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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Simply lowering prices is a loss of face (pride). Many places will go broke before doing that. It's not the same as haggling or negotiating where you see a higher price and offer less.
  2. When I got my O-A it was not that easy. I had to get criminal background checks (took weeks) and go in for fingerprinting. I also had to see some quack doctor I picked out of the phone book to do the routine visa health form (syphilis, etc) who insisted on a complete blood work battery, medical history and a physical requiring multiple visits before he would sign the simple visa form because I was a "new patient". If I had to pay that out of pocket it would not be worth getting the O-A. He also billed my insurance for over $2k+ USD before we were one and done. I finally got the form signed though. It was a two or three month process end to end altogether for everything.
  3. Why are you asking if it's so great? Your problem should be having too many choices, not where do you move
  4. Good practitioners in the USA are far superior then any I have found in Thailand. I'm not sure why but things get done correctly. You need to goto a top dentist though. In Thailand it feels like everything requires multiple visits for future problems. It's like they are missing something by rushing or just can't do a thorough job. Or an impulsive recommendation is made, then it's discovered later it needed something else, etc. Also, Thai dentists have great difficulty giving professional treatment recommendations. They want the patient to decide the course of treatment, like they are afraid of being wrong. They have a hard time deciding what needs to be done right away and what can wait (treatment priorities). I'm not into that at all. I want an expert recommending the best course of action.
  5. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned a fan yet. You need a fan on you anyway if you're not running A/C. If you are running A/C mosquito's are not an issue. Welcome to Thailand.
  6. I was just giving a general idea what people can look forward to here for long term stays or retirement. Keeping track of dates in general and running in circles in one way or another is very much on the cards here.
  7. Only if they are interested in border runs and keeping strict records of dates as a lifestyle.
  8. Yes, people in old age tend to break bones because they get brittle. Things like hips, not arms. When that happens they tend to not heal and it puts a lot of stress on the body. That stress causes other problems, like the immune system not being able to fight off many things including infections, etc. It does not mean someone is going to die right away, it just means they are getting old and they are headed in that direction. Many other signs appear, basically just ailments of all sorts, things not healing, one thing complicating another type stuff. Pretty soon you're going to the doctor all the time, taking all kinds of medication and realize your body is giving up and why the hell has your schedule started revolving around hospital visits.
  9. It varies, but my guess is if you don't break a hip you would live longer then if you do break a hip.
  10. They tend to follow procedure and rules and not make up policy on the spot. Your lucky.
  11. Incorrect, Thailand is cheaper.
  12. Can you post a pic of your penis?
  13. Sorry for another negative Nelly post. Sometimes it seems like many of the things I enjoy and find relaxing the Thai's I meet don't like. Quiet, trees, privacy, being alone, thinking before acting, planning for the future, self-denial, regulation of impulses and drives, compassion for animals, quiet enjoyment of nature, doing "nothing'...Can you add to the list? That really sucks when I think about it. That's the case back in the USA as well. The difference for me there was I was living on my own, not around many people, and I could well choose who I wanted to be associated with. In Thailand I'm having to constantly deal with people I don't want to be around. When I ignore them they come at me, rather then just doing their own thing, like people do in the USA.
  14. I was doing that, just getting a new O-A visa every two years. I liked going back to the Usa anyway. However, the living situation in my home country became more problematic when I just left my property derelict. For example, the property started requiring hefty repairs (no running water, water pump went out), it was hard to store my car outside without it getting ruined so I had to rent one, etc. The cost of fixing these things would be rather expensive and not really worth returning for the O-A. If I did go back and fix everything it would be a waste of money to just leave right away. That's another reason why Mexico may be a better option for me. I could travel easier back to the property, fix and maintain things and keep it as a realistic backup living situation.
  15. People buying off plan are probably duped by fancy brochures and salespeople. Or, they are shown a display unit with a bunch of nice furniture and think there unit will be the same.
  16. Expats expecting morality principals to apply in other countries where they are not valued. Vs here where if someone does wrong it tends to be ignored. "They are just trying to be happy" sort of thing, nevermind. Like there's some rainbow at the end you can't see yet.
  17. Lying, lack of the honesty morality principle.
  18. Do you know how to get a bank balance letter? Let me know if you need help.
  19. Also, the gentleman's duel.
  20. You found someone who you thought had morals and found out they were a hooker.
  21. In places where they are allowed they tend to be controlled and surrounded with those wood bracing structures, not just left alone to grow by themselves. The ones that are too big for that often have that Buddhist stuff on them at the trunk.
  22. Did he want to violate you?
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