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J Branche

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Everything posted by J Branche

  1. I went up to city hall and complained. I think the Pattaya Police on Beach Road next. Some think the City and Police read This Forum, they don't. You have to have multiple people complain many times to get action most times. Next ask the City and Police to walk down the footpath around Festival Central and tell the people and businesses to "Remove any signs and merchandise on the foot path" Like mentioned most Don't care. If you have to walk over, around, into the street, trip over merchandise, they will only do something when told by Police or the City because they can fine or close their business temporarily.
  2. What made our will finalized is that the Lawyer who Is the Executor has the Legal Will on File. The relatives are instructed to contact the Law Firm if anything happens. If you update the Will or use another Lawyer you would also notify relatives of the new Lawyers Contact info
  3. The US Embassy in Thailand is to assist the US and Thailand with Goverment affairs. You do understand the purpose of an Embassy. If from the US you are NOT paying the Same fair share of tax. The Dual Tax Agreement allows you to cancel or deduct a percentage of tax that may be owed. The deductions and allowances given to all Thai Tax residents allow you to further reduce tax owed. That is on top of the deductions and allowances in the USA.
  4. Then the process is to contact your home country Embassy in Thailand. List what benefits you think are fair for a tax resident in Thailand. Example: 1. Access to Thai Healthcare system at Thai Price 2. No Dual Pricing at government facilities 3. No Dual Pricing allowed on Foreigner Tax residents in Thailand Etc. Any other recommendations Please Add them. Follow up with Embassy on who to, and how to contact the officials in Bangkok who make decisions on these matters. I will within 1 week be sending a request to the US Embassy for assistance.
  5. I had to read it again. The Article says Thai Citizen, many are residents of Thailand. A citizen has permanent status in Thailand. I understand that Thailand does need this. There are so many things Thailand needs to invest in. 1. Education system 2. Contribution to children's school so it's more affordable or parents can have money to spend on basic necessities. 3. Healthcare 4. Aid, loans, education to farmers so the Pollution will go down. 5. High-speed Rail I agree that there many business structures were a member has Unrealized income. There would probably be push back as a business in another country can earn 2x or 3x the same business in Thailand. The tax percentage table is adjusted in the other country to reflect this. Thailand would need to address a different tax table and percentage for Foreign Income.
  6. Let me know what 2.5 PM Mask you use. I placed the PM detector inside a NIOSH tested and approved for effectiveness mask, closed it around and checked the meter. Only went down 2 or 3 points. I know the respirator will work. But who is going to wear that around outside of work. I think the face mask are not designed effectively or are to thin for any substantial benefit against pollution.
  7. Recap. Immigrant Foreigner fails to check Immigration requirements, fails to make alerts for important dates in his phones free Calendar that can be synched with tablet, computer automatically. Foreigner fails to check maybe every week when he must visit Immigration or leave. If you are here legally, have Proof of Immigration documents on Phone, chances are if you get in minor fight you are treated like Thai culture (Say sorry, say you will work better to prevent this next time, maybe pay small fine) Minor fighting is part of Thai Culture.
  8. RECAP Air Pollution effects people differently, some how more difficulty handling increase Air Pollution than others. Monitor Use and Air Purifier that has a PM detection meter included or by an individual PM detection meter. I use from Lazada the Sndway SW-825 was 1400 baht 1 year or more ago. Seems accurate, battery last long time, numbers turn red when at elevated dangerous levels. Filtration - A/C I use the Mini Split 3M Filter Roll model 9808 or 9809. Cut to removal filter size, use included stickers to attach, change depending on Pollution levels or Air handler use. From 2 weeks, to 6 weeks for elevated PM level times. Room Filtration Small room size Smart Air Sqair Air Purifier, seems to be fairly quiet, can reduce levels in 10 minutes, filters are I guess reasonable 500 baht and I change about every 4 or 6 months, Whenever PM Meter level is showing reduction in filtration. I think like others we close up house and windows, filter only rooms we occupy on elevated days. Maybe exercise when daily levels are lower, maybe like others know how it impacts us and get on with life.
  9. Thank You, I had Embassy notification email set to wrong email. (Previous has horrible Junk Email filter and seems to allow All) switched to Gmail. Sorry about the Rant, I will fully comply with Thai laws, requirements. Por 162, the Double Tax Agreement and other exemptions should allow for A lot of people to Not be required to pay Tax this year at least.
  10. You are speaking if the country consistently taxed Tax Residents. Thailand acknowledged a Change, in a section of Tax Collection. The Revenue Department has published article's some Thai Only on the website. Yes, it is our responsibility to inquire or ask about driver's license, insurance, Immigration requirements, landlord tenant rights and laws, property purchase and ownership requirements.
  11. Not looking to start a debate but when the word "and" is used then the "Foreign Sourced Accessable Income" no matter what your citizen country is targeted if a Thai Tax Resident. Both my Girlfriend and I were witness in the Immigration Department when an employee surrounded by two 2 colleagues informed a foreigner to Contact their Embassy if they have a problem. That is the process, your embassy has all the names and contacts of Thai government personnel who could help address or solve reasonable problems. Your Embassy has a rapport, knowledge, experience , to understand how things are addressed and changed in Thailand.
  12. My comment requests the information to be available in document that the text may be copied from. This allows it to be easily translated into most languages. The PDF if not created correctly the text can Not be copied. I understand as stated many times "The Thai Language" document takes Precedence over translated versions.
  13. Actually False, when ever a law or policy change occurs they are required to notify the public. This targets Foreigners and Foreign Sourced Accessable Income. The Revenue Department should understand that if they want Foreigners to comply just like when they make Visa Changes they provide all necessary information to the Foreign Embassies. That country then updates all the Embassy Websites noting the changes. If you have a problem with any Thai Government Agency that Agency will instruct you to talk with your Embassy. (That is the procedure and process) That is why the US Double Tax Agreement is on the Embassy website.
  14. The Tax Form is yes. Is Por 162 English? Can the PDF be translated easily, by App to another language? US Embassy has multiple forms of contact information for me. So does Thailand. I didn't receive ANY Notification that ANY Tax circumstances have changed. I will comply with any laws in Thailand. The Revenue Department will need to fulfill Basic, process and procedures and make it available to translate to different languages if they want people to comply. It is Not Acceptable to think everyone will just figure it out. There are 9 months of comments, videos, and everyone seems just as confused and waiting for the Revenue Department to meet basic expectations
  15. Doesn't Thailand need to properly notify Resident Foreigners of the changes tax or enforcement and procedure that should be followed. Please respond if ANYONE reading this has been Notified by their Embassy, Notified by the Thai Embassy, Notified by the Thai Revenue Department, provided any detailed information on arrival at the Airports, Immigration. I do Not speak Thai enough and most Read Zero Thai Language. There is a proper procedure and notification process that must be followed. How much wasted time on posting comments and questions, meetings, YouTube videos, unanswered Double Tax Agreement questions is still happening. Get it all sorted out and Next Year after proper notification and access to documents (Not PDF, can not translate by app) that can be Easily translated to the Foreign Income Earners language on Revenue Department website. A clear easy to understand step by step process on what needs to be completed in what order and location or office to contact if we have questions. I've asked half the girlfriends Thai Family and Every one has given me a strange look and does Not Require Professional Assistance if they need to file taxes.
  16. Hopefully it a more constructed decision vs. "Accident" or unplanned event. They don't earn a living wage so DON'T think they can afford pills and protection all the time. Thai's will work temporarily move wherever there is good paying work if there are few restrictions (have to care for mother/father, have family home and Don't want to rent, Children but have no one to care for them outside of school hours). I know a new mother who has temporary 3 month job in South Korea just to cover starting costs of new baby. My understanding is I believe the Government gives them 1000 baht? A month to help with the baby. The babies IQ formula is 1500 baht a month. With the advancements in AI and Robotics they can handle some of the tasks of people. Unfortunately how is the Government going to TAX AI and Robotics to cover the amount lost from jobs/labor.
  17. GOing to try to explain what little I understand from the Thai Family perspective. Most Thai's do Not earn a living wage, or are in perpetual debt (it may swap from car, house, school, medical) Some Thai families the baby is raised until X months when it no longer benefits from mother's milk. The baby is then given from daughter to mother or boyfriend/husbands mother to raise while the birth mother goes to work. Any baby should be thought of as I/we need to work X more hours a week. I forfeit X hours of free time. These people have dreams like all of us, owning house and land, car, motorbike, going on vacation and traveling. They Want to look successful in the local surrounding communities eyes. When only a small percentage of Thai's earn a living wage, Why would they want to have More babies?
  18. Congratulations You have won an, 8 week, all expense paid vacation at The Singapore Seaside Reform Facility. You will enjoy the world class Bathing Facilities with free body scrub. Daily massages by "Ton" who is said to have hands like visegrip pliers. You'll have an in room fragrance dispenser with lively smells of rotten eggs and body odor. Please don't forget to give us a 5 star review. Enjoy
  19. Decent Buys Prank YouTube videos from 2 years ago, thjine head slapping was common. They have done months of hitting people with water ballons, slapping head, pushing them with their foot. Indians are the most frequent and abundant group walking in the road. In Pattaya people generally don't honk the horn, yell at someone, or confront someone while walking in the road. The Road Traffic Act has many references to Obstructing Traffic. Have the Police formed a task force to walk up and down this area and ask people to use the sidewalk? Don't thank you should be slapping them but that area is narrow, Traffic is often queued up and that is the 1st road available to go North, South near the waterfront into Central Pattaya. If the People walking in the road can cause a hazard can we all just drive down the sidewalk and cause Hazards?
  20. It also points to Clause 16 in the language by my interpretation supports the Pension would be taxed in the Contracting State where it was earned. This is one of the problems with laws, contracts, etc. They make them just vague enough that you question what the actual intended interpretation is.
  21. Just trying to understand Polish Man. You pat her on the button. Aaaannnnndddd? Next line Hey do you do squats at Tony's Gym? That he doesn't know their is a time and place for this sometimes. That he thinks he's above the law. A foreigner and entitled to go around patting unknown women's butt's. That after being reported the Police will just say ah another crazy foreigner. Top rules in Thai Society Show Respect.
  22. Recap Pattaya Expat Club Holds meeting with advisors that do not have clear or concise Thai Tax Info on certain issues of concern. A Revenue Department Official was Not present, was not invited, and No questions or statements where submitted to the Revenue Department for clarification. Or they did not respond prior to the meeting. 1. Por 162 allows Foreign Accessible Income earned prior to Jan 1 2024 to be remitted Tax Free. For the documents needed to support prior to Jan 1 2024 income, What documents are accepted as valid. (Bank Statement, Brokerage Statement, etc) What info is required on the document for it to be accepted. ( Bank Account Number, Foreign Country ID info besides name, a statement from Bank Branch regarding when the income was Accessible?) 2. Will New retirees be able to transfer in the 800,000 baht Retirement Visa requirement, one time,Tax free or at reduced tax rate after Jan 1, 2024. 3. For an inheritance that is remitted to Thailand will that portion of Foreign Inheritance be taxed at 5% as a descendant person? (Under the Thai Inheritance Tax Act) Page 6, Section 16 (This is for No Estate Tax, Inheritance, or other Taxed Amounts) (If no statements in a DTA Agreement) 4. With foreign income used to buy a condo, room, house in Thailand that is lived in by the retiree as a Thai Tax Resident be allowed a one time Tax Free, reduced percentage Tax rate allowance up to a certain amount? (I've read there is no Revenue Department specific source but it has been generally practiced and understood that a Foreign Credit Card payment that converts to Thai Baht by Thai Tax Resident is Accessible Income and could be taxed) New info: Credit Card purchases made in Thailand with payment converted to Thai Baht should be included and reported if you meet the requirement to File a Tax Return. Glad to see we are wiser now and are not easy mislead, wait and want on facts from Government documents or sources.
  23. Recap, Thai Women All don't want a foreign boyfriend ( maybe because, language barrier, cultural differences, high expectations from foreigner, don't like his style, lack of security foreigner can just up and leave anytime) Thai Women are partial breadwinners for some families and contribute to their mother and father and family home if required. Thai women expect their partner to be confident and ask them on a date. Ask them for Line to connect. Women are like taste buds and people everyone's a little different but like some of same things. Maybe they like freedom and seeing someone 1 or 2 times a week to share time. This may change anytime or last 5 years+ Maybe they expect you to work a little, confirm you will live here years When looking understand some people are not receptive all the times. May see Potential Thai Partner, at Grocery, Park/Beach exercising, The Mall/Shop, Insurance Office, Hospital/Dentist, Hotels. It's challenging Sometimes to get their attention, what lines will work on this Women? My experience, Thai people don't ask about you or your family like Western cultures. Not once been asked how my family is doing. Only at Temple does she ask for good health, safety etc for my family. Don't expect a Thai woman to have an understanding knowledge, interest, or adequate opinion on things outside of Thailand. Understand your partnership may require on-going work to be successful. Using language apps, cultural understanding, expectations, what lifestyle you can afford, etc.
  24. Flew Saudia March 2024. Back and leg issues so Biz Class. From check in, comfort, quality, on time transit, Movies, entertainment, food great, service all good or above average. Only thing in Jeddah the airport was confusing a one junction, American said been through handful of times and agrees. There was a second security check before boarding terminal. Seems travelers on this forum don't realize you can have a few drinks prior to departing at airports in countries that allow alcohol. Just DON'T consume excessive amounts or to a level where you become a nuisance to others. It is rare but you could have problems or be charge under Saudia alcohol laws when landing in Saudia
  25. A number of things raise suspicion in this story. Real Estate is sold and transferred in Thailand. It can be completed in days start to finish. Why was buyer delayed in completing sale? He could requested Proof of Funds from buyer. It would show the buyer had the money available or a loan approved waiting for transfer when Chanote transfer docs are completed and fees paid. Did the guy ask for any contact info of the buyer? Did he Line, WhatsApp video chat with them? I am just providing tips for others to use to reduce these scammers and educate on options available. The man potentially lost 6.4 million baht, not 8 million. What have the recently sold similar condos sold for (Fair Market Value?) Averaged.
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