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Everything posted by BayArea

  1. Phiphat claims most came to S. Korea through legal channels which implies the rest arrived illegally. With that said, he wants S. Korea to grant amnesty for every Thai across the board. He's got some nerve. The veracity and hypocrisy in this scandalous regime is mind blowing
  2. The only thing Thailand can claim as a powerhouse in anything is the P4P industry.
  3. I expect a visit to Bangkok's finest soapie massage in short order to show us all his health is indeed back to normal!!
  4. Improving economy???? Every other day, a new article comes out talking about how the stalemate economy is going nowhere and jet setter Sretta flying around the world begging for investments to kick start the slump Thailand is in.
  5. Next thing they want will be the pre fight ritual in Muay Thai to be on the Unesco Heritage list.
  6. Agree 100 % , but this is Thailand. They just can't stand having a bad reputation. Heaven forbid that their perfect country has a bad mark regarding any matter.
  7. First off, you knew it was just a matter of time before the extremely fragile Thai ego would show up. Secondly, it really doesn't matter in the end, tourists will still come to LOS in droves. They could care less about airport rankings. Most don't even know about a UK publication reporting airports around the world.
  8. I stand corrected. He was police.
  9. The military, billionaires, and HiSo are truly in charge of Thailand. Before you forget, Thaksin is a billionaire and former military and is considered a HiSo by common people. Political parties are nothing but a guise for democracy. The last election has shown that the votes from the population don't mean a lick. It's all a show, and voting in Thailand is an exercise in futility.
  10. It's probably a rocket carrying Yingluck back to LOS!!
  11. A businessman?? Please he's more like the village idiot.
  12. https://thailand.shafaqna.com/TH/AL/1844982
  13. Sri Lanka has had enough of them. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna140640
  14. Thx for the long unabridged version of my original post. Lol!!
  15. Thailand should change its name to Hubland! What a joke.
  16. They focused on tourism above everything else ( even though they claimed its only 20% of the GNP) because it's easier to tackle than real problems plaguing the country which actually requires them to apply critical thinking something they avoid with utmost prejudice! Not too mentioned, tourists revenue generate quick and tangible results they can actually see.
  17. “We’re gearing up to more than double our capacity to a staggering 150 million passengers annually.” Do you remember when you had to closed Maya Bay on several occasions due to mass tourism and the environmental damages that followed?? The beauty of Thailand will no longer be attractive because these daft people do not see the long term effects. The greed of this government knows no bounds. At the end of the day, quantity and money is all they cared about.
  18. If he was caught in Viet Nam, he would remained there before getting the death penalty. No extradition needed or unnecessary prison time.
  19. "As Miss Thailand 2024, Panida is set to participate in numerous charitable initiatives, embodying the virtues of modern Thai women. She has expressed a desire to be a societal advocate, focusing on enhancing basic education" blah blah blah... what she really wants is to be the next Lakorn star and married a HiSo Chinese Thai. That would be more realistic than this usual trite.
  20. 7 11s aren't a thing in Viet Nam. Circle K are the main convenience stores in the major cities and they are comparable to 7 11 in Thailand in terms of cleanliness, stocked items and variety of food options. 7 11 is essentially the life blood for the average Thai citizens not so much in Viet Nam.
  21. I didn't know about New Zealand alcohol 4 day ban. I didn't suggest Thailand's tourism taking a hit with alcohol ban, just saying it's rather silly.
  22. Is Thailand the most obsessed country in Asia if not the world regarding alcohol related stories. seems like every week, there's a story on alcohol sales, restrictions, bans, and times. You would think a country known for hedonism and wild nightlife culture would be discussing any other topics aside from alcohol related issues.
  23. The national alcohol ban on major religious holidays is almost as silly as the afternoon alcohol ban. What true purpose or benefit does it serve other than to virtual signaling how pious and righteous you pretend to be.
  24. Realistically, there's several more factors discouraging foreign investment in Thailand than just delays.
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