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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. There sure is something weird about it. Nobody ever greets or says hello to each other. There is usually zero eye contact. Pointing at the camera is also off-putting. If I'm standing there just take the shot. No need to point at the camera or lift it etc. There's so many things that could be done to make the immigration check more enjoyable. Just one idea would to place a small figurine on each counter holding a sign that said "Hello" or "Sawadee Krup". This would cost practically nothing and make a huge difference to so many people. Or even just a sign that said "Welcome To Thailand!"
  2. I ordered a half pint once. It looked ridicioulous sitting at the bar with a small glass when other people had pints.
  3. Why do they do that, do they want to have sex?
  4. And you kept refusing. No wonder she kept talking about money...????
  5. Why are you talking to taxi drivers about your plans? Don't get into personal talk with service personnel, it lowers your social standing. They could be snickering because of that. Taxi drivers like doing this to newbies, getting into personal discussions in the cab and putting themselves on equal footing with you. Watch a Thai businessman take a cab ride. There is no chit chat. The driver does his job and the passenger relaxes in the back. Everything goes quietly and smoothly. The social structure that guides Thai society works.
  6. What do you mean by pathetic? Nothing open, or the people? I remember living up there in Nimm 10 years ago. I never really had a good time in the clubs up there. It always felt strange being there like I was trying to pick up on Thai college students on a night out or something or that people were watching what I was doing. Much more comfortable in the foreigner bars in the old city and that scene. Could be just that I was older and it was a younger crowd ????‍♂️ that I did not have much in common with. Try Monkey Club if it's still open, or Warm Up, or that complex of places on the left as you head towards the airport. Live music, dancing, DJ's. What else do you need? There should be club like/drinking places all along the side streets. If that feels weird, it's probably the crowd that's not right.
  7. It would be like visiting NYC in the USA and telling a cab driver you are going to visit Oklahoma or New Jersey, or some suburban area. ????
  8. I remember as a teenager I used to go out to party around 11pm. That was a long time ago. Now I goto bed before 11pm. Somewhere in between I think 2300hrs meant something.
  9. I replaced my cream with powdered milk and prefer it now and it's much richer then milk. It also never spoils so fewer trips to the market.
  10. Maybe that's why a lot of lower end hotels want to hold the passport at the front desk, and take a copy at least. Holding it at the desk seems required in Vietnam. Not for people that don't pay the bill, but for cops to ID people. Otherwise, what happens if your single, the cops would need to goto your hotel and rummage through your stuff or with you in tow to find out who you are. Not reasonable.
  11. What happens if you don't have ID?
  12. There seems to be a segment from the UK and Europe that must live in flophouse situations back home, though I don't know how cheap those run and normally people on that low end would not be able to fly to a foreign country and get situated. Maybe some of it is just people getting older and complaining just to complain or vent. When you get a bit older and start facing physical ailments I can see how it would be easy to just start complaining about anything, not necessarily what's specifically bothering you.
  13. Not if you have more, you end up sharing everything ????. There seems to always be an issue with money or resources in every situation.
  14. The really great thing about it is they do a lot of head slapping which is about the worst thing you could do to people or service staff in Thailand. ???? Makes it all the funnier.
  15. Nothing in life is free. If it costs less it does not work as well.
  16. That's a great example. Even if he could read, just offering the correction could do it also. I used to shop at the local Thai food market in a very public setting where locals who knew each other would gather around, etc and someplace I needed to get food every day. Occasionally I would get a wrong dish or the wrong quantity. I just never said anything and just always took what was offered. Any correction should only be implied very subtly (with humor) and even non-verbally especially in any kind of public setting where others could overhear.
  17. Does anyone think it's still a good idea to live long term in Pattaya? I have been seeing reports & video's that people want to leave and that the prices are too high on everything. I'm not seeing any positive chatter at all.
  18. Most of those are old listings and not updated. They are asking for a unit, not facebook.
  19. Not accurate at all imo.
  20. Yep, it's still there. You even commented there back in March 2021. Still relevant today.
  21. Who the fuk cares. There were smells and bugs in there. Was that in the contract he signed? Was it in the contract he had to let some scumbag come in and work when he is living there? Did he get free rent for wasting him time while the unit is repaired? Is that his new job? Not in the contract.
  22. Thanks. That's more what I was looking for. Completely anonymous places that attract zero attention, but are still relatively, safe, clean, cheap and central. That area just east of Nirun looks like the area I need. Not sure why I prefer it, people like different things. ????‍♂️
  23. Did you rent through a realtor looking at their pictures online? If so, you can ask them to negotiate the deposit back. That's the main reason to use them in fact. That really works well if you get an agent you like. You can both show up and tag team the owner at the unit. I did that once and got the deposit returned.
  24. Yes, I have rented in Thailand for years. Next time don't rent a place without visiting in person first. My guess is that you were fooled by pictures.
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