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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Is he back??? I'm pretty sure he relocated back to Australia years ago. He had some problems with the police.
  2. Felt to 'in the action' for me. Anything that central is going to be pretty noisy and attract a lot of sex tourists, people bringing hookers up to the rooms all the time, partying, etc. Those are the type of people that like to steal. An elevator card would not protect you much, many times people are invited in then roam around. They are not necessarily escorted out by the resident. Remember, this is Pattata with people coming in from all over the world and they are looking for the center condo's like that right near the beach.
  3. We need to know why others are leaving. It also helps people decide if they want to burn bridges or not when moving over here. Plus, I like hearing complaints.
  4. Though I have never been there, Hua Hin seems like it may be a large flat area where you are just baking in the sun. Streets are probably laid out like a grid. Phuket is a hilly area with a bunch of interesting curved streets and nooks and crannies. Condo's had some character in placement, facing all directions and just felt like it may be a more interesting space to live in. More conductive to digging in and may be more social.
  5. I think the majority of people have some sort of weapon in their vehicles, or something they know can be used as a weapon. Getting stuck on the side of the road with nothing is a big no-no for most people.
  6. Maybe he saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.
  7. The Op just told you why. Can't you read?
  8. That was not about the smoking. Something else was going on.
  9. I met a European couple, I think from France, years ago on the bus to Mae Sai. We arrived near evening so there was not a lot of transportation into town. We had to negotiate with the red truck guy to get into town as there were only three of us so we had to pay more of course. Of course, this was less then appealing as they driver was stressed out as usual with broken english. It left us in a vulnerable position. On the ride over they asked me if I liked it here. They said they want to leave and go home. I told them I understood and the reason I was here was primarily financial to save money. I did offer that the food was good. The reason I brought up the story is because it was a strange reality check. We were all seeing the reality of being in that situation with complete honesty, no sugar coating of things.
  10. Also, the money exchange issue or finding an elusive ATM. Reminds me of having to carry new crisp dollars into Cambodia for their visa fee. Bingo! That's what the check-ins and hovering is about. Hovering. You can see it in the culture in staff at shops (which is watching to see that you're not stealing) and guards at almost all at condo buildings. People watching, basically. It's done under the cover of service and helpfulnesss, but it's really about watching & monitoring people that are different (outsiders). You would probably not notice or care as a tourist though, thinking it was people just over catering.
  11. Not if he was served the mystery meat, knucklehead.
  12. I shudder to think what a public faucet means in India...
  13. Stop making excuses and try the one specifically on pattaya klang (has to be that exact location). I recommend the mystery meat. Also, has a free water machine so bring your bottle or cup.
  14. Did you goto the one at Big C Pattaya Klang?
  15. https://www.snaphome.asia/blog/buy-house-in-hua-hin-well-served-by-public-transport
  16. He eats at the Big C food court, Pattaya Klang.
  17. It's not that easy. I would be there if there was a cheap easy visa.
  18. You're misinterpreting. "Never heard of them" meant just that. It was not derogatory. You need to look at why you are seeing negativity in factual statements. Usually that points to a psych issue on your end.
  19. Why would I care about a mega star I have never heard of? If I don't like their music it's just noise and I never follow up.
  20. They are not good about fire exits can capacity at indoor venues either. Other countries have strict regulations regarding capacity and exits that are enforced. I'm not sure Thailand cares much about that, but it would depend on the venue.
  21. For me, my musical tastes never really evolved and changed. I still like the stuff I grew up with and when that era passed I never moved on. Never even heard of Bruno Mars...
  22. Many of the bands I like are getting too old to tour...
  23. It does not seem like Bangkok gets a lot of bands I like on tour. Stuff like Metallica, Ozzy (though he is retired now), Megadeth, Assemblage 23, Sisters of Mercy, anything metal really, or even industrial stuff... They seem to be mostly concentrated on Europe or the USA.
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