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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Thai's like noise. They think quiet attracts bad spirits.
  2. They do that to wear you down. Most people will get tired of viewing just anything and select a property quicker. Never go on those tours where they just take you around. Only view properties you have seen photo's of beforehand and feel like it's something you want.
  3. 🍺🍺🍺 Those guys who drink a lot of beer are weird. I always wonder why they don't have a soymilk instead. They always have to drink the "large bottle" of beer and can't ever just drink a regular size bottle. That's when I know they have an alcohol problem and it's about the buzz, the large bottle.
  4. Ever hear of the tf dating app? 🤣
  5. You're balls are always bouncing, to the left & to the right, always bouncing & dragging behind you on the street at night. Your balls keep bouncing all over my face, but it's those family jewels that I like best.
  6. You're bi. If you like sucking dick you have to include the gay part.
  7. Well, yes. That's a lot of what the mid life crisis is about. Showing off to others to mask a decline. It could be sports cars, displaying a younger woman, telling others on forums about sexual frequency, etc. It does not fix the situation it's just denial and trying to mask it with the opposite.
  8. How did they know he was a soldier. Did he spout off about his military service? Most military won't devulge that unless there is a good reason. Sounds like something that would embellish the story to make it sound like the attack was not that bad. ie. he's a soldier, he can take it.
  9. Meeting parents with a new partner can make or break a relationship, especially aging parents that need support and care. A whole new can of worms is opened when your partner needs to focus on them, because the early problems in upbringing are typically still present and unresolved. That means the "outside non-core" partner needs to adjust accordingly. To give one example: A sibling may want to move aging parents into the family home, because they feel responsible due to being placed in a caretaker or overly responsible role in childhood (parentification). The partner may resent this because they don't feel it's their responsibility and it detracts from their relationship and own family. So the same dynamic from childhood is actually re-created while the members are much older. The partner lavishes attention on the parent and the other partner feels resentment because it's overkill.
  10. That could be a problem if you're getting distanced and they are getting closer. It could be "parentification" whereby the child is symbolically put into a husband role, either through intimate conversations where you are left out, or just by undue attention. They grow up on a kind of pedestal and you end up resenting it because you are left out and get angry or jealous at the child or wife. Alternatively, you embrace it and the kid grows up feeling more responsible then they should (like a husband should be) and the wife starts relying on the kid emotionally as they grow older. The older son may have difficulty forming satisfying relationships with women later on because they are too attached to the mother figure, or because they resent the undue emotional responsibility they feel towards women or the mother figure.
  11. There's more to life then kids, a wife & work.
  12. It's actually better to not wear a shirt. A cotton shirt stays wet in a humid climate, with no shirt the sweat can evaporate off your body.
  13. "Those leaving comments here who are condemning this guy for running without a shirt" Do I need to explain every post to you?
  14. A little picky today are we? He looks pretty good for 82, great in fact. Even taking beatings at that age. Real bodies are not perfect. People have some flab, some fat. Perfect bodies are for movie stars. Remember that next time you are working out (or looking for a man).
  15. Same as when you were young. Age is only a number.
  16. They have one, it's called View Talay 2b. Many guys don't realize it though. They think it's just a condo.
  17. You need lube rather then just cranking one out dry?
  18. I think it's natural to not need it as much as you get older. Although, some guys may have a physical problem that occurs before their mental need drops off. There are guys out there who don't accept changes as they age and kind of want to hang onto everything that was there when they were young. Similar to a mid-life crisis type thing. That's the vibe I'm getting from the OP. Like someone that's not old yet but is worried about getting older.
  19. I pretty much lost interest when I hit 52 or so. Just don't need it anymore. A very noticable decline that progressed fairly quickly. Now, I can still get going and appreciate a woman, but it takes the right situation to make it happen. I'm not thinking about it all the time like when I was younger. If that situation does not happen I move on well and don't feel rejected and that sort of thing. My question to you is, why maintain something as you get older if you no longer need it much? The desire is not there so it's not really an issue.
  20. What was awful about it, where you bored?
  21. That's worth pushing a bit. The real advantage to an agent is their reputation. They can't just disappear. Most are reliant on websites and listings. Complaints will make or break their business. Tell them what you think is fair and let them know you won't back down and word will get out. Worst case they refund their own commission which is one month rent I think.
  22. The strange thing is that they never agree with that interpretation, even though it does not seem ideal. It's always, things are great, living in paradise, or whatever. I'm still trying to find someone who admits that lifestyle is unfulfilling but is stuck in it.
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