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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Most people are forced to request help, or the state government steps in and forces it on you, reason being you are a danger to self. Or, some other agency steps in because your affairs are not being taken care of, either immigration, or a bank lender or landlord is not being paid due to you either forgetting to do it mentally or unable to do it. Or, unfiled taxes.
  2. Running out before you die. You don't know what kind of care you can afford because you don't know how long you will live.
  3. Why, would they refuse with an escort? Just get them on the plane, wheeled through the airport and direct transfer to one of those homes in Chiang Mai or Hua Hin. The facility handles the visa and payments deduct from the home country account, or put on a card which gets paid off. A hassle for sure though.
  4. I tried that and they kept wanting me to pay them.
  5. How are they getting along? Is bringing them to Thailand an option? I'm thinking that may be a last option for my parents if they simply run out of money. My mom is in assisted living now, it's pretty nice, but she does not want to be there. My father is still living in his house, but moving in the other direction. He could not afford a nice care home.
  6. You basically just sit in your room most of the time. The rest of the day is going to the cafeteria to eat, bingo, and if you're lucky in a better facility they do community outings occasionally. If you're not in a care facility at that stage or on your own with no carer you're pretty much sitting in your room, hobbling out for food, or getting what food you can delivered. What else is there, it's not hard to figure out.
  7. Take a chill pill, man. You seem very angry.
  8. Nerdy guys like that turn into successful leaders of companies or at the top of their fields. You don't find them in Pattaya and sex is not usually very important.
  9. It says penis. I'm not sure why it says that.
  10. View Talay 2B is waiting for you. Have a nice room ready there for you as you get older into retirement. You can't stop whst's coming. Welcome home.
  11. You woulda have been outta here years ago if you could afford it.
  12. It takes me a week to make a pot of coffee. If it's that short term I think anywhere in Pattaya would be enjoyable judt for the novelty.
  13. Simp. If you don't like noise & commotion this is the wrong country for you (typically).
  14. They are really wasting all their money on prostitutes. Then the lack of money is blamed on low tourism.
  15. You don't wear deodorant or shave your pits when you wear the linen shirts. We can see your body hair. You need a shave, man.
  16. Hello, You may stay at Nirun on Soi Arunatai. The Big C is walkable and they have a great food court (bring your own bottle for the free water machine).
  17. Thanks for sending it. I'm an important man, however, and I can't stay in small rooms like that.
  18. Your balcony is a good place for a beer. Don't feel like you have to be around Thai's or go out to have a good time. Just like in your home country you can relax at home. I used to feel like I had to go out all the time because I was in Thailand.
  19. I should get a shirt with that printed on it.
  20. Would you tap it if there was nobody else around? Be honest.
  21. It seems like many no longer want to get involved in private rentals. I tried that in a couple places and they just direct me to the community board.
  22. Probably more like tracking deposits in Thai banks, deposits for retirement visa's, moving money in to buy property, etc. If you don't have a bank account here you're probably safe for now.
  23. One good way to deal with a Thai guy is to force them into a situation where it's quiet and they are alone. They can't stand it. I have seen situations (usually a security guard or similar) that have to work alone in an empty or dark space. They get real agitated and depressed. If you can't go to extremes, just approximate as much as possible. For example, keep the radio and TV off, don't talk and give eye contact, give them rooms in the back away from traffic sounds with a lot of privacy, or anything that's not social, stuff like that.
  24. You have 8 months to think about it. Let me know.
  25. Any opinions on renting there?
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