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Everything posted by Celsius

  1. I DID.....and will do the same again
  2. Well, yes. A bunch of predictable posts followed. The thing is, I am allowed to change my mind. The beauty of it is I am not stuck here. I can leave whenever I please. If I was once dumb and full of cuum it does not mean I should choose to remain stupid.
  3. It is absolutely the same comparison ad you charging at home. And that map of yours is not based in reality. Wifey drives to Chonburi/Rayong once a week to visit customers and if there are any charging stations they are not on the way. If she was driving electric she would get fired.
  4. Tat can expect whatever they want, but if you want real news watch CNA which is mostly based on reality reporting. The news from about a month ago mentioned that Chinese arrivals were half before COVID and no one is spending.
  5. And so what? My wife pays big fat zero for gas. She gets refunded in full every month by her company. Also insurance. One of the reasons why she won't switch to electric. Charging at home is not a reality for many.
  6. Is Thailand a good value for money - if you have money? In my opinion it was always bad value, even 11 years ago when I moved and cad$ was worth 30 baht. Thailand always wants to take all while giving nothing in return. Actually they will take it even more. They want to tax you, but give you no benefits. As a matter of fact, still report to us every 90 day like a criminal. They want to give you LTR visa, but you have to invest millions, while still giving you nada besides tome tax benefit that may or may not hold up in the future. They want to sell you a long term tourist visa for 30,000 usd. Is 😺 and 🛕 really worth it. This place would be a hard pass with anyone who has brain.
  7. If anyone wonders why is this a 3rd world country despite your fancy shopping malls and condos that start falling apart after a decade.....well here it is. A daily event, just more dead today.
  8. Farang dodged a bullet. Can not blame
  9. Anyone can pretend to be a millionaire on elite visa. Even I could afford one. LTR visa actually requires usd 80k in income. Hard for many even if you have 1-2 million in bank. Hence Elite visa = tourist visa.
  10. This thing everyone is posting about plaque I googled yesterday. It seems to be a very minor issue and only if taken in excess. Every single thing has side effects, even a good diet.
  11. Good point. Thais buy EV because they are cheap. Will continue burning....because it is cheap.
  12. Honestly, I already thought I bought a low dosage. Others are selling 500mg. I can't see anything lower in Thailand. Maybe I will just cut a pill in half for wifey.
  13. Yes, that would be a good idea. I did not have any reaction at all, but wife did. Was ready to go to the hospital if I didn't start googling.
  14. Kinda hard to find in Thailand. Do you have a link? Also, do you think 100mg a day is safe? Do you take it yourself?
  15. Okay, I retract my comment. I read the other link, so fine. However, you did say in that thread that cars are total cr@p and you basically bought a disposable Chinese vehicle to cut losses.
  16. I bought me a Niacin on Lazada (21st Century brand - cheap). I took a pill and was fine. My wifey took one and started feeling how, itchy, numb and red all over. After reading a bit this seems to be a very common and harmless side effect. But I also read that recommended daily dosage should be under 35mg. Is 100mg safe to take daily. I googled, but want some members real world experiences.
  17. They saw woman president and had to jump in
  18. Of course that post was a total lie. Who buys and sells cars every year? Of course, won't even mention the model that supposedly depreciated only 10% in 2 years.
  19. which is also 2.5 hours from Bangkok.....in Isaan
  20. So, you are buying a Toyota, not China Electric?
  21. Some Farang will save them by marrying the daughter
  22. Just like a bargirl you're stuck with her forever. Massive Positive - at least you didn't built a house in Isaan.
  23. Ptetty good.... Vs Atto3 that loses 500,000 baht a year apparently
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