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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Lucky people in Hua Hin???? The Legendary Engelbert Humperdinck is In Hua Hin", at the InterContinental Hua Hin Resort in Prachuap Khiri Khan, on Aug 20 at 6pm. Tickets cost 16,000 baht, including a three-course set dinner and beverage, with seats limited to 300 persons. I would go if I was in HH for the nostalgia
  2. You see a lot more people vaping these days as well, also openly sold
  3. Looking at the videos, I would be surprised if the deaths stayed at 13
  4. Zyloric tabs contain Allopurinol which I take for gout (300mg daily). For me a lot of Thai spicy food will start an attack. Look out for stress, this can also not help
  5. Hypothetically, if there was an exchange in Europe, say 6 nukes, how do you think we would be affected in Thailand with nuclear winter type of thing, radiation? GoGos still open?????
  6. I am in "Pratumnak LBs"
  7. Exactly, full UK license, IDP and I had 2x 5 year Thai licenses in the past, but was 3 years out of date. I had to do the whole nine yards in Pattaya, you can do it I believe if you use an "agent" but will cost B5000 up passed 2nd time 45/50 questions right
  8. Bought this in Foodmart last week, an incredible B45 I swear. Its a blend, but actually I don't mind it.
  9. Maybe they could rehouse the 6 Tigers still stuck in Phukets abandoned zoo first
  10. Boris was better than both these put together, the Tories are lucky that Labor is in a worse state than them, who even knows the leader of the Lib/Dems if that is even a thing now
  11. What really constitutes "living" here. You are given in most cases 90 days' permission to stay. How long would you need to be here before the UK Gov decides? you could just be taking a year's break . UK home address and pension into UK bank important I would think, 10% rise coming next April
  12. Beach road and WS were very busy Friday night, mainly Thais and Indians
  13. I have never had green fingers, but I potted the germinated seeds on Saturday night and put them outside. This was today(Tues) so I must be doing something right. When do the need moving to bigger pots?
  14. Surprised this morning, only potted and put outside last night, just from seeds in bud I purchased to smoke
  15. Candyland Pattaya, its like an Amsterdam coffee shop.
  16. I have smoked in the music bars WS, Hot Tuna sells joints, but they are <deleted>. Opposite is a little stall selling
  17. Just copy-paste sflix.to into Google
  18. Personally I loved it, I sometimes get bored with action movies, but not this one it seems to work, plus what a cast The only negative is we are expected to believe he drove 690 miles from Bangkok To Chiang Mai in a TuK Tuk he stole
  19. There are a few of these sites. Try sflix.to I have gone back to torrents with 3BB 1GB download speed, better quality
  20. What about the high-speed train Bangkok to Pattaya? Don't hear much about that these days Article from 2019 "Thailand hopes to have bullet trains running by 2023" https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/thailand-bullet-trains/index.html
  21. Hope he was not there for the Dr to check his prostrate
  22. I do kick myself for not doing it a few years ago, I was always aware about Amazon A.M, just never had the time to sit down and get cracking with it SEO is still very important if you go by the teachers online, as are keywords Appreciate you taking the time to comment,thank you
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