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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I tried dating apps for quite a few years when I lived in the USA. I can count on one hand the people I actually met (oddly enough when we did meet it worked out well). However, I would have met more people on a time/effort ratio just sitting at the park. It's a time waster setup to get people to watch ads and just interact online. There are also a huge amount of guys posing as females, getting off on that somehow. We are talking about women with hundreds of emails coming in. So many that it takes hours to delete and sift through them, so I heard.
  2. Getting laid in the USA these days as a man over 50 is easy if you're a rock star or famous artist.
  3. Is immigration involved in where you exit to or do they just enforce you leaving? Feels off that they would get involved with flights. It seems like the airline would reject or approve the actual flight out, requiring a visa or not for the arrival. The same as they do for any passenger. If no airline approves then immigration could detain until you managed a flight out somehow on your own.
  4. I'm not sure. I'm guessing he would not be around drunks and money grubbers though and I can't see him being in Pattaya at all. Guys like him just don't encounter much low life stuff. Once your energy gets that tuned it kind of repels negativity and you don't end up in low life situations because the universe has nothing to teach you there.
  5. Is It Enough? Yes, if they can't afford to be somewhere else. That does not mean someone "likes" it though. It just means they are tolerating it. So there will still be complaining. Nobody is going to pretend to like something they don't like. I suppose they could balance the complaints with how it's more affordable, etc, just like you stated.
  6. You become who you associate with. If you don't like being around rich people you are probably not rich or will ever be. One of the cardinal rules of financial success for most people is to not associate with the down and out. Surround youself with success and the energy of that eventually penetrates you. A lot of it is mindset. That's why internships at successful firms are so valued. It's about being around success, not just knowledge or skill. You can have all the skills it takes, but it you're not absorbing the energy from a successful environment you can't make it work somehow. Nobody really knows why or how it works, but it does. It works in reverse also. If you're around the down and out it eventually drags you down. There are rare exceptions where being in the opposite circumstance makes people stronger, but for the majority the above rule applies. That's what is behind a lot of Tony Robbins stuff. He serves as that super successful person people can latch onto as a role model. What he is actually saying is secondary in my opinion.
  7. Correct, Rob. Individual reports mean nothing when policy implementation is inconsistent. That why people keep asking can I do this and that. It's easier to just keep in mind that you can get a bad entry officer or some strange entry rule at any time and there is no real answer to the ongoing immigration questions.
  8. I hope you're joking...😆 There's not much difference between pulp paper and an online document. The point being that Thai's need every little thing documented. It's not a physical piece of paper issue. I won't go into the reasons why here.
  9. Umm...they do like paperwork in Thailand, not just a verbal. Have you ever dealt with immigration? You need a paper or documentation for every little thing, sometimes that's not even good enough or understandable. Would be much worse with the tax dept.
  10. I see. Have you maintained a base in a country of citizenship or permanent residence in case something should happen? Or are you just hoping things will be Ok?
  11. Well, yes, especially if you don't know the language. Could be pretty confusing.
  12. Not backed up by this forum. Many complaints here...
  13. By the time many guys get over here they are already losing their sex drive. Some guys use medication to maintain an erection, but I guess that can't be good for you if taken all the time. In addition, if the sex drive is not there interest typically wanes as well. So they are here searching for something they enjoyed when younger, but only doing it once in awhile. I guess that's life. When the ability to actually retire somewhere you wished you could be as a youngster turns into not that big of a deal when you have the means to make it a reality. Same with a lot of things. Expectation can trump obtaining what you desire. The pursuit of your goal can can be more fulfilling then reaching the goal. Planning to retire in an exotic country can be more exciting then living there. Someone gets all pumped up in their mind getting ready to move. It gets built up too much. Then the reality of it does not measure up to the expectations and fantasies manufactured in their head (can lead to complaining about a lot of stuff once you have made the move 🤔).
  14. It seems like the woke stuff is becomjng more ridicioulous over time. It's pushing the boundry because nobody can say anything. Do you get somebody who gets off on identifying as a "trans, fairae, bi, hers, women's toilet, non identifying conformist..." and part of the appeal is everyone has to accept it no matter how crazy it is.
  15. Paying for it in the USA not really an option. It's fraught with danger and crime. A real risk of getting robbed or stabbed by her or a pimp, especially if you're older. The deed is usually done in cars or cheap motels, not your home.
  16. I'm not so sure about the article for that age group. I'm mid 50's and not much interested in sex or women these days. The interest is just not there for me. I can still achieve and maintain an erection but it's something that happens during the act and not beforehand. I can see people coming over for an exciting holiday or a fling, but not long term for women. At this point I would not bother with an international flight from the USA.
  17. Where are you currently located?
  18. The reason I find Chiang Mai is more tolerable is that people leave me alone more. Unfortunately, On reflection, I think that's why I thought I liked Thailand so much when I lived here before. It was not Thailand I really liked or the people, rather it was living somewhere I could afford a nice lifestyle, but I was left alone most of the time except when I went into town (I lived in a detached villa at the time). Sad to realize that after a good deal of reflection but it is what it is. I always wanted it to be Thailand I liked somewhere in the back of my mind, but it was really just financial and having a better lifestyle then in the USA.
  19. That's because without basic needs being met there is no time to invent or think or even be in school. You're too busy rushing around trying to get food and shelter, or paying off debt or trying to fend off other gang members so they don't take what you have. If colored folk had that economic safety net and all the support it offers I'm sure they would have invented those same things. The advantage is not so much being a white color, it's white culture. So the question is should you embrace white culture, or not? Or, do you do what many successful colored folk do who succeed in white culture, then have a relevation and 'return to the hood' where they are from? But how many actually do that and stay there, or is it just a visit and photo op? Or, do you take it further and embrace Haute Couture?
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