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Everything posted by novacova

  1. ???? thanks, I’ll give it a look
  2. Have anything shipped here from the US by any method is expensive. If I can’t find it on shoppie, lazada then I’ll search the internet Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong and Japan usually with luck. Otherwise I wait for the next trip to the states.
  3. China is overseas? I thought China was on this continent????
  4. Correct! The branches are over your property, the branches belong to you and is your responsibility
  5. If you have an iPhone or other phone capable of Wi-Fi calling, then you just need to get a prepaid sim when you arrive in the USA and then you’ll be able to make and receive calls on your Thai sim via Wi-Fi calling on the US sim cellular network and on Wi-Fi. Method works anywhere in the world
  6. It’s your choice to walk out in the street. I don’t think anyone is forcing you. If you choose the risk and get slammed then it’s on you. Mind over matter isn’t a monk thing, it’s an aspect of human nature survival that has been diminished by recent changes of civilization, it’s cultivated in certain sectors of military and marshal arts. Everyone has it, just cultivate
  7. I don’t use Facebook, but if I did and read counter productive comments then I’d say the same thing to whoever. Though perhaps what you “pretty sure” you read may not b from locals, probably most likely business owners from Bangkok, other provinces or countries. Most of the locals are wizzing by on their motorcycles, and/or most likely avoiding the area completely. These are the options: Adapt and be tolerant. Complain and be frustrated. Go somewhere else and be happy. What else is there?
  8. Sounds only like complaining. Mind over matter is adapting, not bothered nothing to say and no complaints. Countless times even more often when Sukontha was open, we keep an apartment in the area and stay there for about a week every month when we come to town. Wife would insist on Sukontha and I insist we walk. But certainly not every day. There are much nicer places to go for a walk on the outer edge of the city.
  9. All seems normal to me. Seen worse in other countries. Adapt or since it’s enough to complain about find another gym or just move to another area
  10. Agents are a waste of time and money, unless of course one is mentally disabled, disabled fingers and hands or illiterate or just brain dead lazy. Never used one and never will. If going in prepared and organized you’ll be out in no time, probably less time than fussing with an agent.
  11. Fang is in Chiangmai, Fang district. Anyway, there may be an issue with the registration with the person you bought it from.
  12. Thank you for everything Joe, it’s been an honor. Pleasant journey.
  13. Normally I would agree in the US, but especially being in a SE Asian country, trying to be a white knight could mean prison or even worse if things go sideways.
  14. Is this limited only to uneducated Thai males? Women are abused and murdered by all sorts of men all over the planet. I’d venture to say that this man is probably not uneducated and most likely a psychopath that has an undisclosed number of victims in his wake. I’d be surprised if he’s even from the area, probably came from the south where most of the criminals in the area come from.
  15. A bit of a narrow statement considering this happens all over the world, including the country you’re from.
  16. You can get a Grab food delivery person to do your shopping for you. Order something on the app and when he/she arrives ask if they will go shopping for you. Make a list of what and where to shop, if everything works out then get their number and let them know when you need something.
  17. novacova


    I’ve never been able to find any clothing that fits me at any clothing store in Asia. The shoulders of the shirts are always too small and the pants/shorts are not comfortable and funky. The closet is full of clothes that the wife imposed on me that are never worn. Just stock up during trips to the US.
  18. I’ve driven the 1020 countless times, it’s a pretty safe highway, some curves. Never seen any accidents on that highway before. Though I do see a lot of accidents on 120 between phayao and wangnuea when it’s wet, counted 5 one day, taking the curves too fast, mostly newer vehicles
  19. Typical statement of an individual that immerses themselves in the blaring media. I don’t feel sorry for such fool that are unable to educate themselves and think for themselves. ????????????
  20. What?? I thought the covid craze and Songkran party were over already.
  21. Over wordy individuals such as this, are desperate to save themselves and very insecure. Probably why is why they’re avoided and no one wants the interaction, because the body language is so obvious. But it appears there’s an issue with older people with this one. I suggest getting out more and being normal.
  22. Already answered. Instead of just believing what makes one self feel comfortable, try being an independent empirical thinker and do a little objective research, if it’s even possible
  23. Not lies, facts conflated by the opposition. Bad reporting and the opposition sucks it up to fit their narrative. 555! Thanks for validating my point 555! Articles like this are limited and are designed to incite indifference and limited knowledge.
  24. Sensationalism at its finest and the art of conflating the facts to appear as truth. This is an ethical issue, not a legal issue. But as usual the crazy dems scream hop and holler in hysterics over minor things of the right and do nothing say nothing report nothing about their own filthy corruption.
  25. What?? We all know climate has been changing for millions of years, learned that in grade school. Tell me something I don’t already know.
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