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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. Why? We was enjoying everything without you.
  2. Not a hope of that. You can though.
  3. No, it was a knife fight. A cat fight does not use knives.
  4. If they are really refugees they wouldnt be flying back home for dental work. The are scroungers.
  5. Execute this guy. Anything less is a travesty of justice.
  6. I would say Thai food in general rates in the top food worldwide
  7. So the post you replied to isnt allowed to point out issues? Really? He never said he didnt like the country just making an observation. Where I live in Thailand the sidewalks are not very good in places. I can live with that and cant think of a better country to live in.
  8. They are well away from arrogant people like you.
  9. Not really. What they are saying is they dont want trouble makers who break the law and you cant blame them for that. Only stupid countries like the UK and Europe want people with criminal records and intentions to come.
  10. People like that need a good beating. Full of s*it they are. You never see the real hard men going around looking for a fight. They know what they can do. This idiot is lucky he only met less aggressive people
  11. Nothing wrong with Nuclear but in Thailand I dont think so
  12. I remember a job I was on in the Middle East and there was an accident. Nothing too serious but could have been. There was a meeting and people was blaming the safety people of the contractor. I agreed they contractors staff should have been supervising the operation but I also complained that the company safety personnel didn't bother either. They didn't like that.
  13. Sounds like a right a***hole. The guy who did similar in Japan got a visit from what I remember from the Yakuza. He left the country not long after that.
  14. Two things. First why are you saying 1 million baht? No one cares and it doesnt make you look good. Secondly if you take that amount they will want to know where you got it so I assume you have an answer to that question and if that exceeds what you are legally eligible to bring into the country you better have a real good verifiable answer. If not they are more likely to report you to the police.
  15. I doubt it. I think he will be well connected back home and strings will be pulled.
  16. In the second photo do I see a little effort at pointing?
  17. Reading the comments I can only assume Americans are happy with sleepy Joe. Maybe they need to stop taking so many tablets and vitamins, it is affecting them.
  18. Agreed it is possible but more likely efforts to obfuscate the details is more likely
  19. Maybe you should tell Hollywood that. Some of the actors now are mandioca at best.
  20. Maybe the gym you used was badly organised but the one I go to is very well organised. On the other hand it could just be your expectations were not met.
  21. Any sort of physical retribution as you suggest is unlikely. It is now in the open. Had it not been disclosed then there may be a possibility of what you suggest.
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