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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. I always use Dulux. Expensive yes but lasts a long time.
  2. How does giving blood bring brightness and cheer? If you need a transfusion I am pretty sure you are not cheerful.
  3. What is the relevance of saying he is an engineer? I doubt if he actually is an engineer, a technician maybe but whatever why is it relevant?
  4. It doesn't have to make sense to you, it is their rule so just accept it and go to another bank.
  5. Not too bad as long as you take precautions. I usually walk around 8km every day and mostly between 10am and noon. Never have a problem with it. Yes I perspire a lot but that is all. In the heat always keep your head and neck covered and take water with you. Dehydration is a major problem. For the record I am in my 70's.
  6. It is closed as it is a public holiday
  7. Maybe but he may have thought there was a lamp post about to jump out in from of them. Lamp posts are notorious for jumping out
  8. Sounds like they would be requesting the death penalty after a visit from you.
  9. The beloved car doesnt look in good shape. Not much love given to it from the photo.
  10. Since when did thieves dismantle motor bikes and cars? They just take the whole machine.
  11. You could transfer the money using WISE. That way it would go straight to your account.
  12. Maybe also drinking and driving under the influence or under the influence of drugs who knows.
  13. Closing down gambling dens but going to open up casinos. I must be missing something here. I thought they both dealt in the same type of business.
  14. I doubt it. It is China's way of getting its foot in the door
  15. Well on a positive note it will reduce the air pollution.
  16. Contact the Chinese government they will refund you. TikTok is owned by a Chinese company.
  17. They have already taken over. For some reason the people will not accept what is going on and the government, if you can call it that, are too scared to say anything.
  18. Simple solution don't eat/drink as much and get some exercise. You will save money and feel better.
  19. It may not be essential but it is a courtesy which is appreciated by the Thai people and cannot see any reason why you wouldn't want to speak passable Thai if you live in the country. For a tourist not the same.
  20. I use the app as well and it comes up as you say one after the other. Probable because the screen is small so the app adjusts for the best presentation.
  21. Are you using the app or accessing from your browser?
  22. One day you will learn how to make a useful comment. The one you made here is a waste of letters
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