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Everything posted by JimTripper

  1. Would you be there if prostitution was off the table?
  2. That's what I'm thinking as well. My arousal seems to be linked to my physical performance. Other guys like the Op though have a decline in physical performance, but say mentally they are still aroused the same as when they were much younger. I never thought it was linked to testosterone though, but just getting older.
  3. Are you experiencing erection issues?
  4. You don't sound like an American. We are not tied to our leaders like that.
  5. One hotel manager in Los Angeles would go out and pickup homeless women and give them free rooms. These rooms were non-occupied anyway so there was no real loss for the hotel except cleaning time. The cleaning staff just thought it was a paying guest and had no access to the financial books. As it turns out, the manager was requiring some rent. Nothing is free these days. He was requiring some real nasty services in exchange for the room if you know what I mean. Apparently he had multiple guests over on the same night as well and was making "rounds" all night. The only reason the owners caught on is because other employees like security, cleaning staff and maids started noticing skint women regularly in the rooms and gossip was overheard. Some did not understand when to checkout. They reviewed CCTV and caught him bringing in people after hours without checking in.
  6. Why not use a basin that is the perfect height, rather then tossing through the air?
  7. I watch this guy too. He would likely be gone except for his duty to family here. His video's are very honest.
  8. I wonder if he still has sex with melania and what positions they prefer. Even though he appears to like to take the initiative in many things, my guess is that he likes to be serviced, so her on top riding him.
  9. It can be if you're walking. Could take days or weeks.
  10. Only if it lasts more then 72 hrs and you can't see a doctor.
  11. When you have other interests not only will women/men be less important, but you will in fact attract sexual partners easier and more often. Guys who are chasing and taking stuff like TRT are probably having sex less often then guys who are satisfied with themselves (assuming they are not just using prostitutes). Also, guys who are satisfied with how things are, are probably less prone to experience erection issues as well.
  12. "Sure, it’s enjoyable and exciting, but my body just isn’t playing along the way it used to." Not much anyone can do about it. Nobody stays on top forever. Remedy's are mostly a waste of time & money.
  13. When I lived in Bangkok I regularly shopped at Klong Toei market for fruit. Occassionally, I would see live rats on top of the fruit display tables. Huge ones, like you would need a broom to shoo them off huge. I had one glare at me as I walked by ontop of the oranges. Some are not very afraid of people. They are used to people walking around. To this very day I still wash all the fruit, even ones with skins. They may come from Bangkok where those wholesale markets are and the rats live. I also stopped liking chicken after seeing them in cages there...
  14. Cavities are cavities. It's what's attached to them that counts 🤷🏻‍♂️
  15. Not my experience. They must have changed the policy.
  16. Move to Siem Reap Cambodia and apply for a Thai digital nomad visa.
  17. They are intentionally trying to make it complicated. They don't understand things so they need more and more verification to understand what they are given. Even with ample documents most Thai's will require verbal confirmation in order to proceed. It's similar to giving a map to a taxi driver. They can't understand it, but need to talk to a noodle vendor on the way for directions.
  18. In my experience there is not much you can do. It's either put up with it or forfeit your deposit and move. A lot of the time they know you can hear it and like to see you annoyed. Hopefully, you negotiated a one month deposit and not two months in case this situation came up. Living around other foreigners in the future also helps.
  19. Ask the store for a refund due to non-delivery. Document email sent with read receipt. If no response or refund within 30 days dispute the charge with credit card bank with reason non-delivery of goods.
  20. Did it have a blood stain on it?
  21. I tried to avoid it and failed. Ended up moving. I did not have a motorbike to drive away though, maybe that helps.
  22. Sounds like you are moving around and not living there long term. There's a big difference!
  23. Depends on where the Op is staying. The real question is, when you go out of expat areas what do you do there? You have no reason to be living there. You can get things cheaper, but if you don't fit in or have expat activities it does not work out. Most Thai's are living in those cheap areas because they are working during the day, flopping in at night, or going to school. If you're a single guy, it's not the right location.
  24. By moving in with others where there is little to no privacy. Anything split 4 ways becomes affordable.
  25. A lot of guys are running from something. Either some sort of personal or financial problem. They are never adequately prepared when they arrive because that preparation is not coming their way due to problems where they came from. It's not a matter of knowing how much they need or going back home to work. In Cambodia, I called it 'flotsam & jetsam'. It's like that stuff that washes up on the beach from the ocean, like the dislodged plantlife and debris on the waterline. It has to go somewhere, but it does not really belong anywhere, and is not really a part of the beach. It's stuff that is in limbo, getting broken down and recycled into something else, or being transformed to support the growth of something else.
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