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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. Whether it tastes good is a different issue from weather it's healthy. Hygiene is poor with dishes washed in big buckets of dirty water and vegetables not adequately washed before they're cooked, the oil is often bought used from places like McDonald's, fruits and vegetables are steeped in pesticides, most dishes are loaded up with sugar and salt, the meat is left out in the heat unrefrigrated, You have to be very careful when buying street food.
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 62 seconds  
  3. boilermaker -- shot of whisky either on the side or added to the beer.
  4. That's been the case for some time, at least if you're making a deposit with a teller. It's supposed to prevent money laundering.
  5. I wonder what happens to these people. Suppose you're 82, in ill heatlh, you've been in Thailand for years or maybe decades, you have no family to speak of back home, certainly nobody that will take you in. Then you do a dumb thing like shoplifting and you get deported. Suddenly, you're at the airport in a country you don't know anymore. Where do you go from there?
  6. Just finished "A Bloody Lucky Day," a Korean drama about a struggling taxi driver desperate for money who picks up a fare who promises to pay him double for a long-distance taxi ride. Unfortunately, the customer turns out to be a serial killer. For the first six episodes or so this was a pretty generic serial killer drama . I even thought about quitting it. But then it makes an explosive turn and becomes an edge-of-your seat nail biter Available, on x1337 and TPB among others and also Flixhq.to if the torrents don't work.
  7. Chadchart ran on a platform that promised to allow the return of the vendors, who of course have great support among all the people except the rich. It's obvious though that his intention is to stamp them out in response to complaints from real estate developers like Srettha that they're an eyesore that makes it more difficult to sell their luxury condos. Street vending has always been a safety valve for poorer Thais. If they lost their jobs or needed extra income, they could always go out and sell things in the street. I know several people who have full-time jobs who sell on the weekends. Now they'll have to limit themselves to night markets and things like that, which will make it much more difficult for them. And although vendors can be an annoyance, it isn't that hard to regulate them. It's just that the police extort money and then let them do what they want.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 55 seconds  
  9. Our favorite (or at least most prolific) foreign tax attorney out with a new video highlighting a proposal by Thai tax authorities to raise the tax on condo purchases by foreigners by 10-20 percent (100,000-200,000 per million). It's hard to see this actually being enacted since it would crush the condo market but it does show that there is a faction in the Thai bureaucracy determined to wring more money out of the foreign community by any means possible. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAj7zhQiEQg
  10. To be fair, he was always groping Ivanka as well
  11. So far Trump has promised to eliminate the income tax, cut the corporate tax, get rid of the tax on tips, eliminate the tax on overtime, and cut the deficit. Ha ha ha ha ha
  12. Remember, it was Thaksin who raised the retirement requirement to 800,000. And it was Srettha (a minion of Thaksin) who proposed the world income tax policy. And it's Paetongtarn who has vowed to overhaul the Thai tax system. This isn't from the bureaucracy, it has Thaksin's fingerprints all over it.
  13. This is a Thaksin policy so the real question is how long Paetongtarn is going to be around. If she does, the policy will most likely go too.
  14. Pest birds such as pigeons should be periodically culled. Okay, I feed sparrows and mynah birds sometimes, but they don't congregate, they don't bother other people, they don't <deleted> all over the place, and they don't carry diseases harmful to humans. Pigeons and crows are pests and a health danger and should be treated as such. Crows you can at least reason with but I hate pigeons.
  15. Harris won the debate because Trump lost it. She sounded overrehearsed but she kept her cool and managed to make him look like a lunatic, which, admittedly, is not hard to do (they're eating dogs, they're eating cats, they're eating pets!)
  16. Street food is not healthy which is why so many thais have chronic diseases l
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 135 seconds  
  18. Unfortunately, season 1 wasn't very good either. I'm skipping season 2
  19. Both what's app and line have pc versions (you still need a phone though)
  20. You need to install an android emulator on your laptop such as bluestacks
  21. The Democrats have never been able to win an election and it's clear they deserve their fate. A party with less integrity and poorer judgment would be hard to find (oh, wait, the Pheu Thai)
  22. I'm in the process of reading the Raylan Givens series by Elmore Leonard:: Pronto, Riding the Rap, Raylan, Fire in the Hole. The first two were written before the TV series Justified, based on the Raylan Givens character, was made. Leonard wrote the other two in response to the series. I have never been a big Elmore Leonard fan but I'm on the third book in this series, though normally I have a hard time finishing thrillers these days. But I'm drawn to the character of Raylan, so much so that I started watching Justified again. And, yep, it's just as good as I remembered.
  23. I watched The Killer, a French remake of the Hong Kong movie made way back in 1989 that starred the legendary Chow Yun-Fat. The remake is directed by John Woo, the same director of the original. Woo made a name for himself with his ultra-violent Hong Kong gangster flicks and then came to Hollywood where he made a few films (including a Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise) with mixed success. His style never really meshed with Hollywood. Woo is in his 70's now and it's hard to see the rationale for the remake but despite its flaws, I enjoyed it. The Chow Yun-Fat role of the assassin has been changed to woman (Nathalie Emmanuel). Some of the acting is clunky, the script has holes, and it's not realistic but it is high octane, the fight scenes are smoothly choreographed and it's the type of film, to use a cliche, that they just don't make anymore.
  24. Once an addict, always an addict, a fundamental rule of groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. He might have stopped using drugs but the addiction personality remains, obvioiusly transferred in this case to a need for power and attention.
  25. And who was PM at this time? Thaksin. The same Thaksin who just announced that his daughter's administration would demand "ownership" and "accountability" from state officials even though he claimed he had no responsibility for the Tak Bai massacre, that it was all the fault of the military.
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