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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Don't forget to tell your landlord your dead. They can't lose a months rent while your decomposting in the unit. 🤣
  2. I don't, but if you can respond that means you care what happens when your dead.
  3. Is that all you do is drink beer? Try a soda water.
  4. The answer to your question is yes. They do want a maid cleaning the spilled coffee. The less you do the better. It's about fostering dependency, not stealing jobs. Any sign of self-sufficiency is looked down upon. Make an exception for "pension" or "retirement" payments from a quiet government agency. Even walking somewhere gets frowns and grunts. You should be taking a "taxi" or "motorbike" everywhere. That's what many expats become here. Soft sponges that pay rent and buy stuff and get served. No innovators, leaders or visionaries. No big marks on the world being made. Add to that too much easy sex that zaps your energy so you just sleep all day and don't have any edge or drive to accomplish anything. It takes a lot of thinking and reflection to see this stuff. Most people don't get what is really going on. Likely too distracted by the booze, rushing and women to care.
  5. He was in a hurry. Very common here. Nobody is relaxed. It's all people rushing around and getting little or nothing done. Also, the rushing is not limited to driving and the roads, it's everything.
  6. Because thai's are always smiley.
  7. Bizarre. They see it as a service gesture similar to a 'thank you' rather then a wrapping. Thus, the constant wanting to bag things right away. Often, I don't even have time to get out my canvas bag before they start with the plastic. It also wastes time for people that are in a proverbial rush, making them more stressed out then they already were.
  8. Especially since his face is showing, no blur. Can he go after media outlets that repost or only the initial person who recorded?
  9. ??? The embassy is contacted and they try to trace relatives. If you are not collected in a certain period of time, you get cremated at a local wat and ashes are scattered at the wat. If USA, probate court gets notified in last state of residence using your passport info and they either find relatives to disburse in country assets or the money goes to the state. There is someone sitting at an office desk somewhere looking after it. Don't worry. They got in handled (for the most part). Can't just have bodies lying around.
  10. There's a cafe called 'Black Lemon' at Central Festival on the 3rd/4th?? floor facing the beach. Outdoor seating, usually very empty, nice breeze. Latte's are 50 baht or so. There's also Baicha Coffee across from Harbor Mall. Cafe in a flower/plant nursery, almost always empty. Latte's 50 baht. Cakes 70 baht. Italian ice cream 50 baht. Great place for a coffee date.
  11. I guess so. I don't really need the leather chair at a cafe, nor the a/c.
  12. Saw 150 baht for a latte in bkk recently. Went next door and got a 39 baht coffee 🤔
  13. Confusion, agitation, diarreah, delerium, overweight. Could be heat exhaustion... I have had it (relatively mild case) and could see someone stripping and wandering into a pool. You don't care about someones shrine or temple at that point. Also, the diarreah would not be controllable in that confused state. Neither, a calm attempt to find a toilet. More just like stumbling to water or shade. It's not easy to find shelter or shade around nana if you are in no condition to enter a restaurant or bar. The only thing that makes me not sure, is that he is in the sun. The first thing most people want to do is get out if the sun at all cost. So you pikes who have commented here make want to consider that next time you post.
  14. Airbnb required me to submit a passport to them online for a foreign reservation years ago. It stays on file in their system. I had to upload it before the booking was allowed.
  15. Every mall and office building has free toilets. All over Bangkok.
  16. I don't think they fix overstays these days. Probably a scam.
  17. The one on Klang can be pretty grungy. Go for dinner and report back. Op wants you to try the mystery duck meat.
  18. That's mental illness. Not on the same level as disgusting tourists and the like.
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