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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Absolutely, this is an issue to be dealt with by Thai citizens. However, as a friend of Thailand I do have my public opinion. That opinion is that, this particular law has been purposely misused against political opponents. The recent call by the freely elected majority party's call for reforming the law was correct. Not an attack on the Monarchy but rather a call to return to the purpose of protecting the Monarchy.
  2. Absolutely, this is an issue to be dealt with by Thai citizens. However, as a friend of Thailand I do have my public opinion. That opinion is that, this particular law has been purposely misused against political opponents. The recent call by the freely elected majority party's call for reforming the law was correct. Not an attack on the Monarchy but rather a call to return to the purpose of protecting the Monarchy.
  3. I want him tried on all counts by citizen Jury trials and an overwhelming rejection in November. My thinking is, I do not care if he is sentenced to real jail time. The psychological and financial ruin will punish him for ... well, his being himself.
  4. Hate? My thinking is not based primarily on emotion but rather on judging Trump on the basis of his personal lifelong history. He represents much of the worst attributes of American society.
  5. As a foreigner, resident retiree in Chiang Mai I wish her well. I am thinking the family certainly goes into the history books as unique in having Father, his Sister and now his Daughter elected as Prime Ministers. When I retired here I was able to arrange a congratulatory Kentucky Legislature Resolution for Yingluck as the first female Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand. As I gave it to the then US Consul General to be sent to PM Yingluck, I never learned if the PM ever received the framed Resolution.
  6. My thought was, they wanted/needed tickets ASAP that we all know can cost more. Nonetheless, the total bill cited should be doable by the collective family. I have told my Wife here ... cremation (no service, etc) ... take the ashes to Mae Ping. Done and ... literally "dusted".
  7. I agree that Trump is like any other wounded (psychologically, financially) beast being cornered. I have no doubt he is taking names and numbers for payback if he is given the chance. I can imagine hearing, "My actions were needed in the name of national security and as I took these actions as President, I am immune from prosecution".
  8. Trump was playing to his base in choosing Vance as an "attack dog". How well that would have played against attacking an aged Biden I don't know (if seen as attacking a defenseless elderly person, the sympathy would have backfired on the Republicans). But it is a new contest now. If Vance attacks Harris and she is not seen as capable of a strong defense, they might gain some ground. As to attacking Walz? I think Republicans will not gain any ground. By bet and vote goes to the Democrat Party in November. Hoping that defeating Trump by 3 million votes in 2016, 7 million votes in 2020, we will see a Trump defeat by 10+ million votes in 2024.
  9. I am hoping he keeps deluding himself. I he ever accepts reality, I fear a complete mental breakdown. Please not before we vote in November. Then maybe he will at last find a way out of the 90+ indictments ... incompetent to stand trial.
  10. I do find it rather disconcerting that we would, no doubt, agree on preserving many American cultural traditions but ... I would also note that god's wrath is a well established view in USA conservative Christian beliefs so pointing to the similar teaching in the Koran comes as no surprise. Sorry, it is my history background coming out. Hammarabi's, eye for an eye justice, found its way into the later Old Testament from which both these beliefs arise. As to the justified frustration/anger out of the "Holy Land", I can understand it but do not have any easy answer. In the meantime, I will continue to support a secure, independent two state solution.
  11. Thank you, as a retiree here (better than 800 US credit rating), I did not know about the employment angle.
  12. You are free to disagree by saying "rubbish, however, calling me a liar ... no problem ...you do not need me, nor do I need you ... blocked.
  13. January 6, 2021 ...
  14. Currently, Trump represents the most pressing clear and present danger to my country (and others around the globe).
  15. For Western Newcomers ... Thai banks do not offer "Credit Cards" as we are used to in the West where bank cards extend credit based on your credit rating. Here, what they offer is rather secured loans via a bank card as you must have the amount equal to your credit limit extended via the card. Always caught me off guard when I first arrived over a decade ago. Others correct me if there are any Thai banks offering true "Credit Cards" like the three I still use from CapOne, AMEX, Fidelity.
  16. I wish good health for Trump ... he is doing a great service in helping point out the contrasts in the upcoming election.
  17. That is my reading of the campaign and I agree with the priority. Ha! Trump followers thing we should conform to their idea of holding interviews according to their demands ... foolish thinking on their part but then look at who they chose as their candidates. Oh ... and thank you MAGA you have helped us in the November election.
  18. I certainly would never claim my opinion was shared by "everyone else". One would be a fool for doing so but ... based on the polls and my knowledge of American History, I would go so far as to say the majority of the American electorate. Of course that opinion will be tested in November. I base my thinking in part also that Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016, by 7 million in 2020. Hopefully by 10 + million in 2024.
  19. I am thinking Trump's MAGA base will remain firm. My question is if the majority of the American electorate will vote in November. If they do, Trump and his Project 2025 ilk will be rejected. What is I am wrong and Trump wins the popular vote (which he has never done) ... well, in that case, the USA is not worth supporting and defending. It will be a declaration of a failed state.
  20. No need to attack Trump. He is indicted by his own actions ...
  21. Radicalizes? Only in reflection of today's MAGA.
  22. Thank you. They are rightly running scared.
  23. They are right to be running scared.
  24. I started with public Wikipedia article.
  25. Agreed, although I think the Republicans do have a strategy, clearly outlined in Project 2025.
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