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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I'm pretty sure the cafe guy was gay. He was pretty effimate. Was trying some mix between business partner and sex/relationship thing, probably. Never got that far. That's one good thing about the language barrier. I don't hear that BS much simply because they can't explain it in english and don't bother. If they do, it's just a dumb simple request and not a long drawn out attempt.
  2. I went into a cafe today. Some Thai guy who spoke decent English was running it. He started talking about the economy etc. Finally led to a discussion about finances and how he was looking for a business partner. Was looking to move the shop, few customers etc since covid. He was basically looking for someone to contribute money to an endeavor that was not profitable as it stood. Kind of sad. If something is not working out either downsize until a profit is realized or move on. It's just a waste of money to keep throwing money at something that's not making money. I also realized (after I left) that he was just dropping his problem on me (psychologically) by telling me all of it. It was not my problem. I hope he got some relief. Whomever is reading this I pass this BS onto you. Good luck 😆.
  3. I bet this guy is looking every time now. Probably flushes twice for life and checks it, or maybe he is dumping outside now where he can see what's on the ground with no hole.
  4. I rented a mountain bike in town ($5 I think) and just biked up that long road to the temples, got a ticket at the enterance and biked around. No guide, and was alone most of the time. The guides typically take you only to the main temple route. I also got some exercise which was nice instead of being driven everywhere.
  5. I saw some lady from Spain or Portugal at the restaurant recently. She was knock out gorgeous. Must have been early 20's. I did a double take thinking she was Thai but she speaking something that sounded like Spanish or Portugese. I don't think she was considered exceptional in her home country, just the norm. Agree 100%. Maybe I will see you around when I return. Lived there for a year, but left just before Covid hit but going back. Small city. I have been getting a feeling like Cambodia may change the easy visa, I'm not sure why though, just a feeling. It seems "too easy".
  6. That's actually a good idea. Can I just show up at the airport and claim those benefits, or do I need to arrive by sea? How much are the cash payments? Is there a waiting period? 🤣
  7. That's an ice pick. It's used to chip away blocks of ice.
  8. Did flushing the toilet first make it mad? He may have gotten away with murder if he had quietly dropped a long on it.
  9. Another news story where the tragedy is spun to talk about "tourism" instead of victim rights & suffering. Disgusting.
  10. Your penis hurt me.
  11. To my understanding they are required for insurance purposes. If you're looking for a place to rent watch for their chairs and tables which they don't move. That's where they will be sitting all night.
  12. Did it bite his penis?
  13. Next time goto a short time hotel instead.
  14. There are some people who do repay it back later. If you're getting a lot of people who don't return loans the problem could be you. In other words, you're not judging people correctly or do not understand their ability to repay the loan.
  15. Ok, but don't dwell on your problems. It's just like asking. Maybe mention it once then that's it. Maybe even only if they ask about your situation. Otherwise they feel guilty about not helping out.
  16. Anything that requires thinking or interpretation is a "no". Think, a paper in front of you with an amount and bank name and the dates.
  17. That works if you never fall on hard times and need a loan yourself. It's a give & take.
  18. Can't they make their own decisions? Why are you involved? Are you part of the problem?
  19. You can't completely ignore someone approaching you wanting to engage. Even if you simply keep walking, someone is entering your personal space and needs to be evaluated for threats. During that brief time their pitch gets through.
  20. Here's a video in case you missed it in high school sex ed or were out that day.
  21. As a man, you need to know how to use a condom and have the responsibility to use one. I can't believe what I'm reading here.
  22. Is that possible or does someone need to come over and sign for it? There are many stories about people needing to come over when a relative passes.
  23. I'm not a slave to it and can do without. Learn to control your urges. You don't need the constant short times. Find others things that are important to you to focus on, hobbies, exercise, etc. If you're doing constant short times in Pattaya at 54 something's not right.
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