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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. That's what happens when we get older. Flabby chest is a big problem with many guys.
  2. Your last several posts are about meeting younger women and it did not cross your mind. Something does not add up, Ed.
  3. Thanks, man. I don't need to read the whole thread now.
  4. Can they tax retroactively, or only after it's decided for certain?
  5. I have not been keeping up, sorry... Has it been decided yet if worldwide income is taxable no matter where it is earned or held? Or are we still just guessing?
  6. The strange thing about that video is that when Ed's daughter Tiffany comes on she looks just like Rose. They even seem to be the same age. Then there is a big issue about him choosing Rose over Tiffany. Seems bizarre, like some sort of incest thing is going on.
  7. I can't remember ever pissing myself when drunk. Vomiting maybe, but never pissing.
  8. Nickel & diming never pays off. If you need the money just increase room prices, nobody knows.
  9. Would not work with someone who does not really want to cooperate, but give it a try and let us know how it goes. Maybe things have changed...
  10. Would work in theory, but not reality. Language is not the only issue. It's abruptness and impatience in a busy loud environment. I can tell you that if I pulled out the phone when I was there I would be directed out or asked to step aside rather quickly, probably before I had even typed in a phrase.
  11. Money for the fine if you missed previously.
  12. but don't speak english well...
  13. No need to rush back. Puerto Vallarta is quite nice.
  14. What really matters is high income, not location. I could be happy most anywhere as long as I had a high income relative to the location. I would not really care if it was Pattaya, Phuket or some other country for that matter. With money, you enjoy the venues you want and associate with the people you want. I follow cases all the time on Youtube of expats getting sick in Pattaya and other parts of Thailand, several died. It's really sad and lonely. I always wondered whether I would end up like that. As I get older I can see it as a possibility. When I first checked out Pattaya as a living location I remember looking up at a tall lonely condo building overlooking the beach and thought "Am I going to pass away there?" 😅 I can be dark at times. Most other guys were probably thinking about getting a beer.
  15. Airbb
  16. That does not mean taxation is going away. There is no benefit in drawing attention to taxation.
  17. "They" don't do good optical here. It's too specialized a field. Thai's are also too rushed typically in personality to do a perfect job, or it's an anxiety issue. Either way, it's not usually done correctly the first time. I get mine done in the USA when I go back and pay a premium to have them done correctly.
  18. I wish I wanted to be a woman. I would not care about my flabby chest.
  19. Why is the guy on the left taping his chest? Is it to flatten the chest man boobs, or another reason? or are they women? 😅
  20. Politics for the masses is mostly emotion and who you like or don't like. The issues are secondary for most people.
  21. Day of the Dead is Mexican. What's the equivalent in Thailand? I don't see a day honoring the dead?
  22. I can't see Harris winning. Her campaign has no traction. Oddly, most people will vote for what they notice even if it's not a great option. Where attention goes, energy flows. That's what is behind a lot of Trumps antics. Being ignored is worse then negative publicity.
  23. I noticed that also. I think a lot of it is people getting old. When you get old you have many reasons to complain. Health issues & failed expectations being the real winners. Then you add on the annoyances of living in a foreign country and you get guys that come across as irritated. Those guys like to pound out their frustrations. I wonder if that guy in the wheelchair is still living at VT 2A?
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