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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. 'On Death & Taxes' A Novel by Jacob Rothschild. With a forward by Aleister Crowley & Special Guest Editor, Avi the Church Mouse.
  2. I noticed that dogs are much more aggressive to foreigners when there are Thai's around watching. The dogs know foreigners will shy away from an attack with Thai's around because foreigners don't feel comfortable attacking the dog, thinking it's someone's pet. They can sense that hesitation. Get me into an open field with some jeans and boots on and not a peep to be found.
  3. Bark really loudly. Who taught you that one, Einstein?
  4. Who wants to everyday carry a baton every time you go out? I guess you could do it in problem areas, but it's a hassle to do all the time, especially if you have a cell phone and a wallet as well. Same with pepper spray, do you want to worry about it sitting down to eat or having a beer? Maybe one of those sonic shriekers would do the trick. They are crazy loud and would scare off anything, especially dogs with sensitive hearing. Not illegal.
  5. Throw a rock at it, and like someone said don't turn your back to it or move towards it, just stand there and keep throwing things. Back away slowly facing the dog until you are out of it's territory. That's a barking dog. A loud dog is not a very dangerous dog. If it's a vicious attack then you place your hands behind you, like you are handcuffed, and kick with your legs and feet. Let it come to you, don't chase it or attack. Don't let it bite your arms and hands. If you had long pants on, and hopefully closed toe shoes and not beach sandals, you are very lucky. Much easier then wearing shorts and they can smell fear from a bare leg.
  6. I have been thinking about that as I get older. One thing I'm starting to realize is that it won't be that easy to move when I'm elderly. They could also easily increase the income or deposit needed. That's a main reason why I'm considering Mexico permanent residency. At least I will have the option of staying where I am no matter what happens. Also, in my 70's/80's I figure it won't matter much where I am. Most people that age stay at home the majority of the time.
  7. I always get a price before ordering either on a menu, wall sign or verbally. It also lets me see what drinks are available. I don't like negotiations after ordering. If you don't do it, don't complain about prices later on.
  8. Prices are on the menu. Don't like them, leave.
  9. It's a way of dividing people into groups or a hiearchy. It's too hard to see people as equals. Another thing, they left out the nationality of the tourist. That's typically the first thing mentioned.
  10. Male shaving is "in". All kinds of products on the market today cater to the trimmed man. We got's the manscape (landscape), bushwacker, ballbuster, hedge trimmer, the skull...
  11. I do a full body trim about every 2-3 weeks. I use a cordless clipper with no guard, so it's very close, but not a true shave. I finish my balls and arse with a true bic disposable since I can't really do that area well with the shaver without risking cuts. I feel great afterwards and clean. Also cut nails, as well as trim head hair using the same shaver and longer guards. Takes about an hour total. Much less tolerant of people with unruly body hair these days. Seems funny and odd when I see people with long arm, back and leg hair. Seems unclean when I see it and I think of them as slobs.
  12. Residence certificate? May be more where I'm staying though, not proving residency. I'm not sure how strict they would be on that requirement.
  13. https://www.mexperience.com/financial-criteria-for-residency-in-mexico/ May have gone up to $293,000 to qualify now as a permanent resident, or $73,200 for a temporary resident (180 days). It looks like one can go in as a temporary resident, then just renew. Please note: Your first Temporary Residence permit will be granted for only one year. Renewals may be for 1, 2, or 3 years and is up to the discretion of immigration. Remember after 4 years of being a temporary resident you can apply for the permanent residency.
  14. Has anyone secured a Mexican Retirement Visa from the Bangkok Embassy? Is that possible to do as a US Citizen without returning to the USA first? I'm interested in getting the visa while in Thailand and just flying directly into Mexico on the new visa. The embassy website seems rather cryptic/unclear on the procedures.
  15. I'm not sure where the Op is from, but that's not on par with a grocery trip in the Usa, for example, filling the trunk of the car and backseat with groceries, usually around at least 5 bags per trip. For example, at a safeway, costco or walmart. The Op will also likely be disappointed by the Foodmart if they are used to shopping at large western grocery stores. Op will need to focus much more on getting food daily in Asia, rather then weekly grocery trips. It's part of living here for most people and takes much more time here for some reason, unless you have a car.
  16. You need to eat out at the local food stalls and restaurants on a daily basis. They are very cheap but it's not like other countries where you haul in food from the market, unless you have a car which most people don't. Even if you have a motorbike you can't fit that much on there. If you try to carry stuff more then a few blocks you are dodging soi dogs, no sidewalks, the heat, etc. Be real careful to scout out the surroundings when you rent a place. The first thing I look for on google earth is nearby eateries and markets. Check the distances and remember on a street without sidewalks and watching for vehicles it's not easy carrying a bunch of groceries. You could take a bolt taxi both ways, but it's one of those things I just never end up doing. I actually rented a place in the central pattaya area that was near a shopping center just to have groceries nearby. Much easier, as I can walk over and I don't drive here. I still eat out most of the time.
  17. How long has it been a gold mine for, over a year? No other related problems in the background, booze, women?
  18. No tips and I don't feel guilty about it.
  19. It's people chasing a dream... Think about it like a cafe. You open a cafe in the middle of hundreds of other similar cafe's selling the same latte. How are you going to get customers when they walk by all these other cafe's closer to the main street? You're living on a hope and a prayer. You sit there making the small place perfect with knick knacks and nice seating. Out of desperation you start sitting in front of your cafe calling to people walking by. You also become hyper customer service oriented. One person comes in and you hover over them like a mother hen, standing right near them while they try to look at the menu. Can't wait for that order. Rush in and rush it to them even with no other customers waiting. You start to realize that how nice you make your cafe it does not bring in customers if you are not on the corner ahead of all the others closer to the main street where all the daily tourists are passing by, probably never to return. You also realize that your desperation is actually driving customers away from the shop. They feel like they are obligated to buy something quickly the minute they come in, or even look in from the street. There is probably a final stage where you start getting angry. You made this place perfect, did everything possible, yet people come in for just a cheap coffee or even try to negotiate the price. The bills keep coming in. You may sneer and act nice. Fake a smile, and other weird stuff that people see right through, that just puts off customers further. It festers and you start feeling like selling. It's not your fault, it's other people or the location, or cheap foreigners. Decide to sell and make it look like it's doing great for the next person. Can't have them come in on a down note. After all, that spells doom.
  20. How did the juicebar work out a year later? Are you still here? Says you never came back to update.
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