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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I don't think it's your particular condo. It's like that where I am and several other condo's I have seen. I almost never see other residents in the hallway and the rooms on my floor appear to be mostly empty. I think people just buy places and don't live there full time. Maybe Thai's see them as investments or try to rent them but they don't really rent out??? Lower end cheaper rooms (cinderblock type) seem to have more people living there full time.
  2. Why are they going to the Uk? Is it just for the benefits?
  3. I'm not seeing people as happier in Thailand. Maybe not complaining, but certainly not happy. One place that people seemed to actually be happy was Mexico.
  4. Do they want you to actually be present, or just maintain an address there? Can you buy a small property and pay taxes and would that be good enough? Requiring physical presence feels a bit odd.
  5. I love British humor with people taking the piss. Many people don't 'get it' however and think it's mean when it's done in real life, though it may be funny when watching a skit. They also don't 'get it' with forum comments of that nature. Here's Benny Hill, one of my favorites. It's also very white.
  6. Do you know how to use an ATM?
  7. Looks like Andrew Luster is getting out. Just granted parole. https://www.abdpost.com/max-factor-heir-and-convicted-rapist-andrew-luster-set-to-walk-free/330907/ Gary Glitter was refused. Still incarcerated. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68227540
  8. The embassy may handle who is next of kin to release the body, not you. You don't know anything about the verbal agreement, but that's interesting if someone contacted you. The third party could have stolen the cards for all you know. Does not matter, cards get cancelled/frozen per procedure. Let the system work and don't try to control things. It usually works on it's own in death cases, so you don't need to do much other then inform the relevant agencies.
  9. Yes, they play games with the reason on the certificate. If it does not address an establishment specifically some clerk will often reject it. In addition, the forms often don't have all the reasons to check there. It could have a space for banks, but not vehicles, etc. In addition, it could get rejected because a specific bank is not mentioned, etc. The reason they do that is because they don't know what they are doing. Things become too strict in order to correct a perceived problem where none exists and it creates a wider confusion and difficulty.
  10. How will they know what that is? The US won't share tax info. Will Thailand require a copy of the US or home country return be provided by the taxpayer?
  11. I very much disagree. I wish all visa stuff was automated (assuming it works correctly). The less personal contact the better.
  12. As a white male I did have some role models of color growing up.
  13. There are a lot of Chinese in CM now in the Old City. I think that western expat and backpacker scene of yesteryear is gone. I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb here as an American expat.
  14. Have fun bouncing from one mall or indoor venue to another. I hate that lifestyle. I'm a fresh air and outside guy. I don't even eat at restaurants anymore unless they have open air seating.
  15. Consider stroking your pud. It's a lot cheaper. Think of it as making 1000 baht each time. Money saved is money earned.
  16. It's not all about wanting to give it back or not. Many times it's probably inability. Deposits are not kept in escrow, they just get merged with income. If the landlord has a budgeting or spending problem that money is gone. It's just private party who is probably operating at a loss renting the place out. If it's a management company the deposit money is more likely budgeted in and likely to be returned.
  17. If your fighting the environment to that extent for that long Thailand may not be for you. It will wear on you over time if you can't adjust. It's much cooler here in Chiang Mai. No problems with the sweaty heat. Zero need for A/C. Do need a fan though. Pattaya was a mess. I could not even walk around much without getting all sweaty. I usually waited until after sunset to leave the condo most days.
  18. Yep, except I hated Pattaya people and attitudes (which were not avoidable), not the location per se. So I moved to Chiang Mai and will relocate to Hua Hin for the burning season. Same old story you have heard a hundred times before... The problem with Thailand is there ate not that many convenient places to settle in as a foreigner. So we have this big loop people go around on.
  19. Especially if someone does not want to drive, which I don't. All those outlying areas seem to require private transportation to get around, driving to markets every day, etc. Where I am I just step out the door and it's all within walking distance.
  20. White Haute Couture
  21. Don't they know how to do controlled releases here?
  22. Manning up on those dental issues... The main thing you want to look for at the consultation is any type of impatience or rushing by the implantologist. That's a lot of what skill is, other then technique, knowledge and training. Taking the time to do the job correctly. Listen to how long they take to explain the procedure. If it's too brief or rushed, that's what they will be doing to your jawbone as well. It's hard to evaluate doctors because they usually have a good deal of social skill, being at least in school for a good time. You need to look at personality factors under that, like rushing/impatience, etc. Also, watch how they use their hands. Do they drop anything talking to you? Fumble with notes or papers? There's your drill, you get the idea...Most people can't fake body language cues.
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