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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. It is easy to criticise and complain but you have not answered questions put to you asking what your proposed solutions are!
  2. This may be of interest; https://thegeopolitics.com/south-korea-and-japan-relations-moving-beyond-the-horizon/
  3. It would have been quicker to type never! ????
  4. And your instant miracle solution is?
  5. So you do not have a passport or leave your home country then! You are also implying then that countries do not exist either!
  6. And I thought they wanted the festival to go off with a bang!
  7. I run a number of Bangkok Bank accounts. I keep One fixed deposit account with the 800,000, no ATM or online facility and the only transaction is the annual interest. A second account I use for daily living expenses. I always make both available to the IO (CM) at renewal time but only get the letter for the Fixed account. They only glance at the two passbooks.
  8. I use the free Chrome VPN browser extension "VeePN" to watch UK TV. (BBC iPlayer etc)
  9. Iran will be returning either the duff Scud B's the USSR sold them or the knock of Shahabs they got from North Korea! They work well! Give or take a 450m CEP if they don't fall back on the launch crew. ???? PS; CEP definition; Circular error probable - Wikipedia
  10. You responded to a quote responding to my links. You have become such a boring and repetitive troll that I am finished trying to provide FACTS to you at this time of day.
  11. I think you have a total lack of understanding of the difference between words and acronyms! From your link; "Since Russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022, NATO and Allies have provided unprecedented levels of support." NATO does not state it has imposed sanctions but does state it's allies have!
  12. Oh! I'm not so sure! Maybe I can I spell it back to you later "acirema"
  13. Got yo hooked eye see!
  14. No. Russia does not! It veto's them! The UN imposed sanctions on the Dictator's invasion as did many countries, some of which are members of NATO. some are not. Read the link I provided. I also suggest you read up on the purpose of NATO; (and the UN) NATO is a collective security system: its independent member states agree to defend each other against attacks by third parties; It is NOT there to invade other countries unless a member state has been invaded. The key section of the treaty is Article 5. It commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state, in Europe or North America, to be an armed attack against them all. NATO is an alliance of 30 sovereign states and their individual sovereignty is unaffected by participation in the alliance. NATO has no parliaments, no laws, no enforcement, and no power to punish individual citizens. There is no such thing as a NATO sanctions in this current situation!
  15. As I said earlier the US was a founding member of NATO and still an integral part. The aid to Ukraine is coming from many countries many outside of Europe/NATO; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_aid_to_Ukraine_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War
  16. But he is not fighting NATO troops. He is fighting Ukrainians armed with their own weapons and also weapons and other indirect support from non Russian aligned countries. They are not all/or NATO countries that support Ukraine!
  17. Since you appear to be making "baiting" comments (see the edits at the bottom of your last two posts) I will make no further response to you on this topic!
  18. I am sure you think you would make a good teaching/teacher example going by your illogical rant!
  19. Are you sure that one of them is a "she"? Either way one or both are glad the the other cheek(s) wasn't turned!
  20. The last time I checked The US was a founding member of NATO and many non NATO countries are invoking UN (please note; not NATO sanctions) but UN sanctions!
  21. I have had the same problem so I just top up the phone number from my BKK account to DTAC. Works for me but I will try fdsa method next time.
  22. To boost a dictator's ego and a (failing) attempt to cling onto power! I agree totally with your comments/observations. I have/am only adding additional factual info to your "spot on" observations to try and deflect the "but the .... did this brigade".
  23. And also in the air and sea in, and around, the 200 mile exclusion zone. There is one know exception: The S.A.S. aborted Operation Mikado: a failed raid on Rio Grande which went wrong!
  24. To be fare neither did the Argentinians, in the most part!
  25. Because they invaded another country against all the norms of present day (not historical) civilization!
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