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Everything posted by GypsyT

  1. Thai-Brit Formula 1 star Alex Albon is supporting orphanage somewhere in Thailand. They showed a clip on SkyTV. Nice guy.
  2. Stick to her, don't give up! Once I had a girl who had 5 others. My friends said "RUN" but I didn't see it like that. What else is better proof she's good, even great, than having so many?
  3. "There was one who thought sex was dirty, but wanted a lot of it. So I'd def go back to her. " Sex IS important and need for sex is normal. We are like animals, made to multiply. After getting divorced my longest dating partner was a nymph! She always wanted sex and went long way to make it happen. Any time & any place was OK for her. Didn't want any gifts, money or any favors - just sex. I got spoiled. It was so easy! It lasted for 6 years. After her others felt often too plain and boring. I miss her... But I'm over it and 100% happy with passive Thai babies. They have other qualities.
  4. Looks like Cambodia is way more farang friendly and modern in banking. Do you visit Thailand often? If you do is there red tape to return like in Thailand? A man, 75yrs, who lived in Thailand is living in Kampot now and writes to forums in Europe. He's very happy. Claims "living is 50% of Pattaya". Sounds too good but no reason he's lying.
  5. I also hated Instant coffee until I tried Vietnamese G7. I can't travel w/o coffee.... I carry 110/220V water heater coil and make my coffee in waiting rooms, public places and even airplane toilet! Water boiling coil, similar to this; https://www.amazon.com/Immersion-Portable-Reheater-Chocolate-Drinking/dp/B07VGXRBJV
  6. "You are not rotating or jumping through any more hoops. This is your living money from overseas source that you spend as you wish' I WAS going to rotate 65k back 'n forth ???? Why to have 800k sitting in the bank? For expenses I use Card to get Airline Points for free tix. I also carry cash, always. Pics of dead prez has power!
  7. I've had many different machines at home but when I travel I drink Vietnamese G7 Instant coffee without sugar or cream. I get it at Pattaya BigC and Food Market next to Jomtien buss station. Both don't have it always. They only have "3-in-one" junk.... https://trungnguyenlegend.com/g7/?lang=en "Black Instant Coffee Coffee Pure Soluble Without sugar, high quality and rich flavor, delicious for true coffee connoisseurs." PS. If I don't find it I make "Cowboy coffee" - any grind to hot water, wait for 3min and drink. No machines ????
  8. Thank you all! Looks like best to keep 800k in the Thailand bank all the time ???? It's only 23 000 USD. Not worth rotating 65k and jumping through the Thai hoops.
  9. "Any time you enter Thailand with a new visa you are required to do a TM30." PLUS; "every time you change hotel!" I was told @ Jomtien immigration... A new report within 24h. I travel a lot and stay maybe in 8-12 places during 3-4mo vacation. Most are far away from nearest Immigration. It's unreasonable to think they (hotels) make so many reports. They don't so before my trip I stay at my reputable hotel knowing they do report and return to the same. That way it, hopefully, looks I've been staying there all the time. Time will tell if it works and how long. What do you think?
  10. I use God's services more and more each year How much does it charge? scottiejohn Got an answer to; "Are Scots really tight?" Thanx
  11. Burma Bill "I receive 3 UK pensions which are paid in GBP. These are converted into US$ and credited to my Cambodian bank account." Can you keep your deposits in USD? And take USD out in cash? Thanks.
  12. What "800 000"? I think 65k a month is only what you need. 800k in the bank is an OPTION in case you don't meet 65l a month. However, I get confused why they talk about "combination of both". If you bring in 65k a month do you need to keep any in the bank? According to Brit Tim you don't. The other think; Can I pay monthly salary to myself from my "Trust account"?
  13. May I ask this; if somebody uses 65k a month for visa can that money be taken out? Or has it to be kept in the account for certain time? If so, how long?
  14. I spend every winter a month or two in St George, Utah. It's full of Cali tax refugees and I know a few. Besides of some nice State and National parks it's boring as hell after SoCal but so clean, so safe. Not a one cigarette stump anywhere! No drunks, no homeless (in sight, I'm sure there are). Food is fattening junk and all main chains are there. Thai and Vietnamese restaurants are bad, not like in LA. Winter sucks too; cold wind from North and often below freezing for 2 months at nights. But sun shines near every day and there's feeling of emptiness every where! I like that. So it's a safe place to go and see the other side of Armageddon. PS. If you see shoppers in Walmart and Costco walking 9mm Clock visible in back pocket don't worry. It's for YOUR safety... Mormons protect all mankind.
  15. Most like they have since they had to Thailand. Vietnam now has 45-day visa free entry. They copy Thailand's one. My hope is Thailand will copy Vietnam's one ???? And back and forth copying will continue...
  16. Bangkok Barry You have had great life! Way to live.
  17. When I look back I should have married one of those 150 girls I had....
  18. I second that. Pls, forget the whole thing. You already wasted 5-6 yrs for nothing. There's snowball's chance in Hell farang to win anything in Thailand. IF that'd happen it's even more dangerous! Study what "loosing a face" means in Asia. We can rant here but as soon you start to name names and target specific person it gets serious.
  19. "Maybe you can help them by digging a big hole in which to dump your sewage… " My apology to think it's an other dirty water hole like those in Khon Kaen. It's not. My Thai girl friend, who lives next to it, said to me; "I's a fresh water reservoir". Time to go to see her face-to-face first time soon ???? Google; "Mabprachan – the closest water source to Pattaya, but not its only one"
  20. I'm waiting what job Joe gets. Maybe "Transportation" or "Justice". He has deep first hand experience of both. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-61728101
  21. "The US is <deleted>. The place is so broken, every choice is complete <deleted>. the only option citizen have is chosing which end of the spectrum the <deleted> occupies." I'm afraid you're right regarding big cities, like my ex home, LA. But I don't believe the whole country is bad. There are may wonderful, well run cities and places. US is like 30 different countries.
  22. "Well sir I have a Criminal case filed against Thai immigration nationally on corruption my case is to be heard in the court in September or October 2023 this year " Wow..... that's the LAST thing you wanna do in Asia! Write your will before you go.
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