, US let hundreds of thousands walk over the southern border. It would be amazing if they had a better system, that was a better balance of allowing tourist but reducing the human trafficking aspects.
  18. Duck Donuts are fresh made with small machine when you place your order. They are cake style donuts. If they carry the same concept from the US they have about 20 different toppings to choose from. It would be worth a trip to visit if staying around that area. My favorite is peanut, chocolate, coconut.
  19. Yeah, probably not a good idea to fly a military plane into an active war zone. Besides the Israel missle defense system identifying the aircraft as a threat, the Israeli Air Force taking resources away from Gaza I believe all their man power and focus is on ending this conflict in record time.
  20. One of the reasons I left the US was to get away from all the bias propaganda they try to pass off as news. A few solid top journalists still around but most have stopped their medication and have resorted to supermarket tabloid quality reporting.
  21. All you guys who do Not want to give him a break because of circumstances have proven they either have not experienced what this man is going through or lack basic understanding of human behavior. I can recommend plenty of good books for you on human behavior. If society gave up on someone anytime we were in need of help it was be a pretty miserable place to live.
  22. Yeah when your young, dumb, do not have wife, family, kids, maybe no job I guess these guys do not think of the life long consequences. Thai male culture is about being strong, tough. Army, Muay Thai, fighting with your friends. No surprise someone is going to take it to far and be missing a finger sooner or later.
  23. As someone who sold beer and wine for years it all depends on the brand and type that works for you. I do not get good sleep with 90% of the wines and beers out there but have found some with the right dosage that allow sound deep sleep.
  24. Easy send her to the salon when you have scheduled the exterminator. When she asked about the smell tell her you hired an exterminator to kill the Roaches as she said you could not, Not someone else can not.
  25. Yes as others have said get a Usufruct and Will with the house or land being given to you in her departure. Make sure they are properly recorded. Talk to the lawyer about the Usufruct because there are some details I do not want to post in public. If girlfriend objects, then look for house to rent as you know what her long term game is. Behavior is a good indicator of truth Not words from someones mouth.
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