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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Thanks but another sent me the requested link.
  2. As I recall the founders also, while embracing a participatory democracy, built in safe guards. Many examples in history that the majority is not always right. Ironically, it is the Republican Party acting to try to restrict the popular vote eligibility. Sending my Absentee Ballot from abroad, those votes are not counted in many places until then-person votes are counted. I am reading that there are some now wanting no votes counted after the polls close.
  3. Cute ... again the 'love it or leave it" knee jerk. Thanks but my documented DNA goes back before the country's founding and has been part of the evolution up to the current time. This American will not be given out by fascists demanding all conform to their authoritarian rule. Now for the irony ... I am already living my earned working middle class retirement in a lower cost country since I can not have the same in my own country. You need not drive us out politically, continuing the economic squeeze on the working middle class has driven millions of us to be economic refugees already ... but go ahead elect a candidate with a proven record of giving tax breaks benefitting primarily the corporations and wealthy.
  4. And yet, there are still cultural religious tests applied in the USA today. Try running for elected office and not being Christian or, at least, proclaiming you are. I live next to two of the largest Moslem countries, no reported government beheadings reported?
  5. Serious structural changes are required to address real issues in the USA governance Far too much corruption to continue to sustain the governance system. In large measure, money has been the cause of bending the systems. You want to get elected? OK, but it takes money so you solicit campaign contributions. Businesses donate (oops, it has been ruled by SCOTUS that they are citizens, the same as I am). You get elected, a Bill is proposed which will cut into my profits. I go to you explaining the impact on my business, my employees ... and I remind you of my support for your campaign (large enough donations and you will need no reminder). You agree to "work with me" to try and change or defeat the proposed Bill. We witnessed a recent political corruption in the President Obama nomination for SCOTUS. Senate Majority leader at the time,Mitch McConnell (R-KY) refused to debate or vote on the Nominee because it was an election year. Then a Trump Nominee is made in an election year and ... debate and vote taken no problem. Add, to that the "donations" made to SCOTUS Justices and those same Justices refusing to recuse themselves from participating in decisions affecting those who gave them "donations". Also, currently involved is the abrogation of established SCOTUS law precedent in overturning Wade and now declaring a Present immune to law when serving in office (when the ex-president who appointed three of the Justices raising the question of conflict of interest). There is much more needing adjustment in the USA. Term limits is again being seriously discussed as the result of having, until recently the two candidates being in their 80s if elected in 2024. Certainly part of the American political/social dilemma currntly is the loss of belief in the working of the current system. The balance, the supposed safe guards have seemingly failed.
  6. Dear Khon Thais. I just watched this commercial. I am a retired American and Thailand is my only global home for over 13 years. My reaction to this? ... I came away with a positive impression that Thailand will make everything work. Nothing is impossible if you are flexible and even if last minute changes are needed. As to the citing of any older hotels, buses, etc., these can all be found here. I am thinking that if only the most modern hotels were shown, the most modern of buses, trains, etc., you would loose the charm that differentiates Thailand. The most important and most positive message is that Thais and Thailand will accommodate business needs with a smile.
  7. Ironically, I find myself more conservative. Either out of office by 75 or not eligible to run for election after turning 70. I am aware of both the benefit of age and experience and the need for greater progressive change brought on by the next generation. We could also discuss a maximum number of eligible terms (varying for 2, 4, 6 year terms).
  8. Dealing with the current SCOTUS ... "they resort to cheating and circumventing the laws" (OK, true my reference is to the accepted traditions of Presidential Nominees). Now, let's reflect on Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) refusal to debate and vote on President Obama's SCOTUS Nominee because it was an election year, then debating and voting on aTrump Nominee in an election year?
  9. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" comes to mind (tip of the hat to Rhett Butler in Gone With the wind).
  10. Much wrong has been done in the name of Religion. I was brought up on, "Love thy neighbor". "turn the other cheek" and yet, "onward Christian soldiers...".
  11. I did note the ironic reaction from those who have criticized PC.
  12. Have to agree. A less derogatory reference, like, "Nakon Nowhere" would have sufficed.
  13. I agree. Sadly reacting from their justified frustration/anger in emotional response. We have seen this before as the German citizens supported or accused to supporting Adolf Hitlr. He too railed against the "powers that be" in the aftermath of Germany's treatment after WW I. and in both these men ... poor choice for addressing the issues.
  14. While observing that the majority of American citizen voters did vote for Hillary (I was not one of them), I agree that there is justified frustration/anger at both major US major political parties.
  15. Mybe right wig Trump supporters would. I still believe in the citizen Grand Juries and the citizen Trial Juries to make the judgements on the basis of the evidence presented.
  16. One can only hope ... and vote. Quote from Trump, "... Trump was unrelenting in his criticism. "We have a new victim to defeat – Lyin Kamala Harris," he declared. Yes, "victim" of Trump's documented history of lies and name calling ...
  17. Observations vary according to time, day of the week. I do not know if money is being spent in our Chiang Mai malls but my observation is my closest mall, Central Festival. I do not observe any problem with shopper traffic. Of course, I do know the big malls are not a reflection of the average Thai citizen finances.
  18. Trump Party will be doing all they can to find something to invalidate their impending election problems. Hey, feel free to have Trump drop out and Vance to become the Trump Party nominee for President. I would have no issue with their "ticket" transferring assets ... and liabilities to Vance.
  19. I was surprised that none of the USA cities made it into the most unsafe cities in the world. I am sure the Trump Party will be upset by the Forbes findings.
  20. Hmm, Stepdaughter, entering Freshman at Margo University would greatly appreciate the subsidy. As would I!
  21. I did get one from the American Automobile Association in the USA before my 1st trip in 2009. Never asked for it as my state Driver's License showing validity dates and photo was accepted. Upon retiring in Chiang Mai in 2011, after getting settled in, I applied for my Thai Driver's Licenses (car and motorbike) as I planned to stay.
  22. I am certainly not up on Ai pros and cons however. I am thinking there has been some positive application in the field of medical diagnosis and some operations performed remotely.
  23. I am thinking that many would be surprised if the bothered to look up the total USA list of assassination attempts.
  24. I'm thinking, tagging her as having smoked pot may gain votes among many. Especially younger voters who have supported decriminalizing pot in many states.
  25. Longest 6 weeks of my life. 1986, University of Shanghai. No English was to be spoken to us after the orientation. Talk about motivation ... bathroom? Ask in Mandarin or tie it in a knot ... When I returned to the US, ethnic Chinese-American friends said I spoke with a Shiang hai accent! Wow! Now ... it is gone (you don't use it, you lose it). Reduced to greeting, asking how you are and goodbye.
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