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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. I had reported an episode a few mornings previous to my 6 month checkup. My Cardiologist opined that it was dehydration as the blood pressure returned to normal after my usual breakfast and drinking coffee and water.
  2. We are in the process of buying a newly constructed house on renewable 3 year notes as Thai banks will not offer me a mortgage due to being a retired foreigner married to a Thai Wife and having a Thai Stepdaughter. The house is being purchased in her name. My thinking is that have her Will, should she die before me, stating that her Daughter will inherit the house but that I will have a usufruct (or other legal device) to live there my remaining days.
  3. Consider repacking once arriving in Thailand and leaving bags not needed for the Krabi stay. What I would do is, for example ... if flying into and out of BKK, stay at the same hotel upon entrance and before flight home ... ask them to store your extra bags. No need to shlep around Third with extra luggage.
  4. While I take your point as this will be the view of some, I am thinking the more astute political decision to see how the first debate goes. without predicting a set outcome ... agreeing to more than the one debate is not decided advantage. I would say this holds true for both ... Trump faces sentencing before future debates (of course he will cite any sentencing as interference in the election).
  5. Sorry, no help. When I first retired to Thailand in 2011 it was on and off, along with some lung coughing for the first three months. After that (knock on wood) rarely ... less than once a year. Oops, except the occasional negative effect of the little blue pills!!!
  6. A valid reminder historically of being mindful of the time period being addressed. I do recall a period where Burma would be a good portion of Siam.
  7. Just a historical point on this. Thailand, occupied by Japan declared war on Britain. The war declaration on the USA was not delivered. This explains why, after Japans defeat, Thailand was deemed an enemy combatant by Britain but the USA favored a different treatment. That and that the Free Thai fought along side the allies against Japanese interests. If I am not mistaken ... I would also note that Thailand has claimed not to have been colonized as the rest of SE Asian countries had, not that Thailand had never been occupied.
  8. Thank you for allowing those without factual knowledge learn ...
  9. or voter registration as we do with the citizen Grand Juries and citizen Trial Juries ...
  10. The gods forbid we have progress ...
  11. I understand the aim, Mike but cannot support. I take second class citizenry to no other Americans.
  12. While I disagree with non-citizens of any country voting in a nation's elections, I am thinking we would agree that counting heads without regard to what is in those heads (or not) is a very dangerous proposition. The strongest military on the planet controlled by a nation with an average 7th-8th grade reading level.
  13. And thus the post is confirmed ...
  14. The 2017, 115 Congress passing the tax cuts resulting in a hughe increase in the imbalance was majority controlled and passed by the Republican majority House, Senate and then signed by Republican President?
  15. So you say ...
  16. Don't hold back, Mike. Tell us how you really feel. And yes, I agree.
  17. Sorry, which folks at the state level are trying to restrict voter registration? To try to arrange election officials ability not to certify election results?
  18. My take on the divide stems from the economic squeeze on the working middle class. The statistics and day to day living expenses have resulted in an unsustainable imbalance. This is the outcome of the policies, actions/inactions of both major US political parties. The income/wealth gap has grown much too large and threatens the whole of society. Unless/until real changes are made to bring the income/wealth gap into closer alignment, the madness continues. I hope for a stake to be driven through the heart of the current Trump party and, like you would then welcome a new Republican Party. Meanwhile, I want a Democrat sweep and if they do not move to address the issue I have stated, I will join others in opposition.
  19. Part of this currently is that we are facing a critical election determining a rather stark difference for the USA. Until President Biden acquiesced to passing the torch in the country's interest, I had grudgingly resigned myself to losing my country. Now, I am hopeful of a possible overwhelming electorate turn out to vote in November. If this, turns out to be true in fact, I have faith that the overwhelming majority of American citizen voters will reject Trump and his Project 2025 ilk.
  20. Yes, I am feeling the prices increases. Wait, what? Oh right, I live in Thailand ...
  21. And I seem to recall a massive increase in government debt as a result of Trump/Republican actions? (Rhetorical).
  22. There you go ... using western logic. Don't get me wrong, I agree.
  23. Use of English ... she did not "bow out" as she was never "in" agreement with Trump's proposed debates. She has agreed to the one debate previously agreed to by both parties. One could say she "denied", "refused" to participate in the Trump proposed additional debates.
  24. Hopefully, fr more than 50% of the American citizen voters come November. I would be deeply depressed as an American thinking that 50% willingly support the end of the country where my DNA has been from before the founding of the country.
  25. I respect your opinion although I do not have the same opinion. Bottom line, I have one vote in November and my judgement certainly more closely aligns with the stated values/policies/actions of the Democrat Party (that said very serious changes must be made within that Party after driving a stake through the "lack of" heart of the current Trump party).
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