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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. Because then you might write things that actually make sense instead of trying to trash talk people you don't know
  2. Maybe you should have devoted more time to studying English
  3. Thai Visa is a reputable visa agency. I have used it in the past and so have other members of this forum, I believe. He doesn't have to go all the way to Bangkok, the procedures can be handled through EMS. As another poster pointed out, the main problem is that the stamp will not be from the immigration office where he is living. Instead, it will come from a provincial office (Thai Visa can inform him which one). It might also be possible for the OP to find an agent in Pattaya at a lower price. In that case, the stamp will come from Jomtien immigration.
  4. Amazing. Approx 30 posts and no one answered the op's question. O
  5. Yeah, the don't want to give away all their secrets
  6. There are currently smart watches on the market that purport to monitor blood glucose (such as K watch), though their accuracy has been questioned. Apple is working on its own CMB but it will probably be a while before it comes to market. Dexcom makes a glucose monitor that attaches to the arm with micropines, so it doesn't require constant pricing of the finger. It can also transmit the results to some smartphones.
  7. Apparentlty, this is a new trend and there are even "glucose consultants" to interpret the results. My friend, for instance, who is non-diabetic, feels there is value in seeing what affect different foods have on his glucose levels so he can tweak his diet to avoid unhealthy spikes. CNBC has a news story about the the rise of this market: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYy1zEHvXZ4 Here's a Twitter thread that discusses the pros and cons https://twitter.com/BradStanfieldMD/status/1706000812097642776
  8. No, he has private insurance. They told him he didn't need it because he wasn't diabetic
  9. CGM generally isn't recommended by doctors unless there is a specific need. I know my friend in Paris wanted to a glucose monitor but couldn't find a doctor willing to prescribe it.
  10. I guess the price of pork is going up. Big C is going to have to find a new supplier.
  11. They're trying to figure out how to charge Thais 20 baht and foreigners 100
  12. For a long time, I wore my glasses when using my laptop but I stopped about a year and a half ago. My eyesight has actually improved since then ( don't need reading glasses). In addition to all of the usual steps (hourly breaks, every once in a while look into the distance and then look back, eye exercises, etc), what I have found to be most helpful is deep breathing. You breathe into the eyes and then exhale (basically the Wim Hof method with a focus on your eyes). A lot of eye conditions are caused by dryness and lack of oxygen, particularly if you're old. As a bonus, I haven't had any eye floaters either since I started doing it religiously (30 minutes power breathing every morning).
  13. Apparently, this post caused some confusion. What I meant was by making onerous demands, the IO is pushing the applicant in the direction of an agent. When the agent applies for you, suddenly all that documentation becomes superfluous for some reason.
  14. So what agency was it? They leave out the most important information
  15. Basically, they're telling you to use an agent. No lease, TM30 or proof of funds needed. You can even got to an agent in Pattaya and they'll sort it out for you. Or use Thai Visa in Bangkok. They'll send someone to your room to pick up your passport.
  16. The poster Prenock in his summary of what went on at the seminar said this: The seminar speakers also mentioned that they want to tax ALL income one recieves during the tax year, not only that remitted into Thailand and that they were also talking about credit card use and ATM withdrawals.
  17. I agree but one thing I've learned over the years is never underestimate the stupidity of the Thai government. And there has been strong resistence against the change in law but it's under the radar because the negotiations with affected parties are ongoing. Look at the TM30 fiasco. That led to an exodus of foreigners out of Thailand and protests from foreign embassies but the government learned nothing from it. They made a slight modification in the rules but there isn't any consistency among the various immigratioin office.
  18. What's being ignored is what was said during the US Embassy seminar, which was that the ultimate intention of the Thai government is to tax all income earned by tax residents of Thailand. In other words, apparently they want to move to a tax on worldwide income and this is the first step. The other major point is that initially it was assumed that this tax was mainly aimed at Thai people with money overseas. That appears not to be the case and in reality they are deliberately targetting foreigners. So the consequences could be severe if they follow through on these proposals. Even taxing remittances would have a big impact on the condo market, one would think, where foreign buyers play a significant role. Even if the actual impact turns out to be small, the controversy this proposal has stirred up is bound to have negative consequences. Retirees will rethink retiring in Thailand, Diigital Nomads will move on to friendlier areas, and there will be less enthusiasm for investing in condos, parking large amongs of money in the local banks, and making plans to settle down here if the rules can change so drastically overnight. It's just bad policy.
  19. I read that coconut works https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/coconut-defeats-debilitating-diarrhea
  20. Me either. I came to Thailand to have a hassle-free retirements. Seems like they're intent on putting an end to that.
  21. "You will own nothing" doesn't mean that at all. It means everything will be leased to you on a subscription basis. This has already started. Microsoft now pressures you to "subscribe" to Office. All the books that you have on your kindle or other e-reader don't belong to you. Sony just deleted all Discovery programs from its Playstation. HP forces you to subscribe to ink jet replacements and if you decide not to pay they lock down your printer. In other words, you'll have rights over nothing.
  22. Looks like the worst case scenario is about to come true.
  23. They'll allow you to import plants?
  24. It's not your imagination. It's due to the resurgence of Covid according to the ones I've talked to. In fact, a couple of people expressed surprise that I'm not doing the same.
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