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Everything posted by RayWright

  1. Starter for 10 would be Fortune Town by Rama 9 metro station. 4 Story mall dedicated to IT, Mobiles and Cameras.
  2. Does depend if you're trying to keep sound out or absord sound on the inside, say for a music room / recording studio. Could you elaborate at bit more on what you're trying to achieve?
  3. Severe Arabic insult. May your mother die in the belly of a pig.
  4. Famous Arabic insult, has also started the odd war. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your mother's armpit.
  5. Resturant is The Shish Mahal in Glasgow, formerly on Gibson Street, now on Park Road. Shish Mahal translates as Glass House. Now run / managed by Rashaid Ali, whose 3rd generation owner. Also my former squash partner. Highly recommend their pakora.
  6. If you've got any gaps around pipes, then fill with a quick squirt of expanding foam before installing the cabinets. As @VocalNeal says, "Keep the place clean". Living out in SEA as a kid in the '60s, the big trend was TupperWare, purchased through TupperWare parties hosted by some memsaab, aka The G&T Brigade. Our kitchen was full of the stuff. Not necessary TupperWare, but living here and previously in Spain, all food stored in plastic boxes, except tins and bottles and what's in the fridge. If you've got a wall mounted electrical cupboard that's ducted / open to the ceiling void, then make sure there are no openings out to the kitchen area. Good luck.
  7. There are just so many similarities between the two countries, Thailand and Japan Yep, 2 A's and a N.
  8. Surely Bundy Rum?
  9. Check if the landlord has other rental properties or not. If 5 or more, then they can only request 1 month deposit, as they are deemed to fall under the category of "Contract Controlled Business" as defined under the Comsumer Protection Bureau.
  10. A mate of mine was in the Frank Zappa Road-Crew when he toured AUS back in 1976. His warm-up routine included playing along to various pre-recorded guitar licks & solo's he had on cassette tape for his USA 'Getto Blaster' which he use to plug into the Australian mains. However Australia was 220V, the Blaster was 110V. His comment was, "no problem, I'll just play faster".
  11. Is it the case if you can't beat them then join them. Yep, just use a bigger phone.
  12. Second what @Crossy says, HK airport have signs in Chinese and English so easy to get around. Also, Thai Airlines are currently using the Singapore Lounge at HKG! If you want to save a few Dollars, then happily recommend Scoot Plus, posh seats/food on BBE to SIN. Scoot is the low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines. Bear in mind, as they only fly Saturday and Sunday in/out of BNE.
  13. Yesterday I was visiting a friend in Bangkok and was accosted by these 2 friendly african guys on my way to 7/11. Probably trying to show sympathy after last weekend's result.
  14. The CVV isn't used whilst performing a Cardholder not Present transaction on a credit card terminal.
  15. Not required when performing Card Holder not Present.
  16. Re the muddy paws issue, try a TAKmat. Used them for years as a dust / dirt grapper outside of IT rooms. Tried one years ago when I had a 4 year old Border Collie, however the rascal used to jump the mat. Maybe if you can train them younger you might have success.
  17. Ask the girl in the small café in Rickmansworth, England. Not sure what Thursday she'll be there.
  18. There's a Merchant Terminal feature called "Card Holder not Present", just need the 16 digit number plus Expiry date and or Start date (depends on card). In the UK you also need to know the Housenumber (if listed with one, House names aren't used), as well as the digits within the Cardholder's registered Postcode. Not difficult if you're ordering something for home delivery for someone to make note. When it comes to higher level of security, I.e. Date of Birth (DoB), if the card holder is a director of a company, Ltd or Plc their full name, home address and DoB is readily available with a simple search of the Companies House website. Atrocious I know, but that's still UK Company law. This is even more of a concern if you move domestic location, as the Companies House audit trail will list your previous addresses, all available by a simple search. Again used in security questions if checking back your last x years of addresses. The other key question is Mother's Maiden name, again not differcult with the abundance of genealogy websites. TopTip, when giving your mothers maiden name at time of original registration, miss spell it or give a false answer, so only you know the correct answer. What's now happening more and more with the UK Highstreet banks is the use of Voice Recognition, once offically registered anyone pretending to be you won't get far. I know Barclays have been working on this since early 2000's.
  19. With the increased use of 2FA it makes it more different for fraudsters to get the cash. Downside is the Merchant Services (Visa, MasterCard etc) as well as your bank put a stop on the card due to suspected activity. Had a issue couple of weeks ago with Hilton Bangkok, told them not to try and take pre-payment but send me a payment link and I'll pay in advance to get the discounted rate. Some plonker tried to take prepayment but it failed, then they chased me for the money. Pleaded with my bank to unblock the card as needed to use it for a trip. Tried to pay my hotel expenses this morning and rejected. So having to have my 3rd replacement card this year send from the UK. From previous mailings will take 6 to 7 weeks. Least it stops me spending.
  20. Would recommend the Rumba from iRobot, been using versions of this vacuum cleaner nearly 15 years. Ideal for tile or wooden floors. Will handle rugs carpets. They do have floor washers (as well as pool cleaners), but can't comment as never have bought. Not cheap, but they were the first. Origally setup by a couple of MIT techies who designed robotic bomb disposal machines, who then diversified into the consumer market. Agree with 1MoreFarrang with the WiFi, however I set the daily cleaning schedule, then deleted the SSID so it can't talk, just cleans the lounge every morning before I get up. iRobot have a showroom in Bangkok (next to the Lamborghini Bangkok showroom) if you're ever that way and fancy a shufty.
  21. Teka do have a service operation in Chon Brui, as my condo microwave was playing up couple of years back. Landlord was dragging his heals due to price, so settled on a brand new Japanese model for less. Have you tried:- https://www.teka.com/en-th/contact/
  22. Great match. Fingernails trimmed. £#÷×¥ng scrum penalty. Back to playing the Argies again.
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