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Everything posted by GypsyT

  1. Thank you for information! I try that.
  2. I never got the card for 2nd $ 600 payment. IRS (after 18months wait!) sent a letter claiming it was sent Jan 6, 2021. They ask to contact "MetaBank" who's taking care of card mailings. But when calling 800-240-8100 they ask "PIN" number and other stuff that's printed on the card! There's is a large menu of options but nothing matches to my case; the card never arrived. So NoGo... and nobody answers when selecting "Customer service" to talk to someone. It shuts off... Has anyone had same problem and could give advice for speedy recovery? Only thing I can think to do is to write again and ask "Who and where they did sent it?" and "Who has cashed out the money?". I expect to get answer in a year or two.... Every time I deal with the IRS they ask to send everything "by the FAX". The last time I saw FAX machine it was 10-15 yrs ago! Not encouraging but "we still are the best!" I hope I'll be alive when/if $$ arrives so have time to spend it ????
  3. I love olives! For 50+ years I eat green, pitted and stuffed ones. Then one day at market (in Europe) I tasted Creek black unpitted "Kalama" olives and was in heaven... The vendor explained; "Unpitted has full flavor, skin is not broken". He also said "Paprika doesn't below to olives..." Since then I always hunt for them. Hunt, because it's hard to find unpitted but worth to find. The flavor in superb.
  4. I had to update my DL to Experian (I had to scan and Email a copy of my DL) before banks allow opening new accounts. Then after getting Experian to approve (took 24h) I used their info up update 2 others; Equifax and TransUnion. Now I should be OK for a while. If those 3 don't see any activity for 2 years they put file "on hold" and delete credit score, which I've had highest for 30 years. Now I try to open CD accounts which I could not do earlier. However, makes me rethink putting money to European banks.... If putting money IN is this difficult in the States how difficult it's to withdraw? Scares the hell out of me. Specially when I may be on the other side of the world...
  5. I have T-mobile $ 3/m PayGo Pre-Paid plan and it's been working great. However, now I wanted to open an hi interest CD in the States and they rejected my application in 4 banks because my phone number is not registered! They say "they don't know who I am..." I got $3.m plan to save money and not to get lot of junk SMS mail and calls. I've no problem register my number but don't know where and how! IRS and SSA has accepted this number. I talked to all the banks and they were very evasive what's the problem. I thought it crazy when I've been customer for 20+ year they still do this to me - an old and current customer. "Salt to wounds"; I called and ordered Free Annual Credit Report. It was rejected because of my "phone number is not valid...." I googled and found this; " The IRS, many banks, and some online retailers use Boku Mobile Identity to check customer records at mobile operators. The service lets them verify that the information that the customer provided is the same as what's in their mobile account. They can verify all of these attributes with the mobile carrier: customer name, mobile number, billing address, driver's license number (if the mobile carrier has it), and date of birth. " I think it's very unusual banks use "shady" private company for important information, and even IRS! Has anyone same problem? Do you know how to register my Pre-paid number? Thanks!
  6. What are you guys talking about? Finland has NO border against Russia! I trust France24 - The Best News in the Europe!
  7. There are two; FATCA and FBAR/FinCen. Reporting Limits; FATCA $ 50 000 and FBAR $ 10 000. Also to add confusion; Highest account balance per year calculations are different! - I play safe and report 30% too much - just in case. https://www.hrblock.com/expat-tax-preparation/resource-center/tax-law-and-policy/tax-acts/fbar-vs-fatca-filing-requirements-for-americans-abroad/
  8. I used FreeTaxUSA, like last year. All last years info was there so it was easy and fast. And free. I have many foreign bank accounts so that was a big help. I only did Federal. At the end they push hard to do a State as well but I don't need it and got around by marking "Not US resident" on drop-down menu. They accepted it despite me using US address.
  9. I can understand OP's dilemma. I'm in the same boat... Last fall I spends 3 months in Gran Canaria Island, in Spain, and just got back from Pattaya after 2 months there. It was good to compare those two which have about same climate. Dry and warm place is my goal. Plus my safety, clean air and interesting life style. I love hiking and be active in many ways. Thailand is out! It's so filthy! So noisy! So crowded, can't drive, can't relax... and so on. I'll miss people, food and pretty girls ???? but it's time to move to a place I feel happy and relaxed. I'll thank Jomtien Immigration for helping me to decide (30-day extension took 7,5h!) and highly rated "Farang friendly" Jomtien Bangkok Bank (to close account took "only" 3,5h). Gran Canaria is not my choice neither. Too expensive and too boring nature, just lava rock like Kona Hawaii, and island is always an island. I love to hop in to my sports car and drive long distances! See beautiful green forests, mountains, rivers, lakes and meet people in small towns. One of the best place like that was "The Blue Ridge Parkway" in "The Great Smokey Mountains". I loved the area and interacting with friendly NASCAR crazy Rednecks in the bars. So next I'll check out South Spain mainland despite the cool weather. Maybe Portugal too even I don't like to learn Portuguese. I already understand quite well Spanish after 40yrs in LA and can learn to speak quickly. To live in the States is not impossible neither. I'm now in "boring" south Utah. It's SO CLEAN! Nobody smokes (Mormons!) , no littering, not much noise or crime. But Utah is too boring and MAGA stink is in the air ???? It's best to see around and make decision when brain is still working.
  10. When Russia stole Crimea nobody did anything! Now we all pay the price..... Russia and China can join forces and attach West. Starting in Taiwan. And the lunatic in North Korea will attach South Korea and Japan.
  11. Yes, they will rip you off! And rental prices are insane... When I was living in CA and rented often I had the best card to rent a car; Diner's Club. It has Primary Rent Car Insurance. "Use the Diners Club Card to travel, and automatically receive a package of travel insurance coverages such as travel accident, excess lost baggage and primary rental car collision damage insurance at no additional cost. Now, when in the US, I rent from private persons. Check out craigslist, org for deals. Cars come usually with full (owners) insurance. Sample; https://losangeles.craigslist.org/wst/aos/d/los-angeles-cars-for-rent-in-los/7602377224.html
  12. Never tasted Russian beer w alcohol but Baltica 0,0% is very good! PS. Won't buy nor drink anything Russian now on. "The Baltika #0 is exported to over 30 countries of the world, including the USA, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, and Ireland. This brand has been repeatedly declared the best alcohol-free beer at Russian and international professional contests."
  13. 1979 - the year of my first trip to Pattaya! It took around 4 hours from Bangkok by bus and the road was, at least part of it, dirt. There were only one bigger hotel but too expensive for me. British Airways crews were there. Females had not 1 but 2 young boys keeping company ???? I stayed in a cheap shack with my local girl guide. Life was very simple and good. I had come via Hong Kong where I bought a big "Ghetto Blaster" thinking to make money when back to L.A. where Blacks loved them and they were very expensive in the States. However, that little Thai had gotten my heart and in last moment, on the way to the airport, I sold it to taxi driver and returned to Pattaya for an other week or two. Money well spend.
  14. UK should rejoin EU as soon as possible. Welcome back! They clearly over estimated their importance.... Everybody who has watched this; https://dcbltd.com/cant-pay-well-take-it-away/ knows how bad things are and soon UK is an other Jiji or Kenia - run by Indians. Is that "reverse colonialism?" >those who have inflicted colonial rule on others imagine that they are victims of the same injustice.<
  15. "Been riding with the scooter up and down so often. I don't have the slightest memory about traffic signs there." Look down - painted "Arrows" on tarmac on both ends ???? Changes from two-way 2-lane to one-lane at Water World. Plenty of room to all. I walk there daily 1-2 times and never seen arguments etc. The best place to take a 12-15km walk from Sands to other end of Jomtien and back.
  16. Thanks for pointing that out! I had filters on Zillow screening out mobile homes etc. Should have shown only houses, condos and town houses. HOA fees was set max $ 200/m. Didn't work.
  17. I need to find an inexpensive permanent address in one of the "no income tax" state. What's wrong with Lakeland, FL? So cheap housing! https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/238-Pearl-Ave-Lakeland-FL-33815/2060420636_zpid/
  18. "“The best example is the discrimination against Palestinians in the occupied territories in 1948, who are not treated on equal footing with Israeli residents. Israel believes that citizens of Jewish origin are better than other naturalized citizens from other countries,” he said." So they took a page of Hitler's book.
  19. "4000 years ago Abraham moved to the land of Israel from Iraq and he had some Children there and his Grandsons were the 12 tribes of Israel , all born in Israel 4000 odd years ago" If you believe that you believe this too; “Abraham dies at the age of 175 and is buried next to Sarah in the cave of Machpelah.” And he died as teen age youngster ???? “Methusela; He had the longest lifespan of all those given in the Bible, having died at the age 969.” It's on the Bible so it MUST be true.....
  20. I have solution; Put Brits in charge again. That works in British Columbia, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. When other countries are fighting and dying to be independent those countries are repeatedly voting to be "under British rule".
  21. There's nothing wrong as long as you don't go to water. Water IS filthy. I asked local fisherman and he said "We don't fish within 5km." But Dongtan and Jomtien beaches are nice to look now. Nicer walk ways too. They also eliminated raw sewage smell on Jomtien by sealing sewage channels under side walk. I hope they do same on Dongtan too. Where else you get this for $ 30/night?
  22. Only hope is they take a trip to Egypt. That will give 40 yrs of peace. Oh no, I forgot Google Maps..... "For 40 years, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, eating quail and manna. They were led into the Promised Land by Joshua; the victory at Jericho marked the beginning of possession of the land."
  23. The Guardian; "It's now clear: the Oslo peace accords were wrecked by Netanyahu's bad faith" He was rotten then and is now.
  24. " I am a healthy 6 foot 110kg man and when this happens I don't budge. I love it when people walk into me. It is like hitting a wall especially when I have momentum." Maybe body wise but the mindset? If you do that in the States you'll come out like Swiss cheese. Rather sooner than later. And the sheriff, after hearing witnesses, will ask shooter; "How many did you plant on him?: "Only seven" "That's all? Oh, well. Let me put down '15' so you get more compensation"
  25. "Netenyahu should be in Jail anyway" Who's to pardon ex rapists then? "Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav was released from prison this week after public prosecutors decided not to appeal a parole board's decision to free him. Katsav, 71, was released from the Maasiyahu Prison in central Israel on Wednesday after serving five years of a seven-year jail term for rape. In December of 2010, Katsav was convicted of committing rape and sexual assault while serving as a cabinet minister. He was also convicted of sexually harassing two women while serving as president. Israel’s eighth president, Katsav was a leading member of the right-wing Likud party, which is currently led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He is the first Israeli president to serve out a jail sentence."
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