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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. Unixx in Pattaya I think they are on to you. That little blue building with TouchPad entry lock and tons of lock boxes across from the motorbike taxi stand has been exposed. Years ago the Airbnb owner in Bangkok told me tell the staff I am his friend and visiting for a few days, do not tell them I am renting.
  2. How about making everyone pay for trash collection in the annual property taxes. Then have the supervisor follow the trash truck route and note any areas that they can Then dispatch a street cleaning crew. Oh, I forgot, these adults (big children) need someone to tell them No, don't put trash on the ground when the trash bin is a 5 second walk away. How about this. Punishment for littering is to pick up trash for 1 hour. 2nd offense 3 hours. 3rd offense 6 hours. The public outrage would be comical why they have to pickup trash. Here is a scenario. Keep the residential areas clean and then property values will increase, property values increase and more transfer tax is charged, your ROI would easily pay for the workers keeping areas clean.
  3. Out by Khao Yai plenty of people coughing and sick. Here all the well people wear mask and sick people don't. I think we need to send them to Japan to understand the correct way to reduce the spread of flu.
  4. For the tourist they probably don't want to spend the time and effort to build a relationship on a dating site prior to arrival and hope to get boom boom. They walk down the street, find someone they like, a few drinks, and get down to business. My friend who is a decent looking guy nothing wrong with him likes the freedom. Likes being able to do what he wants when he wants with whoever he wants. To each their own. Enjoy. I'm from the US and totally understand why someone wants to have fun and be alone for a while.
  5. Just cost average into it then. Bring some in at 39+ and more in if it hits 40. The problem with people thinking I will wait until it hits some nice even number like 40 is the currency market doesn't fluctuate between nice even numbers generally
  6. Thai man is being Thai man. Ever watch Amarin TV, nothing new here. Again it is targeted, I'm sure the Thai man didn't wake up saying I feel like going for a jog through traffic with a big knife and scare some foreigners.
  7. In addition Foreign Bank Accounts of US citizens with over equivalent of $10,000 are required to file an Fbar to Fincen every year. FBAR is to combat money laundering and FACTA is tax compliance.
  8. It does a little bit, I believe it is less focused. But then you've just moved high enough that nothing is blocking the noise ( noise is not blocked by walls, buildings, trees, etc). Our business of a armored speaker truck to park outside any location and play equally annoying music will open soon.
  9. I know large businesses in the US have a web portal they use for travel and reimbursement requirements as to what class of flight and hotel will be compensated. I believe that is so there is oversight to avoid any ridiculous expenditures. But this is Thailand so we wouldn't have these entertaining stories to read if this all stopped. Glad to see that our Foreign Tax Money will be put to good use. I hope next time they charter a private jet to avoid the lines at immigration in Japan.
  10. Transfer them to Pattaya and have them pick up Trash for 5 years. They would probably only make a small dent but you have to start somewhere.
  11. Flawed analysis. The purchase power of 75 baht was probably greater than it is now. So with yearly inflation it is probably pretty close.
  12. It is not easy reviewing the policy, understanding the exclusions, reviewing the process for treatment regarding If you are required if your required to call first and obtain pre approval. Checking reviews of people with claims and their experience. I had a small claim once under $200 and had the check 10 days after submitting paper work. Didn't a major news outlet do a story where they reported the people reviewing claims (Claims administrators) were instructed to deny a certain amount claims?
  13. Yes, some idiot claiming he has all this wealth and then talks about getting on a "Baht Bus" and going to a regular "Clinic' instead of a private hospital.
  14. Pretty sure the Tourist Police at that time were saying the night is just getting started on Walking Street and wanted to check out the action, not spend hours looking at surveillance footage and chasing down someone for only what they see as a 1,400 baht loss.
  15. She may be out of luck Thai Law Section 1469 Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be voided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution She admits they were married even if not a formal marriage.
  16. You obviously have never run a business. Cost of equipment, cost of operation, labor, other expenses are all factored if a venture is worth the effort. If my logic was so flawed how come the Taxis have blocked the roads in Bangkok, complained to the government, and feel the need to scam tourists?
  17. What I don't understand is a new Toyota Camary is approximately 1,400,000 baht 27 times more expensive than motorbike New Honda Click 125i 52,000 baht The motorbike generally burns less gas, the insurance and maintenance is less than a car. But the motorbike fare is only 20% to 30% less. The motorbike taxi is not Air Conditioned and does not shade you from the sun. Definitely some flawed logic in the pricing structure.
  18. Girlfriend and I do pickup trash. Everybody in our neighborhood knows us. We are only ones weekly fighting to keep a small portion of the neighborhood clean. She is Thai so I let her cut back the bamboo, plants, trees that intrude on the walking paths. (Not sure if it could be protected job) Many people stop and say thank you. Local government should understand the ROI that spending a little to keep the city clean returns. More property buyers equals more tax money, more sales equals higher Condo/House prices which equal higher transfer tax amounts.
  19. Reminds me of the idiots trying to take photo with the Buffalo in Yellowstone. Buffalo usually just knock you down and bring you back to reality. Was she thinking the shark was going to put it's fin in the air and other fin on her shoulder for the selfie. Condolences to the shark for having to put up with another idiot tourist thinking you are a pet.
  20. Hot spot map indicated there were a lot of fires in National Parks, etc. The way our brains work we think it is an easy solution. It is complex. Some of the fires are in remote areas where it is difficult and expensive to get fire fighting resources to. You can't even get these Idiots from throwing trash all over the place but we expect them to stop burning crops, buy a diesel vehicle with reduced emissions (uses Urea), stop burning trash. It's every man for themselves. Some will buy air filters and mostly make it through with little impact. Others who can't reduce the PM level exposure for long periods will experience health problems. Government insurance costs will keep going up. Lost wages and productivity while seeking treatment. You can have all the laws and rules you want but with little enforcement how can you expect any real change? Government needs to start by educating the kids in school on better methods to reduce pollution, the health impact and financial burden toll. It needs to be a broad initiative and unfortunately the enormous task it would be to educate the current generation is probably to much.
  21. Bought a used Aerox from AMA last year to use in Pak Chong. Great Service, fair price, took care of paperwork, arranged a transporter, great communication.
  22. You do realize $50k US has $100k to$125k of purchase power in Thailand. So now the elitist is saying if you don't have half million in purchase power a year you are nothing. Skipped the behavioral psychology classes at your college I see. Your the type of guy who will always try to knock someone down to help you feel better about yourself and fill that empty void. I agree there is definitely a uniform and look to a lot of the guys you describe. Do they Not deserve to be happy, feel love even if it's purchased, share a few drinks and laughs with a lady? You mention "adapt" moving to a location where the values align more with your lifestyle is adapting.
  23. Not downplaying the severity of the incident but again it seems like another Targeted event. Not some random tourist being attacked.
  24. The old I need you to send me 6.3 billion baht and my funds in Thailand will be released, I will send you 100 billion baht for your troubles scam.
  25. Sorry for this guy. According to Bangkok Post 34,999,999 People visited Thailand in 2024. If this happened I would think the UK Embassy would make contact with their contacts in government. Definitely two sides to this story. Additionally I'm not sure being to large to fit in an Economy Seat is the Travel Insurances problem. Airbnb will probably give you a coupon code that expires in 30 days for your trouble. 5% off your next booking.
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