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Real Name Hidden

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Everything posted by Real Name Hidden

  1. I had this problem when I moved into a new condo building. I poured a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar down the drain, problem solved.
  2. Putin only has to wait until his lap dog comes into office.
  3. Trump is going off the rails (already) with this nomination
  4. Trump has already proven unfit for the office, the pendulum will be swinging back very quickly.
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 264 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 301 seconds  
  7. I got a spam email from Rudy begging for money. He blamed Harris for his self-inflicted legal difficulties and refused to accept responsibility. No idea how I got on this mailing list, just unsubscribed.
  8. It's not the Golden Age, it's the Golden Shower
  9. Many of the January 6th insurrectionists had mental health issues.
  10. The Nutters used to claim fluoride in the water was a communist plot.
  11. Trump is unhinged and going off the rails, his cognitive decline on display.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 266 seconds  
  13. Favre and Trump united in cognitive decline.
  14. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 301 seconds  
  15. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 214 seconds  
  16. Floating Island of Garbage These Latinos, They Love Making Babies We Carved Watermelons Together Harris Is 'the Antichrist' Harris and 'Pimp Handlers' Nazi Rally Sick Son of a B****
  17. I'm getting spam emails from Rudy begging for money for the Rudy Guiliani "Freedom Fund". He refuses to take responsibility for his actions and blames Harris for his own self-inflicted legal difficulties. 😆
  18. Giuliani is having a much bigger giveaway. 😆
  19. All the democrats have to do is get out the vote. Trump never had a mandate.
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