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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. I disagree. I would take the 20 years. Have fun!
  2. You could still be spreading all kinds of diseases. You need to wear a rain jacket. Simple as that. You're in Pattaya and doing short times. Man up, be responsible and learn how to use a condom. Let me know if you need tips on putting one on or how to take it off.
  3. You should not be fumbling around with a condom at 54, but if you never learned to use one it's time to try. Fumbling around with a numb one may require a little more foreplay, a pill or even a situation where you're not 'on the clock'. It can't be rushed. Not something that's easy in a quick short time, cheap massage situation or a paid interaction in general. A penis has a funny way of telling you something.
  4. That was his penis, not a pool cue.
  5. I don't think most guys over 55 care much about sex. The guys I have known who are honest say the physical act is not very important at their age. The looking, etc may be there, but the act itself is fleeting at best. I'm in the same camp. The desire for physical consumation is not very strong. I will notice attractive women when I'm strolling through town. Rejections are taken in stride and gestures of interest are well considered. I also wake up with a woody far less often. The snake just kind of knows to go away. When I was younger it needed to be trained (most of the time that was done with my right hand).
  6. Can anyone translate what he is saying?
  7. There's always a reason.
  8. When I see a guy from india up dead ahead on the sidewalk I know it's time for some fine tailored suits & shirts. Also, a nice guy from india chutney is on the menu. I also know that a stroll to the john is in my future and a nice wipe.
  9. Would you be motivated to succeed and conquer challenges if there was a massage place on every corner? Or, would you get kind of content and happy and dull witted?
  10. I think a lot of it is announcing something to gain face. Afterwards, nobody cares about making it actually happen because face has already been gained.
  11. Why would it not matter when you're dead?
  12. Who wants to travel economy to a funeral? Have some class.
  13. That brings up another issue. Cleaning, service staff & privacy. They are getting better at supplying the 'do not disturb' signs and 'clean room now' signs, as people complain more I suspect. It's a hassle to guard the door in a long term stay though with staff never really 100% 'getting it' regarding when to come in or not. I feel like half of it is cleaning and the other half is monitoring the property. After all, they don't really know who is in there, right. I do sacrifice a good deal of privacy in the BNB. It's not the same as coming home to your own unit and locking the door. It usually feels like there is someone there watching 😅, either through coming and going or via cleaning. There are also the questions with a meetup check in about how many people etc which is off putting. I never know if they have an issue with guests if I'm standing there solo and say 'one'. If I say two they may ask for ID or whatever.
  14. I stay away from anything new and modern. That's a great way to avoid chinese tourists and tourists in general. They don't like the old places for some reason, even the well maintained ones.
  15. I'm at a boutique hotel now. Cleaning as often as needed and electric is included. The only drawback is there is no kitchen in the room or laundry. I have 24/7 access to the hotel kitchen though. Also, the staff is gone at night and there's nobody around 🤣 except a few other guests I almost never see. I think this place simply ran out of customers and turned into an airbnb room rental place. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. That's always in the back of my mind. All those short amateur clips online could be from cams. On the other hand, I don't care much at my age. I don't think I would be very popular.
  17. I don't usually negotiate, but prefer to just get a cheaper place that fits my budget. I never really know if I'm going to like a long term rental either. There is the visit during a regular lease signing but it's usually rushed anyway and I barely have time to inspect each little thing when viewing with an agent or owner. The usual stipulation being it gets fixed after you move in. Your right though, if I did find something egregious during a regular viewing I could back out without paying first.
  18. I started living in Airbb's by the month instead of renting. Is anyone else doing that here? Any problems or suggestions you have with this lifestyle? One obvious drawback is moving all the time, but it felt like I was moving around anyway in Asia on a long term lease. Another issue is feeling like it's not your home, but I felt that way when I was renting here long term 🤣. One big benefit is there are no deposits to worry about and the monthly price is about the same, maybe slightly more.
  19. Why did you get the long term Cambodian visa now rather then just waiting until you moved? Do you feel like they may change the Cambodian visa requirements in the future?
  20. You're projecting your own complexes onto other people. The reality is you have no idea what they are assuming unless you ask them. They could be thinking the exact opposite and there are many other scenario's. For example, they could feel sorry for you that you can't communicate, they could be happy because they don't want to talk or explain things, they could just accept it, or they could even like it, etc. The list goes on. I suggest you ask the people involved in that kind of interaction next time to see what they are thinking. Instead of assuming you know straight away and going off in a huff. Is that what you typically do? The answers you get may surprise you and not be what you were assuming at all. If you don't speak their language then use body language and facial expressions the best you can. Let me know if you find any entitlement that the person agrees they are doing. If you still see "stuff" underneath in the behavior of others no matter what feedback you are given you need to consider therapy. That's what psychoanalysis does is it help you release these "phantoms" that are causing you to react negatively to others. When you clear this stuff up it feels like other people have changed around you for some reason, are happier and Ok, etc, but it's really your perception of them that has changed.
  21. They never tell you what exactly they are doing and if you do ask it's something vague like consulting or marketing. A young-ish fellow hunched over their laptop at a high end cafe acting like they uber successful. It always seems to be a millenial.
  22. That's not a requirement and most locals don't care if you speak their language (unless they need to sell something). It has nothing to do with superiority. It seems you have developed a complex of sorts. Look at why you think people care so much about what you do or why you need to please other people.
  23. That's a common rebuttal but you are playing word games. I doubt he cares what others do. He meant he wants to be around others who speak english like other expats. It does not seem like he is interested in Thai people or getting them to speak english.
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