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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Thank you. Trump and the Project 2025 ilk have a right to be scared.
  2. Valid question. It would be interesting if we could learn if any reconsideration of investment in Thailand is affected and whether Thailand will be passed over for the UN seat as a result of this decision.
  3. Recognize the decision? Yes. Respect the decision? That is a different matter.
  4. Pray tell, the origin of these fake products?
  5. Recognized and ignored.
  6. Good, we recognize that this is a money making scheme coming from those in the US, not the migrants outside seeking admission.
  7. Agree, Mike. I was raised Methodist but outgrew my childhood long ago. Took the DNA tests and what do you know, carry Ashkenazi markers. Sensitive to wanting to see two independent, secure states rejecting the extremists on either current side.
  8. I share your opinion. I suspect something caused him to decide to leave earlier ... that cause might have caught up with him and purposely turned off the phone so he could not be found. Apologies ... my imagination got the better of me.
  9. That was my first thought as Ouch! Just got my monthly Wire Transfer. By the way, I used Wise for years, in part because they gave a better exchange rate than the bank but an internal Wise change screwed things up with my US bank. Went to monthly Wire Transfer. BKK gives lower exchange rate, plus the 200 baht charge. My USA bank charges nothing so it has worked out the same, about $17.00 USD on $2200.00 transfer.
  10. I am afraid for even more as we approach and American election and a flaring immigration reaction in the UK.
  11. Then sit it out or vote in opposition to the Trump Party. After which, I would welcome you back as an American bringing conservative answers to addressing American issues we all face. I had the same dilemma in 2016 and so voted Green Party.
  12. My thought when first read. Trump and his ilk really screwed up by helping get Biden out of the race. I truly feared I was watching the loss of my country. Now? "Katy bar the door", keep it up Trump/Vance ... what was the saying about the vengeance of a woman scorned (via medical care decisions, not knowing one's own race, not having children ... ha!yes, good luck with your back peddling). And I will proudly be standing with them as a male, mailing in my Absentee ballot from half way round the globe. hey, Trump/Vance there is an idea ... attack mail in ballots! Alienating the millions of Americans working, retired or serving in the military. Another sure appeal to your base!
  13. Wow! And so it has been that easy for decades? Good to know it is that easy ... no immigration "Green Cad" now employer deducting SS contributions plus the employer required contributions. So easy ...
  14. Oh, we Americans are in for being overwhelmed by misleading accusations in Opinion" pieces as we approach a national election with the well organized and shrinking minority increasingly realizing that we now have an election where the growing issue was a Biden candidacy. That advantage to Trump and his ilk is now gone and the advantage is now growing on the dEmocrat side. Get out the popcorn world and sit back ... for us Americans this will be much more critical.
  15. Easy trolling question. I'll pass ...
  16. I certainly hope so. He and Vance are my best hope of a Blue wave.
  17. Thought we were focusing on the Christian reaction. I saw the Catholic Church reacted but I am exposed primarily by USA Christian evangelicals currently. Get ready, if Shapiro is named VP pick, we may see a rabid minority reacting to his being Jewish.
  18. Ha! Beat me to it!
  19. Agreed, a spin off of a litigious society and that was present before the more recent societal fraying.
  20. I neglected to thank you for this. Gave it to the Wife and she is now following. Her outlook, more trouble than it is worth.
  21. No, I have not come across the idea of Manifest Destiny at the time of the founding. Please enlighten me as to any founders expressing this. I seemed to have missed it in my study and teaching of American History for over four decades.
  22. Try running and opposing the posting of the 10 Commandments or opposing the religious oriented Christmas decorations on public land?
  23. I cannot disagree. They caused me to vote Green.
  24. Uh, the founders dealt with 13 colonies becoming states.
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