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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Now you are just being obtuse. Nothing to see here, move along now.
  2. With regard to MY incident, it has been suggested that by my attempting to remove the parking barrier, I was escalating the situation. The way I saw it at the time, by illegally placing the barriers to block my leaving, they had already escalated things. They were PROVOKING an escalation. This was a classic case of a bar owner illegally blocking off the street frontage of their property, very common in many parts of Thailand and not exclusive to the bar business either. This was not a no-parking zone and the barriers they had placed, although belonging to the city or the police, had been stacked there after being used to block off vehicular access during an event at this bar the previous week. The street was open to traffic and parking. I had parked outside this bar, but along with my friends, went to a bar directly opposite for about an hour. The bar I had parked in front of was double shophouse with steps leading up to a frontage shared by other businesses. I had not impeded customer access and indeed, his bar was already busy. It was only after returning to my car that I found my departure impeded. The rest, as they say, is history and a valuable lesson learned.
  3. You are mixing the incident reported in the OP with a similar incident that happened to me almost 40 years ago in Pattaya. No barriers to parking have been suggested in the incident in the OP, but violence resulting from the victim parking in the "wrong" place has been mentioned as a possibility. I posted about my incident to counter another member's earlier assertion that because he has never personally witnessed such an altercation in Thailand, the possibility of it happening is unlikely. I hope this clears some confusion.
  4. On my fifth ASUS laptop since around 1996. Despite being retired, the previous four were all still working when replaced with a newer model. The latest one is two years old. I only ever needed one warranty repair (new motherboard) that was handled well by ASUS in Bangkok as the laptop was bought in the US and, although having an extended international warranty, the model wasn't marketed in Asia. Took six weeks with a new mobo coming from Taiwan. My office computers all had ASUS mobo's too. However, the new one is a Lenovo ThinkCenter mini which is very good.
  5. Yes, you are correct. When they refused to remove the barriers they had placed, I started to move one myself. Then they assaulted me.
  6. I am happy that my youngest is now six and can carry home four large beers for daddy from the mom-and-pop shop. For the previous couple of years, he would struggle with four cans. The way I see it, I am making up for the Thai school system being unable to include PE classes or any real physical exercise in their curriculums.
  7. Where is "here"? The whole reason the taxes on clear spirits are low is so the great unwashed can stay inebriated, numb and easy to manipulate. In Isaan, before the scourge of yabaa, it was lao khao that was the "problem", probably still is for the boomer generation. It's these younger ones that are getting toasted on methamphetamines these days. Going back about thirty years, we had a couple of mechanics from Buriram that were hired for a project I was on in China. They quickly found the local equivalent of lao khao and, just like back home, they started their working day with a couple of large shots, like they would do back home. My brother-in-law totally abstains while he's at work in Istanbul but when he's home for his annual one-month vacation, he's permanently soused on the stuff. Thai governments, of whatever colour, always seeks to portray this overly pious, quasi-religious stance on alcohol, looking down their noses at those who drink, and whatever is permitted is only to pander to the influence of those pesky foreigners and tourists. To say that the locals don't like to drink to excess is incorrect. It is more likely that they don't like to be seen to be drinking to excess and getting drunk. It's that face thing again.
  8. Wow! A (w)hole day? That's cheaper then a Soi 6 short-time. Or so I've been led to believe.
  9. I bought a couple of cans of beer in the domestic departure lounge at Udon airport at about 7 am, ahead of my morning flight to the big mango. I was very happy at being able to have "breakfast beers", but some of my friends have chastised me for paying 1875 baht for the plane ticket, just to enjoy that privilege.
  10. You can visas at the coconut bar? More information please.
  11. Speed reading again are we? From the same news article.
  12. I parked where I was legally allowed to park. I had nothing to apologize for, but I did ask them to remove the barriers they had placed to prevent me leaving. Then they assaulted me. Pity you weren't around way back then to witness your first ever completely unprovoked attack.
  13. Small pot of Phu arabica coffee. Waitrose porridge oats with cinnamon, honey and splash of cream. Two small sausage patties and a 2-egg omelette.
  14. Rose's have stopped making their lime marmalade in the UK, and are making a rather less tart lemon-lime marmalade instead. I had to settle for ASDA lime marmalade in my recent food parcel. There's lime spread made by Doi Kham that's available from the OTOP shops and farm stores that's quite decent though but (as usual) a bit too sweet.
  15. I head my head kicked in and face slashed with a broken beer bottle by a gang of punks after I parked in the wrong place in Pattaya. But that was sometime back last century when the locals were all welcoming and friendly and there was no huge influx of dodgy or obnoxious farangs on easy visas, inciting the indolent locals into bloody violence.
  16. If you click on the link, your Thai immigration status is shared with the Thai revenue department.
  17. That didn't happen. Read the OP again.
  18. I gave up a +40/day habit over twenty years ago and I cannot stand the smell of second-hand cigarette smoke.
  19. To entertain any notion that this alleged epiphany of yours may be true is quite the funniest thing I have read on a Sunday. Quite possibly ever. Thanks! Oh my goodness, you're really on form in the funny as all <deleted> show today, aren't you? But humor aside, being a member of the "cause and effect" deniers club is never good look.
  20. Per the title of the OP, by using wireless printing. I use it for printing from my phone to my Canon printer in my shed. The document stays on my phone. No copies needed.
  21. I believe that probably covered the on-site triage and the ambulance costs. For everything else, there's GoFundMe.
  22. Being a passenger on a motorcycle taxi that was involved in a collision with another vehicle where the motorcycle driver was found to be intoxicated notwithstanding, insurance cover for being either the driver or passenger on a motorcycle in Thailand doesn't exist.
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