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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Went into 7-11 this morning, no mask and no one bothered. I think it will very much depend on who is in the 7-11 you enter
  2. Really? I was 5 years in Saudi and at times we had ground frost. I assume you was not on the east coast. I was working for Aramco.
  3. One day s not a lot for sure but maybe in the future when you want something it could go against you. In 37 years I have never overstayed a single day and never will.
  4. I take it you will be taking the strays in your area in and looking after them or is it just talk for others to do which on most sites is what it normally is
  5. There will always be variants, it is what a virus does
  6. Such tolerance of a differing view is not very good. Cant you understand, if not agreeing, with the other point of view?
  7. Good for you think what you want. In Italy you have to request they put your name on one but their standard is no name.
  8. Try BUPA they provide worldwide coverage
  9. Many senior Virologists say Covid is air borne not transmitted by touch
  10. Of course it was a misunderstanding. They assumed nothing would happen to them that was what they didnt understand
  11. Nominally 10m is equivalent to 1 bar or 14.7 lbs/sq inch. If you are lifting the water up 30 feet or about 10m allow 1 bar plus an extra 0.5 bar if you want a good water pressure out of it
  12. True. I love animals but the number of dogs running around is out of control and the locals just put them out onto the street
  13. Give them a limited time a animal sanctury and if no home is found put them down. Not nice but peoples safety has to come first
  14. One of the big problems is when you get a dog and it is of let's say mixed heritage. I had a German Shepherd. I knew its heritage and it could be traced back over many years. I trained the dog and it was never vicious to anyone. It was very protective of me and my family but never was aggressive. It depends to some extent on how you train them. Unfortunately many dogs are not trained at all in most countries not just Thailand and if the dog is a big dog that is when the problems come
  15. How does a 6th floor apartment get flooded? Under the door was stated but flooded seems a bit much. Coldest I have known it in Thailand was 16C in 2013 in Bangkok
  16. Very possibly but who knows, and who exactly cares?
  17. Tourism in Thailand is making its last gasp. It can be revived but it will take years to get back to being even close to what it was. What does not seem to be understood is that tourists will go elsewhere, find the place they go to is good and forget all about Thailand.
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